24 December 2013

Happy Holly-days

Thank you for your visit here on Christmas Eve, I think it's the best one of the holly-days. Hanno and I wish you love, happiness and peace and a very happy Christmas with those you love. We hope all your sweethearts, whether they be large or small, gather close to you this Christmas. Thank you for being a part of our world and this blog this year. Your comments have made me happy, smile, frown and go cross-eyed and they've shown me that all of us belong to a huge, world-wide simple living community. That motivates me to carry on sharing what we know and what we do here.

Enjoy what you do to its fullest. Forget your worries and make happy memories.


  1. For the first year in a long time, I've actually looked forward to Christmas. It may well be that I'm starting to settle in to living simply, and combined with moving out of the chaos of Sydney, I'm a much calmer person.

    I'm writing this as my first batch of apricot jam simmers on the stove, using apricots given to me by a generous person who couldn't use all those fruit on her trees. Wish me luck!

    My family will all be here tomorrow, and we will enjoy each other's company, and eat too much good food!

    Merry Christmas to you, Rhonda. I love reading your blog, and the comments that everyone makes.


  2. I've come all the way from Canada to wish you a very Merry Christmas, you have been such an inspiration for me, my brain injury makes commenting often difficult but I never ever miss your posts, I thank you for your wonderful ideas and advice,

    1. Laurie, I appreciate the time and effort you've taken in commenting. I hope you enjoy your Christmas in the snow - lucky you! We're all sweltering over here.

  3. Thank you. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.

  4. Wishing you and yours a blessed christmas

  5. Thank YOU for sharing all of your amazing knowledge and wisdom! Merry Christmas!

  6. Merry Christmas Rhonda, to you and your family.

    It is very early on Christmas Eve morning. A storm has been raging all night, here in a wintery Southern England. As soon as it`s light I shall be outside checking on the animals.

    Wishing a happy Christmas holiday in the sun to Down to Earth followers south of the Equator!

    1. I saw reports of that storm on our news. It looks like a bad one. I hope the animals are all safe and secure. Stay warm, love.

    2. Love and best wishes to you and your family Rhonda. Thankyou for such an inspiring blog.

  7. Love and all the best to you and your family, for some unknown reason it just doesn't feel like xmas eve this will be the first time that my husband and I will wake up to having none of our children here in the morning first time in 42 years.

  8. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family and stay safe, Best wishes Wendy

  9. Rhonda, have a wonderfull Christmus with your family, we are suffering of a terrible storm in Holland, but the forcast is good with Christmas.
    Best wishes. Manon

  10. Merry Christmas to you and your family. I very rarely comment but read your blog everyday as it is a source of motivation in simple living and inspiration for my everyday life. I keep learning new things when reading your blog (and book) and it has me thinking about issues that sometimes had never crossed my mind before.Thanks a lot.

  11. Christmas greetings from a wet Wales (we shared Dartford Warbler's storm yesterday). Thank you for all your inspiration and wise words in 2013, and I look forward to more of the same in 2014.

    I must away to my baking now (home made Arctic Roll.)

  12. Merry Christmas, thank you for the wonderful investment into the lives of others, the world needs more like you Rhonda.
    Blessings xx

  13. Thank you so much for your generosity and inspiration !
    Feliz Natal from the other side of the world :)
    Dulce - Portugal

  14. Same to you Rhonda...enjoy spending the Christmas and days after with your husband, kids, daughter in laws and best of all those beautiful grandchildren which make Christmas such a wonderful experience.


  15. Enjoy what you do to its fullest. Forget your worries and make happy memories.
    Wonderful advice Rhonda, Happy Christmas to you and your family.

    cheers Kate

  16. Have a very Happy Christmas, Rhonda and Hanno. Safe trip when you travel to visit your family.

  17. Merry Christmas Rhonda Jean, as it is already Christmas where you live ; )
    Best wishes to you and your family fromThe Netherlands !!

  18. Merry Christmas to you dear Rhonda and Hanno. May 2014 be a wonderful year for you.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  19. Enjoy your Christmas with your family, all the best to you both.

  20. Happy, Happy Christmas to you Rhonda, and of course your lovely family. I look forward to "seeing you" in 2014!

  21. Rhonda and Hanno, Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas!! Stay safe...

  22. Merry Xmas Rhonda, Hanno and all the family, hope you have a great time

  23. Hello Rhonda and Hanno,

    we wish you and your family a reflective Christmas season and a happy New Year!

    Greetings from Hamburg
    Sascha :-)

    1. Hello Sascha! A very merry Christmas to you too. Please pass that on to everyone in our family. Much love, Rhonda and Hanno xx

  24. Happy Christmas and I hope you have a lovely time. xxx

  25. Merry Christmas Rhonda and Hanno!

  26. ¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨★
    ****o***♥**o***o***♥ *
    Happy Xtsmas!!

  27. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  28. Have a wonderful, meaningful time with your family! I'm excited to see what 2014 holds for us all.
    Best Wishes,

  29. To Dear Hanno and Rhonda, thank you for another wonderful blog . We couldn't do without you .May your Christmas be everything you are dreaming of and good health ,travel safely in 2014.To all out there who share this wonderful "Down to Earth" may you all have Peace ,Love and Joy this Christmas from all of us here in Tasmania

  30. It's still Christmas Eve here in Indiana. The snow has all been washed away by lots of rain and it's very cold but Christmas none the less.

    Hope your day goes well and everyone gets their Christmas Wish.

    Indiana USA

  31. Merry Christmas to you all there. Sunny, with a little snow still on the ground on our mountain here in Bulgaria and with the marvel of Skype, we will speak to all our family in the UK later today.
    Love and Peace, Jak x

  32. I hope you, Hanno & all the family had a wonderful xmas & all the best for the new year, Deb, xx

  33. Merry Christmas Rhonda, Hanno and Family! Looking forward to your blog in 2014. I hope you take time to put your feet up and relax.

  34. Merry Christmas to you and yours! Next year I am going to make it even simpler here. I am paring down until it is not about all the work, but the family.

  35. I am always searching for quality posts & articles & this is what I found here, I hope you will be adding more. Clipping Path


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