6 February 2015

Weekend reading

Homegrown hot chillies and garlic.

To the person who emailed, telling me in no uncertain terms, to categorise my links, I hope you aren't as rude in real life. The links are placed in the order I find them and will remain like that. Some days I wonder why I do this. :- \

The Australian’s obituary of Colleen McCullough is a sad reflection of how women’s lives are valued
When I travelled over to the next town a couple of weeks ago to pick up my bulk bread flour, I noticed they had chick pea flour.  I bought some for Sunny. She is making chickpea tofu with it. I haven't made it myself but the recipe seems quite easy and it looks like a very good alternative to soy tofu.
How to clean your sewing machine
Preserving lemons without salt
12 Ways Self-Sufficiency Will Make You a Happier Person



  1. Wow! Thanks for the link to the piece in the Guardian about the post-apocalyptic community! Holy guacamole, what a story! And I don't care what the heck order the links are in ;)

  2. Don't let the b-----s grind you down! I suspect they would be just as rude in real life. Have a great weekend.

  3. Some days I wonder why I do this. :- \ Because you wuv us and rude numskulls don't matter at all! I am truly sorry that you have been upset by a candidate for the Darwin prize. You have thousands of admirers who make you, your family and your posts part of their daily life. What more can I say. Although I am also horrified that you do not categorize your links (hahahahahahaha! seriously???) I would not care if you misspelled every other word.

    Just ignore (not worth wasting the electric current from one of your brain cells thinking about them) but here are some of my favourite snarky combacks, “Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?” or, “I'll try being nicer if you'll try being more intelligent,” or, “I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce,” or “I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public,” or “I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.” You don't have to say them aloud but thinking them makes me smile and really annoys whoever is being rude to me.

    1. So true Sunny. Not worth the brain cells. Why they bother, I do not know? Your replies made me smile and I'm sending those smiles to you Rhonda and to the nitwit who wrote the comment.(although those smiles might have the smallest drop of sarcasm)
      kate xx

    2. '... candidate for the Darwin prize. Priceless! :) I haven't gotten any rude comments yet, but I just started in May 2014. Give it time. Our whole family lets idiot remarks flow off our backs. We TRY to keep in mind we were all created (and loved) by the same God. Sometimes it's very, very difficult.

  4. I am shocked that someone would tell you how to organize your blog. Oh brother.

  5. Ugh! Please ignore that nasty person and know that the rest of us look forward to this post every week and appreciate it very much! I hope you have a great, relaxing weekend!

  6. "I hope you aren't as rude in real life" - oh that made me cackle! :) I created and run my daughter's school's facebook page and this week we've had some dramas with people being a bit brave behind their keyboards. *Sigh* If you wouldn't say it to a person's face, don't say it online!

    Love your work Rhonda :)

  7. It must be true that most people love you and your blog for sharing the wonders and adventures of simplifying life. Let the rude and bossy people be who they are...... and YOU KEEP ON BEING WHO YOU ARE! You are greatly admired by so many. Cheers!

  8. Hi Rhonda, I read so many blogs on a wide range of topics, and not a single one catagorizes their weekend links. Some people just need something to complain about, don't they? Please keep doing what you are doing- yours is my favourite!

  9. "Some days I wonder why I do this. :- \ " You do this for us, your loving fans and friends. There will always be "those" type of people out there, and they are the ones that don't matter. Keep up your amazing work, RJ. Xo

  10. Oh good grief! Some people are only happy when they are complaining. If she doesn't like it, why does she read your blog? Don't give her another thought. Have a nice weekend Rhonda.

  11. Thanks for the weekend reading links, Rhonda...although I am not sure how I will cope with them not being categorised. LOL! I hope you have a relaxing weekend.

  12. Hi Rhonda,I am shocked to hear that someone was so rude to you I love your blog as many do keep up your wonderful work and keep smiling you are a wonderful caring sharing person,a big thumbs down to that rude person xx

  13. I always look forward to your Weekend reading and it has never occurred to me that it should be categorised. It looks like you add the links as you read and find them. Thank you for sharing these gems.
    Continue, as you were.

    Cheers - Joolz xx

  14. Thanks for the links, though the one about Colleen Mcullough's obituary made me angry!

  15. Some people have very little on their minds and are rude because of it. Don't even think of not 'doing this'. You give a lot of enjoyment to a lot of people and I would miss you. Cheers kiddo.

  16. I hope you do it because some of us love you and your blog, uncategorized links and all, LOL.
    blessings, jill

  17. Rhonda,( my fantasy grandmother!).... Sometimes you just have to LOL at people 😊 x x

  18. Rhonda your blog is amazing and i hadnt noticed that "weekend reading" wasnt in any special order lol, i just look forward to my thursday evening looking through the ones that interest me, we wouldnt manage without your wonderful posts and inspiration.

