2 December 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here from your blog by saying you're part of "On my mind". Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When you've done that, come back here and add a comment below, with a link to your blog.

Today I am thinking about Christmas eve and Christmas day when we'll have family here. I need to work out my menu and decide on what drinks to make. I still have a few litres of pure lemon juice in the freezer and I have elder flowers, hmmmmm. 



  1. I've been thinking about your post yesterday, and the joys of a simple life. Today is my Thankful Thursday post, with some photos of my simple life at home.

    I don't have any suggestions for your lemon juice, Rhonda...but I do know that you will come up with something lovely!


  2. Hi Rhonda,
    Yes, you really do have to think about the menu for Christmas now when you make everything from scratch! I have thinking about our menu also and getting a few things underway but more so on my mind today is getting outfits ready for upcoming concerts that are also happening this time of year and sewing the last of the Christmas presents. http://all--in--the--family.blogspot.com/

  3. On my mind this week is organizing. December has arrived! This is such a busy month for everyone with Christmas preparation, events with family, friends and work. Review what I do to be organised for the month and find a quick recipe for a healthy fresh meal that will save you time at the end of a busy day. http://afreshlegacy.net

  4. Love Elderflowers mine seems to be flowering for a second season is that usual?


  5. I made the lemon and mint cordial on the weekend from Suburban Tomato.


    Very very nice.

  6. I bet i know what you're thinking there Rhonda!...you inspire me to get more organised about Christmas every time i visit your blog lately!
    On my mind today are my unfinished sewing projects of nappy covers and converting onesies into dresses....very simple but time keeps disappearing on me!
    Hope you have a lovely creative weekend!
    Jode x

  7. Morning Rhonda,

    That lemon juice looks tasty. My mind is turned to thoughts of Christmas activity as well, now that December is here - I do enjoy this quiet, early planning stage of the season.

    To see what is on my mind - here is the link http://marigoldcottage.blogspot.com/2011/12/on-my-mind.html

    Have a lovely day. :)

  8. Happy Friday Ladies :)

    Rhonda, I can just see the refreshing beverages you are going to magic up with all that lemon juice. Lucky family!

    Yesterday I was thinking that I need to start planning Christmas as well. But today my garden is on my mind.....


  9. Hallo Rhonda...yes it's really time to get on with our Christmas planning, I made the cake this week.
    On my mind today is thrift shopping,

    Hope the cricket is on today after that amazing rain!

  10. My lovely daughter has been on my mind all week, well, her baby belly has anyway!! And now I'm just about to head off for a weekend with my beloved......I have given the kids strict instructions to water the new seedlings in the garden while I'm away though!!!! Lets hope they remember!


  11. I can't believe we're already in December! Time flies. Planning the Christmas menu early is very smart--I need to think about that, too.

    Rhonda, sorry to be off-topic, but I searched and searched and couldn't find the post where you reference the wonderful chicken feeder/hopper you have. If you have a moment, would you point me to that post, or please let me know where you got yours from?


  12. HI Jaime, here is the link to the place: http://www.grandpasfeeders.com/

  13. Making Christmas crackers with my English second-language students today is on my mind. So simple: an empty toilet paper roll filled with 2 wrapped chocolates, a joke & 2 toys from last year's bought crackers (eg miniature yo-yo, tiny plastic car, tiny spinning top) wrapped in Xmas paper and tied w/ rubber bands & ribbons.

    My jokes are: How do you catch a squirrel? Answer: run up a tree & act like a nut! or......

    How do you make a sausage roll?
    Answer: you push it!

    I had fun making these with yesterday's students (6 yr old children) and like you've said recently, Rhonda, the TIME spent together sure beats the COST of just grabbing bought ones on display at all of the stores.

    Cape Town, South Africa

  14. Hi Rhonda, on my mind today is a Kris Kringle project organised by another blogger (Jodie the Haby Goddess) which I joined in with. I've been using some rather rusty skills of patchwork and have finally finished my project!

  15. Refreshing lemon juice sounds good on a day like today.

    This is on my mind

  16. Lemon cordial on Christmas Day would be perfect here in SA, where it is traditionally rather warm (and by warm I mean stinking hot).

    Today, though, I'm looking forward to getting home and spending some time in the garden. It's been a lovely warm day and just gazing out over the garden stills my thoughts. I've had the following poem repeating in my head since I woke this morning, so thought I'd share it: http://sorcha-sidhe.blogspot.com/2011/12/on-my-mind-absence-of-quiet-mind.html.

    Have a happy weekend!

  17. I am wondering how you managed to keep the lemon juice from going bad? Ours became sour after some weeks!

    On my mind: http://greenhouse-i.blogspot.com/2011/12/friday-on-my-mind.html

    Weddings,Winter flower blooms :)

  18. What about home made fermented Ginger Beer, not sure how much time you need after feeding and bottle aging

  19. Lemon and elderflower sounds so refreshing for Christmas, with all the other rich stuff around -great idea! Love to all from the UK!


  20. We had a recent loss in our family. My Grandma Demme was a creative and adventurous, free-spirit.
    She will be missed.

  21. I was at a Charity Fund rasing craft fair last night and became the proud winner of a fantastic raffle prize! A HUGE Christmas Tree Cupcake!So Festive! So Christmasy! So pretty SO tasty and so going straight on my hips lol http://karenodonnell007.blogspot.com/2011/12/christmas-tree-cupcake.html

  22. Lemon juice in the freezer! Why did I think of that?!
    On my mind- 18 yards

  23. Hello from Mexico -- I am living here Cabo San Lucas for 2 year and then off who knows where. Traveling around is our goal to find where we want to make our home home..and meet new people and make new friends..

    Today "On my Mind" is Christmas in Mexico..

  24. My mind is getting lighter since projects are getting finished.


  25. We'll be spending a few days at my in-law's with other family, so that'll be fun. My mother-in-law's health isn't very good so we all decided to be there this year.
    On my mind today is catching up around the house!


  26. Awesome. I love the taste of fresh lemon juice in cook.

    My blog. http://gettingintomischief.blogspot.com/2011/12/friday-photo-feature.html

  27. I am so late with getting in on my mind but I wanted to say THANK YOU Rhonda as I will be meeting "in person" a new friend on Wednesday because of YOUR BLOG and "On My Mind". We will be swapping homemade canned items - Chow Chow for Rum Apple Butter. http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/12/weekend-so-far.html THANK again!

  28. I'm late too but I'd really appreciate a help with a cabbage dilema - we had bad gale and now I've 26 cabbage to try and prepare and keep to mine keep. I'm really puzzled how to do it - any cabbage recipe or idea would be gratefully received.
    Thank you = Fay.

    Lovely looking bottled lemony yum yum!



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