9 January 2015

Burnt koalas need mittens

I'm writing this in addition to the weekend reading because this has just come to my attention. Many koalas burnt in the recent bush fires need mittens to help heal their burnt paws. They can't climb or cling to trees if their paws are burnt or infected.  

Can you sew? This is such a worthy and heart breaking cause.  If you have the ability to sew, have some soft cotton or recycled cotton fabric, please see what you can do to help.  If you go to this link, the complete story is there along with a link to a mitten pattern.  If you can't help with sewing, maybe you could manage a few dollars as a donation to this wonderful organisation. Details are in the article. Please help if you can.

I've started a forum thread so all those who are taking part in this can discuss the project.



  1. Good Lord, Rhonda. I just saw this on the news station tonight. How sad, but it did say that all your people are rallying to do something for those little creatures. I knew you wold! I cannot knit, sadly; but I can donate a bit to the cause---a VERY worthy one at that! Thanks for addressing this in your blog.

  2. I've just come back from Spotlight with an armload of 100% cotton fabric and will be busily sewing mittens today and this weekend.

    I mourn for our wildlife each summer...

  3. I made 18 pairs & posted them off yesterday, it's nice to feel you are doing something useful.

  4. Oh no my favourite animal in distress. What an ingenious way of helping out! x

  5. Hi Rhonda thanks so much for passing this on. Those poor little koalas remind me of my two year old. I can't bare to see them in pain regardless; I'm animal lover. I'm downloading and making cotton mittens tonight. Such an easy pattern too.

  6. These are to go over the bandages and dressing to help keep them in place - ABC news clarified this point today.

    1. Thank you. I saw that later, too. I can sew; I better get busy..

  7. My apologies, everyone, for my mistake: I live in California, and on the news station the announcer said knitted, not sewn. Perhaps he did not intend to, or did not know the difference between the two crafts! At any rate, the pictures shown were of people tending to the koalas, their little paws were in buckets; probably right before the vet dresses the wounds. Of course, later on when I saw the post here, I signed right up for the cause; and now that I have followed the pattern link the whole thing became clearer. At any rate, I shall follow through with a donation; since I am half the world away.

  8. We have this posted on our Knit4Charities group, and a couple of people who rang IFAW have been told they've been inundated with mittens.....maybe people need to check with IFAW before making too many (their contact details are on the link Rhonda has given). I made a bundle and sent them yesterday, so have done my bit.

  9. Just a quick note to let you know that they have released a statement saying they have received enough mittens. They are now requesting pouches be made for joeys. They will be putting a pattern and instructions up shortly.

  10. Thank you for bringing this issue to attention, Rhonda! When I see posts like these, I gain extra evidence that the world has many kind people. Sometimes I begin to doubt that. But not today! ;)


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