13 February 2015

Weekend reading

Sage flowers.

It's Friday again. What a week it's been here. Hanno is not feeling well but is taking Jamie to kindy every day and I've been working away like a trojan, dividing my time between writing, editing, housework and cooking. Consequently, there are not many links this week as I haven't had time to read as much as I usually do. As my mother used to say, at least we know we're alive. ;- )  

Thank you for your interesting and supportive comments during the week. I often wish I could respond more but I do read every one of the comments, I often smile when I read them, and when I close my blog down for the day, I always feel like I've spent time with friends.

It's a twin thing
Curios and curiouser: the weird and wonderful stuff that artists collect
Fat guidelines lacked any solid scientific evidence
Baby food from shops half as nutritious as homemade meals, study finds
Look at this nifty piece of lovely mending


  1. Hi Rhonda,

    I haven't had much time to comment since going back to work, but I always read and often smile :)

    Have a beautiful weekend,


  2. Friday already, where did the week go? Thank you for the links Rhonda. I read or watched something recently that said the dietary recommendations are engineered by big business, which was why fat became the villain and not sugar. The link on darning has beautiful photography. Darning is such a great skill. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. Good morning, Rhonda. I hope Hanno feels better soon. The article on the fat guidelines is very interesting. Thanks for the weekend reading links and I hope you get more time to read next week and that you are not as busy.

  4. This artist (and "collector") loved the 'Curios and curiouser' piece! Will be passing that onto my husband who complains about my collecting! ;)

  5. good morning rhonda!
    hope hanno feels better soon xxx
    loved the weekend reading as usual
    your sage flowers look beautiful!
    hope you have a great weekend xxx
    selina from kilkivan qld

  6. I hope Hanno feels better soon. I often think the blogosphere is like a virtual university; you drop in, learn loads of really important stuff about life, make friends, have acquaintances, have learning experiences, share stuff, pick up skills, chill out - but unlike Uni we already know how to cook! Happy weekend to you all xx

  7. I have missed being able to come here and the forum. Sorry to hear Hanno isn't feeling very well. Hope you both can catch a breather this weekend.

  8. Thanks for all the links! As always I'm super jealous of your weather and flowers!

  9. Hope Hanno feels better quickly and thank you for all the links, the site with the mending was just awesome, I spent almost a half hour perusing, awesome site! Good weekend to you!

  10. I only finished the last lot of weekend reading a couple of days ago!
    Done all of todays today!
    I do hope Hanno feels much better soon.
    Hugs xx

  11. Hi Rhonda, sorry to hear Hanno is unwell, hope he recovers his health and energy soon. Getting older sucks, doesn't it....
    Thanks for the links - doesn't matter if there are 5 or 50, they always provide food for thought.
    I enjoyed your previous post on the art of blogging :-) I started blogging 10 years ago for one reason only, and that was to record my own sewing projects, and my vintage linen collection. I was surprised to get so many people reading it after a short time; like minded people apparently discovered it by googling embroidery, linen and other words associated with my blog.
    I started adding posts about my day to day life, and after a year or so decided to start a separate blog for that, as not all of my readers were interested in me personally, which I fully understood, as I also got impatient with blogs that were supposed to be about craft, but got sidetracked to the kids activities, new recipes, work, and so on, that I wasn't interested in either! With me it depends on how well I can relate to the individual writing the blog; if I feel a personal connection with them, I love to hear about their day to day life as well as their craft work, but others just don't interest me at all. Just like 'real life' isn't it (as opposed to cyberspace friendships).

  12. I do hope Hanno is feeling better soon. I hope you have a lovely weekend. Thank you for the links I shall read them in all their random loveliness!

  13. A shout out to Hanno. I have not heard that expression of your mothers for years....funnily enough, I was listening to a program on the radio on the way home specifically about sayings and phrases coined and used by Australian females - "lily on a dustbin" and " full up to dolly's wax" etc. Still chuckling about last week's 'uncategorised' weekend reading links :-)

  14. Hi Rhonda. A request for a future post. I would love it if you could share with us from your personal library which books you would recommend to someone starting out on a simpler/self sufficient life. (In addition to your own books of course). I have limited money to buy books and want bang for my buck. I would enjoy comprehensive books, inspiring books and some specific ones on topics such as cooking/preserving, gardening in Australia, sewing etc. I think others would find it helpful as well.


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