3 December 2011

Searching for a Christmas gift?

The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) is asking everyone to help save the koala by adopting their very own. 

CEO of the Australian Koala Foundation Deborah Tabart OAM said she encourages everyone to adopt a koala through the AKF’s Adopt-A-Koala program. 

“A koala is a perfect gift for any occasion and is a rewarding way to help save the koala”, said Ms Tabart. 

The AKF estimates there are only 80 000 with potentially as few as 40 000, koalas left in the wild 

“It would be heartbreaking if international visitors and indeed Australians could no longer experience the thrill of seeing a koala in the wild” Ms Tabart said.

Koalas on the Australian Koala Foundation’s Adopt-a-Koala program live in sanctuaries around Australia and all proceeds from their adoptions go towards saving their wild cousins and preserving their natural habitat. 

‘Adoptive parents’ receive a certificate and a photo of their koala, find out more at www.savethekoala.com


  1. Lovely Idea I cant think of a world without Koalas.

  2. Lovely! "Adoptions" are such a wonderful way to help protect species and habitat, and introduce people to the feeling of having a personal involvement in their wilder world.

    One of my favorite gifts is an adoption from the Snow Leopard Foundation!

  3. My grandparents always say they don't want any presents for Christmas. This would make the perfect "not a present, present"

  4. Hi Rhonda,
    Thanks for mentioning this...this is a great idea :) Love and hugs from the ocean shores of California, Heather :)

  5. I meant to say, not that I am trying to self-promote, but to learn more about the true meaning of christmas please visit my blog and then click the link on my latest post...moving beyond words.


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