  19. Love your links just the way they are! Keep doing what you do Rhonda! :)

  20. I found the Doomsday story really interesting. I use to toy with the idea of commune living in my 20's. It's so sexist to discuss personal domestic life and looks of accomplished women. Rhonda there are some bizarre people out there (I have to avoid some when I go in to town) and you just have to ignore them. We love and appreciate every thing you do. Kind regards, Zena xx

  21. Goodness people are rude! Fancy thinking they can question the way you style your blog! Blinking cheek! I love reading your blog and it has taught me loads and inspired me x

  22. well everyone else has said what i'm feeling at the 'rude person' please don't ever change the way you do your weekend reading or anything else, it's what makes you you! & we love you for it & yes you are a grandma figure to me too xxx
    we all love the way you do this it's like being there with you for breakfast every morning!
    thanx for a wonderful enriching blog
    hope you have a great weekend!

    selina from kilkivan qld

  23. I'm going to jump in and agree with all these lovely ladies. Oh my! I have learned so much from the ideas and articles you share. Thank you so much for the time you spend writing this blog for us.

    And, on a personal level, thank you for showing me the value of the work I do here in my home. Because of the words you have written, I respect and honor the routine of everyday little things. When I bake bread or knit a dishcloth, I often think of you in another hemisphere doing the same simple, noble tasks in your home. Blessings on your sweet head.

  24. When I first read the article about the obituary of Colleen McCullough I was incensed. Typical male chauvinist viewpoint. How dare they be so dismissive and shallow. But then when I read all of the comments about her and him, Bryce Courtenay, I realized that this was actually a great comment on her. According to the obit he was just a writer but look at her - a complete and truly varied woman, wife, mother, neuroscientist, author, sex goddess and great Australian. XX really is the multi tasking chromosome. Poor men.

  25. Ditto with everyone's comments. Love your work Ronda...you always may my day.

  26. Please ignore the "rude person"please ignore the "rude person" and continue to do what you do so well: I love reading your blog posts and always find them most interesting. Your Weekend Reading always throws up something of interest - this week the Cleaning your sewing machine item which I have pinned on Pinterest for future use. Thank you!

  27. Your blog is a cornucopia of knowledge, Rhonda. And a monument to a lifestyle that celebrates everything that is really important in life. The Ancient Greeks held sophrosyne as the best you could attain in life and you seem to have succeeded in all it encompasses. Just as in real life there are a lot of people on the internet that have major character flaws. However, especially the cowardly ones with these flaws seem to spew their venom all too easily online. Please do not heed them, Rhonda. Your blog is the joy in the day of so many others.

  28. Oh no Rhonda, please keep posting your links and I think that ON YOUR OWN BLOG you can post them how ever you b.... well feel like it!!!!

    I hope your weekend is peaceful and relaxing and that rude people stay away.

    Peace, love and happiness, Julie xo

  29. How RUDE is that person?!!! I'd like to say 'suck it up, Princess' but I was raised to have better manners. I LOVE your blog Rhonda and am so grateful for the warm encouragement I find here. Bless you - (((big hugs)))

  30. Oh Rhonda, I found your blog about a month ago or so, and have been following ever since. It is so refreshing to find someone else who is a lover of home! And as far as the other person who made a comment, attempting to tell you how to run your blog, well, I have a saying, that although not "politically correct", seems to be understood among most people, regardless of economic or social status. And that comment is "Bite Me", lol! So, from a follower in Canada, keep up the good work!

  31. Dont take any notice of rude people Rhonda, there is this thing called Karma! We all love what you do :-)

  32. The remark telling you to organise your links is too stupid. I will move along from it.

    As for the Colleen McCullough article, ditto. Only I did not expect this from Australia; I must say.

  33. REALLY, How rude !!!! And what categories would this person like ????? Do we need categories ? I just read them as they come Rhonda. Keep up the good work

  34. Why do I do it? Because you love it!
    It's part of your daily routine!
    It's your nature to be kind, caring and sharing!
    For every one d******* out there there are thousands of people who appreciate you! How many forum members/followers do you have? (Rhetorical question)
    Categorising weekend reading list....... Mmmmmmmmm wondering?
    Your list has such a diverse and eclectic range of topics, (which is why it is so appealing)......how could they be categorised? It would appear that you would need a new category for most links!
    I just don't get it! Don't the titles give a hint???
    Keep up the fantastic life you lead, you are a true inspiration!
    Let it go! Let it go! Let it go!

  35. All I can say is, "Wow."

    Thanks for the links! They are always interesting and give me something to consider or utilize! I know it takes a great deal of time to compile them and appreciate your taking the time to do it for us!

    Merry weekend!

  36. I always enjoy your links, Rhonda, as well as your lovely, peaceful posts.Cranky readers are a downside of writing a widely-read blog, and that's a shame. Please know there are so many other readers whose lives are brighter because you share your thoughts and your internet "finds" with us. Have a good weekend!

