19 December 2014

Weekend reading

Christmas colours.

This will be my last post of the year as I need to take a break. I won't be far, I'll be here with Hanno and my family, probably with the gate closed to the outside world. But there is plenty here to keep me happy and engaged.  I hope you are able to take a break from your normal routines too.

I think I have the most endearing and faithful readers on the entire World Wide Web. Every day, whether I post or not, you're here in your thousands, reading about our simple life. I've never been able to quite figure out why. Perhaps we all seek the familiarity of everyday life, but your visits here, and especially your comments, keep me writing. Thank you for your visits. Everyone of them give me a reason to keep writing.  If you continue to visit over the holidays, I invite you to read through the archives - there are almost 3000 posts there - and if you're a new reader, it will give you the context to my story. If you have a particular topic you want me to write about next year, add it to your comment and I'll see what I can do for you.

I hope you have a beautiful Christmas and that next year will be a happy one for all of us. Stay well, stay safe, rest and recuperate. Make the most of the holidays and in addition to looking after your family, look after yourself too. xxx

I'll ride with you
Middle classes employment earthquake
The cheapest generation
The mysterious rise of the non-working man
7 steps for getting your kids involved in the kitchen
The student who is raising money for a homeless man who tried to help her
A charming new-to-me blog - Frontier Dreams
How to carve a turkey
Festive drinks - cold
Festive drinks - warm
Make your own marachino cherries
Sorry kale, quinoa, we've already forgotten you   (Psssst, just eat what you like.)


  1. Merry Christmas Rhonda, Hanno and all your family. Thanks for all your wonderful posts throughout the year. Your blog and book are referenced to quite often here in our home. Take care and have a lovely break.
    Mel xx

  2. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy your family!

  3. Have a wonderful and Merry Christmas! I hope you are able to have a relaxing time and enjoyable times with your family. See you in the New Year! Love the blog!

  4. Thank you, Rhonda for writing! Wishing you, Hanno, and your family a merry Christmas, enjoy!

  5. Merry Christmas Rhonda. I hope you and your family have a wonderful, happy time together. Best wishes. xx

  6. A very Merry Christmas to your whole family Rhonda! Sending lots of love and good wishes for the new year ahead!

  7. Rhonda, best wishes to you and Hanno and your family for a merry Christmas, and twelve happy and fulfilling months to follow.

  8. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you and yours! Enjoy your time away from the blogoshpere!

  9. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family, Rhonda! Thank you for sharing so much of what you've learned - it's a great service.

  10. Have a wonderful xmas & new year, enjoy your break & we will see you in the new year

  11. Merry Christmas Rhonda to you and your family - thank you for another year of wise advice , hints and open minded thinking.

  12. Happy Christmas Rhonda to you, Hanno, and all your extended family.
    I am enjoying working my way through your archives. So much good sense there.
    Incidentally, I have just finished the last of my washing machine liquid made from your 'recipe'. So that will be my job this afternoon - to make another batch.
    Have a lovely rest over this festive season. Very best wishes, Jean from Brisbane

    Sorry if this comes through twice.
    It seems to have popped up again.

  13. Hi Rhonda,
    I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and all the best for the new year.
    Gudrun :) from Germany by Baustelle "Leben"

  14. Have a wonderful holiday with your loved ones and I look forward to your pearls of wisdom in the New Year.
    Hugs and good cheer!

  15. a very merry xmas & a happy new year to you & your family rhonda! look forward to reading your blog again in the new year, it gives me heartfelt inspiration reading your blog & makes life a little less hectic
    thanx for all your writings, see you in the new year, have a safe & wonderful holiday!

    selina from kilkivan qld

  16. Merry Christmas to you and your family! I'm looking forward to 2015 with you!

  17. Hi Rhonda--I replied to your 12/16 post and do not see my comment. Not sure what I did wrong!
    I signed up for the forums, and last time I tried, was unable to get on them. I must be pushing a wrong button!

    But anyway--Merry Christmas and enjoy your family. I love your blog and it has really changed my life for the better. Jane

    1. You're not doing anything wrong, Jane. I didn't get your comment I'll check your registration at the forums. Merry Christmas, love.

  18. Merry Xmas to you & your family Rhonda & thank you for keeping me motivated with the simple life, would never go back now, in fact my new years resolution is be be even more self sufficient than ever before!

  19. Merry Xmas Rhonda, and your gorgeous Family! Thank you for a wonderful Blog! And a very Happy New Year! X Carol.

  20. Hi Rhonda,

    I hope you enjoy a beautiful and restorative break with your family. Thank you for the wonderful resources and support you so generously offer. I'll look forward to hearing from you in 2015. Happy New Year!

