6 October 2011

gmail account hacked

My gmail account was hacked today. I have about 100 emails and messages so far from people who received a bogus email supposedly from my email address. In fact the email comes from Turkey. Please be assured I have no virus on my computer - I have a Mac, they rarely pick up viruses. I've changed my password but I would imagine that the hacker has my address book. There are over a 1000 email addresses in there.  

I apologise if you're received one of these emails.  Don't reply to the email, just delete it. 


  1. Rhonda, my e-mail account was also compromized.
    I changed details, too.

  2. Hi Rhonda, I have had two from you today, every strange. Both saying the same thing. I knew right away it was spam. How annoying for you! *hugs* hope you have a lovely evening :-) x

  3. I was one who sent an email and I knew it wasn't you. It happened to one of my email accounts once and I've no idea how it happened, but it was from China and the emails that went to people in my addressbook were 'pushing' some 'you beaut' computer deals saying that I recommended it...cheek!

  4. Hectic Rhonda. I didn't know that gmail accounts could be hacked...!

  5. Rhonda,
    I have three emails as well, so looks like your address book is out there. Such an invasion isn't it ? I hope you are able to move successfully to another account.

  6. Very frustrating Rhonda. Good luck with it and hope it's sorted soon enough.

    (another who didn't click on the email)

  7. Hi Rhonda, I have had a email from you today.
    I have already deleted it.

    Northern Ireland

  8. Yeah I got two too. I just ignored them and deleted it. Have had them from other people before too

  9. Thanks for sharing!

  10. How annoying and time wasting for all concerned!!

  11. No worries Rhonda, I deleted it as I knew right away it wasn't really from you. Have a wonderful day

  12. Sorry you have to deal with this.
    I just want to thank you so much for your blog. I enjoy it immensely and always feel better after visiting. Have a wonderful day!

  13. Thanks for the info, Rhonda. I got a couple of these emails in my Gmail account, - I thought it didn't sound like you!

    Rgds, Anna

  14. How annoying that is. My blog was hacked on Sunday and I couldn´t get in and had to contact google to sort the problem.

  15. Got two here as well, but figured it was a hacking situation and did not reply. Hope it is fixed soon for you.

  16. How annoying.....there is more and more of this sort of thing happening

  17. The most important thing is DON'T CLICK ON A LINK.

  18. I got two as well....emailed you just in case you didn't already know about it (lol!) but no, didn't click on the linky!!

    Annoying and frustrating for you.

  19. So sorry this has happened!
    It annoys me to no end when someone does something like this, and I will never understand the thinking behind why someone would randomly hack a stranger's account---email, Facebook, etc. They definitely have too much time on their hands, don't they?!
    I hope you get it all straightened out, and will keep my fingers crossed that it won't happen again!

  20. Hello Rhonda, here's Sandra from France. I 've got a email this weekend that seems come from gmail ask me about my personnal count I cancel it after reading you seems I make the good choice!!!
    Be blessed

  21. I also received one and knew immediately that your account had been hacked. Deleted it and was about to let you know then spotted this post! It came to my private email that I don't use on my blog but know that I once emailed you before I set up a separate account just for the blog. Yes, unfortunately it means they will have all your contacts. Hope you are able to sort it out.

  22. I got one from you yesterday re an iphone4.
    Just letting you know.

  23. I guessed something was super wrong - you were advertising an iphone to me as well lol

  24. I received two from you as well and deleted them straight away. Hope you get it all sorted. Ohh and you shouldn't need to apologise - it's those hackers that need to do that!!!!

  25. For everyone's benefit: It's usually robots doing the hacking I believe, not time-rich humans, but they are obviously programmed by someone. I gather the sole purpose is to obtain valid e-mail addresses (they are worth a fortune) which is exactly what those in your contact list are. They then dish out spoof or phishing mails to further validate, or immediately try to access your personal info. Hacking is bad enough for the user, but I can only imagine how it feels to have your contact list accessed too :-( As I said to you Rhonda, my mother-in-law had to delete her hotmail contact list before the spam e-mails stopped, but she changed her password around that time too so it's hard to know what the exact fix was.

  26. Hi Rhonda...I got two and deleted them straight away as I knew you wouldn't be promoting an iphone!!!! All the best sorting this out and I am pretty sure most people would be skeptical.


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