8 June 2012

Weekend reading

A report from the Simplicity Institute - The Simpler Way.

This is a fabulous Australia food blog - Ledelicieux

From Cornell University - What was home economics?

Free patterns gallery - Wee Folk art


This is a beautiful and interesting blog - Little Eco Footprints.

Frugal and Thriving - that blog name says it all.

To everyone who will stay busy over the weekend, please take some time to sit with a cup of tea or a cool drink and relax for ten minutes. To those of you who can sit back and relax, enjoy your down time. I hope to see you all back here next week. Take care.



  1. Hi Rhonda, thanks for the links each week as it is great to discover some new reading. The "Little Eco Footprints" has a problem with the link though. Cheers

  2. Thanks Tanya love. I promise myself every week to check each link, and almost every week I forget.

  3. Thanks Rhonda,
    I really love the wee folk art link, the right inspiration to remind of a forgotten passion!

  4. Thanks again for your weekrnd reading links - always so interesting and inspiring. The range of projects on Wee Folk Craft is amazing.

  5. Thank you for the link through to my blog Rhonda :-)

    We'll definately be finding time to sit back and enjoy a cuppa this weekend. It's our first weekend on our new property. There's only a shed and there's no power, no hot water and no phone reception (and hence definately no computers!). We have a few chores to do (mowing, cleaning to shed, and splitting and stacking forewood) but other than that we plan plenty of sitting back by the pot belly stove and relaxing.

    Have a lovely weekend Rhonda.

  6. every week I think I will not follow anymore blogs and you come up with at least one that I don't know of! Ledelicieux has a recipe for some treats that sounds just like the ones I grew up with! Thanks for all you do to make blogging way more fun than it should be!

  7. Rebecca (The Hills, Sydney)June 08, 2012 10:10 am

    Rhonda, your blog and book has been a life saver for our family. I cannot thank you and Hanno enough for sharing your lives with us.I am sidelined with a wrist injury and may never to be able to work again. So, after stumbling apon your blog, have created a new role for myself, homemaker, and I am proud of it. I am currently reading every one of your posts since commencement onwards. I have purchased Nourishing Traditions, and it has changed the way we eat. I always battled with my weight, but it has been falling off since we reintroduced whole milk and butter and have been cooking from scratch. Thank you for introducing me into my new role, which I love, and bringing us out of the rat race into simplicity. Our kids are and will greatly benefit from this, and they are learning how to cook and contribute to running the household. I love getting up and reading your blog, and even get a weather report about what my parents are getting, as they live in the hinterland at Yandina and visit Maleny often. I love Maleny as well, and so do the kids. Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Rebecca, like you, I adore Rhonda and all the amazing inspiration that this treasured community provides. But today it is you I want to thank for sharing your own story and for further inspiring me to commit to a change that my whole family will benefit from. Warmly, Puccetta (Sydney)

  8. Thanks for the links Rhonda, always something interesting to share and enjoy.

    Shirley http://themakingofparadise.blogspot.com.au/

  9. Thanks for the link to my blog!

    I also enjoy reading the weekly links you post. And like Afficanaussie, I think I won't follow any more blogs, there's so many, but come across another great one that goes into my reader :).

  10. Thanks for the links, I particularly liked the Wee Folk Art site, some gorgeous stuff on there. Have a lovely weekend.

  11. Hi Rhonda, thank you so much for featuring Delicieux in your weekend reading list. I'm new yo your lovely blog but am enjoying looking around and getting to know you. The simple life is definitely something I aspire to, especially from a food perspective.

  12. Thanks for sharing some reading for over the weekend Rhonda! I love reading your blog and working towards a more simple life. Lucy @ motherwho

  13. Hi Rhonda, I have only recently found you blog. I'm new to following you, too. Today I opened the What is Home Economics, that's my teaching area (last day of school, yesterday!!!) Thanks for posting the Cornell U. page. It took me into another trend for a while, since those are my people. Haaaa. Thank you, Mary

  14. You have written an awesome website.
    Also visit my blog ; Disc Springs

  15. Perhaps you'd be interested in the booklist I put together - It's a "Simple Living" Booklist to Inspire Children. http://mollymakesdo.blogspot.com/2012/06/inspired-simple-living-booklist-for.html

    Great reads!

  16. The Golden Path
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