    Much love,


  21. Hi Rhonda Merry Christmas to you. I'm new here and have been reading through your back catalogue :) You are one inspiring woman. I am very grateful that you spend the time sharing your knowledge and reflections with us. Hope to hear much more from you in 2015.

  22. Wishing you Hanno & family a very merry Christmas & new year, Rhona!

  23. Wishing a joyous holiday season to you and yours!

  24. Hope you and your family have A Down to Earth Christmas..
    Thank you for all the great articles you have chosen for all your bloggers to read I enjoy reading and living by them everyday..Thank you Rhonda.
    Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

  25. Merry Christmas to you Rhonda and your wonderful family. I look forward to reading your posts in the New Year.

  26. Enjoy your break and your family this holiday season! We are going to my family for 6 days and leaving the laptops at home. It is good to unplug! See you in the New Year!

  27. wishing you and your family a Blessed Christmas and New Year.
    Take care.
    Love, WIlma

  28. Have a wonderful break, Rhonda! Merry Christmas and all the best for 2015! Love, Tina xxx

  29. Wishing you and all your family a happy and peaceful Christmas. I enjoy reading your blog and I have your book 'Down to Earth'. I appreciate all the effort and time it takes to write and continually inspire your readers. I have learnt a lot from you. You put the challenges of life into perspective and allow living a simpler home life wonderful. All the very best of good health and enjoyment with your family over the holiday season. Ann

  30. Have a wonderful and peaceful holiday with your family, Rhonda. Thank you for your lovely blog.

  31. See you next year Rhonda! Yes - I have a bout 2500 posts to catch up on.

  32. Merry Christmas to you and your family Rhonda. Thank you for your wonderful blog, my favourite.
    Jak x.

  33. Let us celebrate the gift God give us together, the lord Jesus Christ..Merry Christmas and may God bless you real good, best gift I ever received was from God, his only begotten son Jesus Christ, my Saviour and the one who took my sin away.

  34. Merry Christmas! I have to say I am honored to see you even know of my blog <3 You have been inspiring me for a long time now. Keep up the amazing work!

  35. RJ, the faithfulness and endearing qualities of your readers are a reflection of their writer.

  36. Have a wonderful Christmas Rhonda. Look forward to your posts in 2015.
    Best wishes.
    Angela (south England) UK

  37. Enjoy your time with your family. Happy Christmas.

  38. Why do we keep coming back? You inspire us.

  39. Just wanted to pop in and wish you a very Merry Christmas!!!!

  40. A very merry xmas to you all Rhonda and a very healthy new yr xx

  41. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year! Rest and think of more ways to inspire us!

  42. Merry Christmas to you, dearest Rhonda, Hanno and your family.
    May the New Year bring you many blessings and renewed strength in body, mind and soul.

    Trinidad & Tobago

  43. Merry Christmas to you and your family, Rhonda.

  44. Merry Christmas to you and Hannover and family. I always look forward to your encouraging posts. I hope you always keep this space it is a little "home away from home" to us simple lifers.

  45. Happy Christmas to all of you, Rhonda. I will be keeping an eye on your blog, as usual, next year! Thank you for all you do.

  46. Happy Christmas to you and Hanno too! Thanks for all the interesting reading matter over the past year...there's always something good in your 'weekend reading'!

  47. Wishing you, Hanno and your family the blessings of Christmas! Thank you for the gift of sharing (via your blogspot) that keeps giving all year long!! Enjoy your holidays as you rest, recuperate and rejuvenate.

  48. Merry Christmas Rhonda! Enjoy your well deserved rest with your family!

    Much love,


  49. Belated christmas greetings (or early wishes for a happy new year).
    Hope this blog break is restful for you and Hanno and I also hope you never stop writing because you always have something worth reading....Looking forward to what's on your mind in the new year!

  50. Happy New Year Rhonda and Hanno. Thank you for all the knowledge, humour and e- friendship you gave last year and looking forward to sharing this year with you.

  51. Wishing you the best in 2015!!

  52. .....come back already! Missing my daily read of Rhonda-wisdom. Selfish I know, I hope you are having a great break and just enjoying 'being'

  53. Greetings to you and Hanno as you start your journey for 2015! Hoping that your vacation has been restful and rejuvenating. Your break provided the opportunity for me to spend time looking at other material along the same lines as your blog. The journey has been fascinating. Each reading and picture forms a piece in a larger quilt of living simply whether by choice or necessity. During my almost daily use of home-made fruit scrap vinegar, I think of the inspiration I got from you!! I look forward to your return to regular postings on DTE.


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