13 July 2012

Weekend reading

Thank you for your wonderful comments and contributions during the week. It's those comments that bind us all together. I hope you have a weekend to remember and that you spend time with someone you love.

I love this little winter table at This Whole Family.

Madge sent me a link to the Project Gutenberg on Cookery, which includes this curious entry from The Art of Living in Australia 1893. Thanks Madge.
CHAPTER III. ABLUTION--THE SKIN AND THE BATH. Important and numerous functions of the skin--The skin itself and its different parts--The use of the scarf skin--The structure of the true skin--The perspiration tubes--The tubes of the oil-glands--Great value of the cold bath--Importance of the rubbing down after the cold bath--The cold bath as a preventive of disease--The cold bath in the maintenance of health--The warm cleansing bath--The beneficial effect of adding salt at the end of a warm bath--Other interesting hints Loss of hair in Australia--Structure of the hair, and its blood supply --The hair is not a tube--Management of the hair--Singeing the hair-- Washing the hair--Description of brushes and combs recommended--Hard rim of the hat a factor in thinning the hair--Excellent applications for promoting the growth of the hair Formation of the nail--Different parts of the nail--Growth of the nail--The care of the nails Disorders arising from loss of teeth--The preservation of the teeth-- An admirable recipe for a tooth-powder--Management of the teeth--Use of floss silk.

OUR MOB - from comments during the week

Julie and her lovely blog Beauty in the Everyday and if you've ever wondered about Amanda Soule's Taproot magazine, Julie writes about it and shows some of the pages. 

Little Green Village is interesting and topical with many great photos. If you look down the page you'll see what a lucky man Mr Techno is. A baked dinner for work lunch! Wow.

The Thrifty Garden/Home is Mrs Mac's blog. It's full of interesting, common sense posts and wonderful photos.



  1. Hi Rhonda
    I just wanted to say I love your 'weekend reading' page each week. Thank you for taking the time to post it on your blog.
    (I have only just learnt how to comment on your page else i'd have posted a comment before)

  2. Dear Rhonda. I do enjoy your blog and your daily posts on leading a simpler, calmer life. The weekend reading is such a fine thing as it gives me something to click back to over the weekend. You have given us so much to look into today. This also takes me to other blogs which I haven't discovered for myself. I am particularly looking forward to checking into Ablution- the skin and the bath. That sounds really interesting. You and Hanno have a lovely weekend. 'See' you on Monday.

  3. Dear Rhonda. I'm back. Your link to Project Gutenberg is amazing. As they quote, it is "a treasure trove of literature". I am in a wonderful book club at New Farm library where we read a different book per month and September is 'The Great Gatsby', and there it is as an e-book on this website. Nothing can replace visiting the library for me, and I do love the feel of a good book in my hand, but I am branching out more and more to e-books which are so readily available. So thanks to you, and Madge, for the link.

  4. Dear Rhonda--
    I'm one of your readers in the US. I'm an amateur beekeeper among other things, and when I'm in need of a lift at the office I sometimes lighten my mood by reading about bees. When I found this one I thought I would share it with you & yours. http://thewildbeechronicles.blogspot.com/2011/11/cresting-hill-of-sustainable-ag.html

    Bee well,

  5. Rhonda thank you so much for linking to my blog and for your lovely comments. Have a great weekend. Xxoo

  6. I subscribed to Taproot and have two editions along with a Diggers catalogue to look through over the weekend. Garden planning. I think I am actually going to have to dig new beds to accommodate all I want to do.

  7. Thank you, Rhonda, for adding me to your 'weekend reading' .. what a nice surprise.

  8. I love that you suggest reading - I've found some wonderful resources through this, thank you.

  9. Rhonda, what a generous heart you have! I am so thrilled to have found Down To Earth!! I'm your newest follower. :) I love that you're motivated to share what you've discovered with others. I can't wait to explore around here more and get to know you and your community better.

    Dotti :)

    PS - Thanks for the Gutenburg Cookery links. As a bit of a history nut, I may get lost in there for some time!

  10. I recently saw Back to Eden and it's really solidified permaculture principles for me - loved it!

  11. Lots of lovely reading, thanks for the links. Enjoy your weekend. :)

  12. Hi Rhonda,
    I received a lovely surprise when I sat down with my coffee to read your blog and saw that you had mentioned my blog in the weekend reading.
    Thank you!
    Mr Techno does enjoy his hot lunches! Today he has chilli con carne and quinoa.

  13. Hi Rhonda,

    I've been unofficially following your blog for a number of months now and this is my first comment. For the last couple of years we have been working towards achieving a simpler lifestyle one step at a time, and you have inspired me to begin blogging about our journey. In truth, I'm not that keen on the term "simple life" because I've found that it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to achieve and that isn't really "simple": I like to use "enriched life" he he. I just wanted to let you know what an inspiration you and people like you are: those who seek to live a "simpler" life that gives so much back to our world.

    I hope you have a great weekend!

    All the best,

  14. Dear Rhonda, I have a question for you if you have time, I don't know if you've covered it before. How do you manage to check out all these blogs and articles and write your own and keep it simple in line with your lifestyle and not end up with information overload or spending far too many hours online? How do you discipline yourself to use internet time wisely and moderately?
    thank you

  15. Charlotte, I do a lot of reading to fine tune what I do and to check my facts. I check almost everything, I usually don't believe what I "hear" on the net, I check. However, I start from a creditable source and proceed from there. Doing that, it doesn't take much time. While I'm doing these checks, when I come across something I like or find interesting, I book mark it, then use it at some point in the weekend readings. I don't sit on Facebook or Twitter for hours. I don't chat or message. I don't text. I write and I check, then I go off line and live my life. And yes, it is a discipline but definitely worth it.

  16. Dear Rhonda, I am so glad to stumble across your blog. I at the moment suffer a chronic health condition which leaves me house bound a lot of the time and your words associated with simple living are so appropriate for me. I read through some of your blog and it is a help and interesting. I use lemon a lot in my hot water, tea etc :-). Thank you. Behind The Smile.

  17. Hi Rhonda! Thanks for linking to my post, I hope you and your readers enjoyed it!


  18. so much great reading, thanks for all the pointers

  19. Project Gutenberg is an absolutely marvelous site. Thank you so much!!! What a treasure!

    Trinidad & Tobago


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