27 February 2015

Weekend reading

Thank you all for the good wishes and love sent during the week when I announced I'm writing another book. It's a wonderful opportunity at any age to write but to do it when I'm nearing 70 is a beautiful gift. The process of writing enables me to think about what we value and how we live those values, and in the end, I feel regenerated and that every morning is a brand new beginning. What a life! I'm delighted to write about it and so thankful to live it as we do away from the mainstream.

I hope you have a lovely weekend watching the seasons start to change. Stay safe, I'll see you again next week.

Eggs Are Back: The Elegant Simplicity of the New Diet Guidelines
We'll all die one day. Isn't it time we got used to the idea?
Cheesy cauliflower breadsticks
Avian flue in backyard chickens - specially for north America but a lesson for everyone who keeps chickens
A family affair
Spurtopia workshops in Brisbane Spurtopia homestead is closing in April. If you want to see what they've set up there, you'll have to move fast.
Gluten-free: health fad or life-saving diet?


  1. Men who knit!! At last.
    Rising excitement here about your new book - I wonder how many more books will be in you before you reach 90? Plenty we alI hope.

  2. I live in the US and have both of your books on my kindle. I have read both more than once. Love the ideas in them. It reminds me of a conversation with my dear grandmother. I am 63 now, I lost her when I was 38, and I miss her and our conversations so much. She was very un educated. They took her out of school at the age of 9 to pick cotton in Alabama and she never got to go back to school. School was so important to her, she wanted me to be a teacher so much. She paid for my college education. I am sorry to say I disappointed her very much when I dropped out of the college and married. It broke her heart.
    I love your blog because it is so real and down to earth is a perfect name. Grandma had chickens, a garden, and cleaned house everyday like company was coming over. She cooked the best meals a person ever ate. I have her old Sunbeam mixer in my kitchen and it still works well. I think of her when I use it.
    Good luck with your new book. I am sure when it is on kindle I will get it too. Best wishes to you and your family.

  3. When I read your post this morning Rhonda I thought "How wonderful." It is inspiring to think of you being so lovingly absorbed in your work.

  4. Thanks for the weekend reading, Rhonda. I will check out the links later on. All the best with your writing today. You will be looking forward to finishing it.

  5. very excited about your new book Rhonda. How to pre order? Why are spurtopia closing? Thanks for all your wise words xx

    1. Rue, you can pre-order through the Penguin site. Spurtopia is being demolished by the owners. Romana and Jana are moving to to the other side of Brisbane.

  6. Hi Rhonda, I am always so inspired by your words and today is no different.
    Thank you for the link to the article about dying. My daughter (10) has been telling me of hers fears about dying. I have always said life is for living today but now feel I have a better story to tell her about life and death.
    Thank you. kxx

    1. I'm so pleased to read that. So many people are scared of speaking about death with children. :- ) xx

  7. I wish you a nice weekend and greetings to Hanno.

    Best wishes from Hamburg :

    1. Hi Sascha! Good to see you here. Our love to you and the family. xx

  8. I hope you have a great weekend!

    Our oldest daughter, 31, is gluten free and does become very ill if she accidentally gets even the tiniest amount of gluten. I have seen that many eliminate gluten and dairy and have wondered if perhaps some are just lactose intolerant. We have had several new neighbors in our neighborhood lately and I have traditionally taken baked goods and met the new neighbors but now I wonder if it will just go in the trash if they do not eat grains. For most of my adult life I have taken meals to those in need but it has become very difficult with the long list of foods that people avoid and I am often stumped about what to cook. I find myself offering less often. That is sad.

  9. The first book never arrived here in the US..I was disappointed to say the least.....


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