3 April 2015

Weekend reading

Easter is usually the last chance people have to camp out before the cold weather starts here. Camping is big where I live, especially over the Easter weekend. For the rest of us who stay home and sleep in real beds, I know the Easter bunny will find us but I'm not so sure about the campers.

Sunny and Jamie fly home tomorrow and I'm dying to see them both. We might see them tomorrow, but if not they'll be here with Kerry on Sunday for Easter lunch. Good times!

I hope you have a great Easter break. Take it easy, put your feet up and relax. I'll see you again next week, when my sister will be here.  :- )

Cross over apron pattern and tutorial
When apps are driven by the market, there’s only one winner. It’s not you …
How to use pins the right way
Underground Hybrid Self Watering Rain Gutter Style Grow System
Faux cheesecake - dairy-free
A simple life is a good life - five reminders from the Amish
In depth companion planting guide
Emissions links to respiratory illnesses double in Australia


  1. We eat breakfast most Saturday mornings at a restaurant owned by a family who left the Amish because they do not believe the way that the Amish do-I mean their Bible beliefs. They still live by all of those principles even though they live in the modern world. The food in the restaurant is all made from scratch and delicious. They have handmade aprons and other items for sale along with bread and cakes and pies. They work so hard every day that I wonder how they keep going. A small room at the side is sort of a museum with farm implements and the buggy and such. It is a fun place to take out of town guests for breakfast.

    My husband and I have a trip to Amish country planned for late May. I have wanted to go all of my life and am so excited.

    1. Lana, I have Amish friends in central Pennsylvania, USA. Where do you live? I'd love to visit the restaurant you go to.

    2. It is The Dutch Plate in Campobella, SC.

  2. I've been meaning to make a cross-over apron just like that one (adult sized) but a bit more covered on the back. I've pinned a bunch of patterns and have dyed some gorgeous silk cloth. I intend to wear it as a pinafore over black pants and a comfy t-shirt for work etc.

  3. Happy Easter to you and your family Rhonda.
    Thank you, as always, for interesting weekend reading, I will be at home and enjoy working my way through your list between sharing time with family.
    This rain not too good for campers, but lovely for my allotment.

  4. My sister would love one of those aprons, Rhonda. Thanks for the link. The Easterfest campers here will have a soggy weekend but they are young and won't mind I am sure. At my age I like my bed :-) It will be exciting for you to have Jamie and Sunny back again. Have a lovely Easter with your family.

  5. Thank you for the wonderful and interesting links as always :)

  6. Happy Easter! Enjoy the family being home and thank you for the fun links to reading. I have known some Amish all my life and have nothing but respect for their lifestyle. The article on pins was interesting, I think I mostly do that but not always and it is nice to do things deliberately! Thanks for another fun list!

  7. hi Rhonda, I hope you are enjoying your Easter.
    For a while now I have been sent your lovely blog entries, however, for some reason I no longer get them in my inbox. I have tried to re-subscribe, but the blog application tells me I am already subscribed. Your entries are not in my 'junk' box either. I hope you can help from your end.
    Thank you,

  8. We had a wonderful eater weekend camping along the south gippsland coast in our little old pop up camper. One wild weather night but the rest were fantastic. Camping always reminds me of the little you need to get by. I came home and started decluttering the house. Great links Rhonda. Enjoy your time with your sister, it sounds wonderful.

  9. I followed your link to the crossover apron pattern and liked it so much, I made one! Thanks for the link.
    I'm so happy for you that your sis is visiting...and Jamie.


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