  37. I love your blog and it gives me, and so many others, so much inspiration! I couldn't give two hoots what order links are in, just thankful to have found your blog! People are very jealous of eachother and always wanting to put eachother down. Wish you and your lovely family a fine weekend, and keep up your great work, it means a great deal to many. Pam in Norway

  38. Love your blog but I am just a lurker:). Please keep going. Ignore the negative people. You do a wonderful job and I am glad that there are others that think like me - preserving and keeping your home.

  39. keep up the fantastic job you have been doing, Rhonda. We would miss you!

  40. There's always a rotten able in the bunch, but the majority are super sweet. Shame on that, not so sweet apple! I've never noticed that the links weren't categorized, like we have all day to categorize stuff for fussy ones. Love your posts!

  41. Some people have too much time on their hands obviously!!! We love your blog, appreciate all you do and time you put in, don't let one unkind person bring you down xxx Jan x

  42. Some people are just jerks.
    Remember how many people love you and your blog, you touch so many lives every single day. I for one thank you xxBrenda

  43. Unfortunately, some people confuse being rude with being strong.

  44. Oh yes and then you could cross index them by author name and chronology and publication; because all your readers know you have nothing better to do than pander to someones overactive inner librarian. Really, some people are so rude! I love your Friday lists; I love the eclectic mix and how there's always something interesting to read. I'm truly grateful you find time to write and share with us.Please don't stop Rhonda; your blog is an inspiration to countless numbers of us who really appreciate what you do. :-)

    1. Oh thank you for the perfect description of the rude person! I have been scrolling through comments and wishing for the perfect thing to say and I will just jump on your bandwagon now - Overactive inner librarian - thank you and amen!
      Rhonda keep up the good work!

  45. Just want to show my support , don't comment much here however love reading your blog regularly and look forward to the weekend reading & as others have said appreciate the research you put in for US the readers 😘Love the line LET IT GO,LET IT GO, LET IT GO !! Have a restful weekend !

  46. Love the links as they are. Love your blog too! Can't please everyone and who cares !😄

  47. Ignore snotty people!
    You are loved.

  48. I thought your links were categorised, under Weekend Reading! You are a blog not a library!

  49. I read your blog almost every day. The weekend reading is part of my ritual - to be spread out over Saturday and Sunday - enjoyed with several cups of tea and maybe a homemade treat. Please know that your posts are inspiring me to live the simple life in my own way. They are fantastic, just the way they are!

  50. Don't worry about that Person Rhonda, he/she doesn't know any better then to whinge.

    Your blog is allways interesting and helpful. Keep up the the good work.

  51. Love your weekend reading posts and think they are set out just fine. It isn't as though there are 600 links! Seriously, some people need to think.....

  52. Ah I know why you do this Rhonda. You do it for me and all the others, you do it for you and Hanno, you do it because you are a kind and generous person. I have never had trouble finding the information I need on your blog archives.

  53. Hilarious! Who on earth would have the nerve!?

  54. I love those links, you never know where you are going to find yourself wandering......the red of those peppers is stunning!

  55. Rhonda, I've been reading your blog daily for about seven years. You've had a very positive influence on me, and even my teenaged sons know "The Australian Lady" as I refer to you when I share something from your blog. They've been hearing about you since they were boys and now they are nearly men.

    I have heard from other bloggers that "things have changed" in the blogging world over the last few years. I don't know what that's all about, but I hope that you're not discouraged or burnt-out. Your friends here in this online community really enjoy your company. Sorry about the rude ones.

    Marie Claire

  56. I'm sorry, but that comment made me laugh out loud! You only post a few links each week- how does that merit categorization? You certainly need a sense of humor in the world of blogging! I find several interesting articles each week to read in your list and appreciate you compiling them. I hope the comment didn't spoil your weekend.

  57. You do it (very graciously and generously) for us!! And we love you <3

  58. I missed this over the weekend, but when you mentioned it this morning.....well, curiosity you know...... of course I had to then read the comments to work out what was meant to be categorised...... I was looking for some major long list of all types of things...... lol, certainly not a conversational reading list...... clearly somebody out there has a bad case of computer OCD........ And, oh, that's right - somebody forgot it's YOUR blog for you to write it, colour it, and whatever..... your way, and with over 6000 followers, I guess there are others who actually don't mind how you do it! PS - Don't think I've ever actually commented to say Thankyou for the weekend links xo

  59. Please don't let one rotten email spoil what you do for us every week. I may not comment on your blog often, but I certainly appreciate it and love your posts. I really like these links you post every week, too. I don't give a rat's hind end how they are categorized. :-)

  60. Just catching up on my reading. Please ignore the rude comments . Some people are so unhappy , the take it out on others. Not worth a second thought. I love your blogs just the way they are, as your beautiful personality shines through. Your posts are always looked forward to in this house.


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