22 July 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo so we can all find you. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

The red banana flower opening with the tiny green bananas forming at its base.

We have about five more weeks of winter to go so I was surprised to see our bananas already forming new fruit. I've been thinking about planting more fruit, maybe berries and finger limes, as well as herbs. That period between late August and mid-November is prime growing time here. We have to make the most of it.

Thanks for your interesting and thoughtful comments during the week. There were many new names I haven't seen before. Welcome. I hope you find information and inspiration here to help with any life changes you're considering. And to all the regular readers, all those who read here while feeding the baby, or having the day's first cup of tea, or who pop in during a quiet time at work, or just before they go to bed, or just whenever they can, thanks for your continuing visits. I'll see you again next week.


  1. As you enjoy your winter days....here in the U.S. we have been dealing with heat advisories..And that is what's On MY Mind
    trying to stay cool the frugal way

  2. I cannot imagine how good local bananas would taste! In Delaware, usa, we are trying to beat the heat!

  3. We are dealing with intense heat here in the US.
    The heat and flooding we are having in our area are driving small critters into residentian areas.
    I would love fresh bananas. They make a beautiful flower.
    Love your wonderful and information filled blog every day.

  4. It would be a delight to have banana's in my own backyard. Today we are tropical humid heat as well ( in Canada). Would rather we weren't. My mind is on smocking


  5. Here in Toronto Canada we are also experiencing a heat wave and I have the painters in my house!
    Plus it's day 2 of my redundancy!! Woo hoo!


  6. Quick question about the banana blossom - does it have an odor? We were just wondering about it as we have Paw Paw trees here by the river and their blooms are like rotting meat and there are few bugs that will go near it to help with pollination. We do occasionally luck up and come across some ripe fruit that we were fortunate a wasp found the bloom. OK... enough of my curiosity on my mind is finally being home to cook a REAL meal even if it did heat the house up since it's been 102*F this afternoon with a heat index of 109.2*F

  7. Heat waves in the US and frosty mornings here in South Africa. We are keeping the wood fire going day and night to warm our cottage. I have taken to wrapping a blanket around my waist for extra warmth like the local Basotho women do.

    Memory making is on my mind...


  8. I've just helped cut down another bunch of bananas at my mother's last weekend. It's great to be able to have fresh, plump, home grown bananas when they are still so expensive in the shops. My own, planted about this time last year still haven't flowered yet, but I'm hopeful for the coming season. On my mind today is someone else's garden.
    Thanks for bringing us all together again today.

  9. I love bananas and like Rhonda have been enjoying our Winter but looking forward to putting my best foot forward in the garden soon. Today on my mind is revealing what the mystery object was I posted last week. Just trying to add a bit of fun into the mix. Cheers and have a great day or night.

  10. Becky, the banana flower has no particular odour.

  11. My mind is on fruit as well!


    It is so funny, Rhonda, how much I miss being a part of this weekly tradition when for whatever reason (like vacation last two weeks) I am unable to take part. I miss it. In any case, I am glad to be back this week as everyone is always up to such interesting goings-on.

  12. How lucky you are! I would love to have some banana's. I saw them in the shop the other day for sixteen dollars a kilo, way beyond our budget, can't wait for the price to come down.

    Babies on my mind today ...


  13. Hi Rhonda, I am so jealous of your bananas and wish I could grow them down in Victoria.


  14. These are lovely, however my Friday is dedicated to a quiet moment at my place, a little moment to step out of our minds and just 'be' in the moment. I do love checking out others 'minds'. Thanks for sharing your hearts and homes.

  15. It is odd to see the bananas starting, Laura (Darroch) has already picked some over in NZ, strange.

    I am a woman possessed today Rhonda. http://greeningtherose.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind.html

  16. Hello Everyone, I stop by every now and then, but have not joined in on this 'on my mind' spectacular!

    Thanks for the opportunity!

    Rach - Squiggly Rainbow


  17. Good morning Rhonda, Lucky you to have Bananas so early, My trees got a touch of frost this year but I am hoping they'll still pull through!

    Happy to be joining up with you again today, We might not have any bananas at the moment but we do have heaps of EGGS...


  18. Your bananas are looking good already!

    This week I blogged some photos of my recently sprouting baby radishes as part of our nascent 'urban balcony gardening' project. And I wrote about other positive, inspiring organic food projects! :)


    This Good Life

  19. Lucky you to have bananas growing Rhonda. They are still too pricey for me to even contemplate buying them yet and I love bananas.

    Spinning is on my mind this week. Well this month actually. It's freezing cold and foggy here today and sitting in front of the fire spinning is an attractive idea.

  20. Hi Rhonda. What healthy looking bananas you have there! On my mind today is a little sadness as I had my cat 'put down' last night, but I know I made the right decision..

  21. I'm joining in again today


  22. My banana tree is so small i cant even think when i'll be picking them lol, enjoy them.
    On My Mind :

  23. Morning
    Our banana tree came down in the recent winds. Luckily we have two sucklings that may grow up. Fingers crossed.
    Lovely to see your banana bunch emerging.
    On my mind today is the beach, Alex the dog and procrastination


  24. Our quandong trees are fruiting early! I'm not complaining, but I am concerned about the damage the below zero temps we're having will do to the garden: http://sorcha-sidhe.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind-winters-teeth.html

  25. It's truly wonderful world.

    Cool here in Western Australia but I'm thinking of Spring as the days lengthen.


  26. I would love to be able to grow bananas. But, here in Tassie, it's a bit too cold.

    This is my first time participating in the Friday 'On my mind'. On my mind this weekend will be spinning fibres I need to finish in order to start the baby heirloom outfits.


  27. Hi Rhonda, I have joined with On Your Mind today.


    Banana's are only for the rich people here, they were at $15.00kg last time I looked. Would be good if banana trees grew where we are, because I would certainly have one. Yours is looking so healthy!

  28. Oh , how lovely to have your own banana tree.I was gazing at some very expensive bananas today in the fruit shop.
    I will have to work on building a micro climate here so that I can grow some.

    I am joining in today, check out what is on my mind at:

  29. why, you're right, this is my last blog visit before turning in for the night. perhaps I'll have banana dreams!


  30. Bananas? What are they? We haven't had those delicious fruits for a long time now - hopefully summer will bring them back to the shops. When we lived in NSW we were able to grow them but here in the deep south, it's definitely not an option. Enjoy!

  31. Like you Rhonda I am thinking about my summer garden and getting seedlings started early. http://purplepearorganics.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind-early-start-to-summer-vegies.html

  32. Oops, I gave the wrong link for my comment. I write two blogs - one as a journal of our farm life, "Nothing Ventured" and another all about stretching resources,"Elastic Mom" . Last night I wrote my comment around midnight as Elastic Mom and then linked to my Nothing Ventured blog in my tired state.

    So as Elastic Mom thinking about making memories:

    As Cath, I just finished a crocheted blanket for my son:

  33. Hi Rhonda,
    I've also had some pleasant surprises in my garden too, this week.I discovered that my strawberries have started to set fruit. I find it very strange as live in Sydney and we've been having plenty of cold weather here.I just hope the snails and the slugs don't get to them before we do :-)
    Regards Gabriella

  34. How cool that your bananas are already forming?! Especially with so many crops destroyed, its wonderful that you will have your own bananas.

    Me, I wrote a sad post today about what's happening in my neighbourhood. :( http://consumption-rebellion.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind-why-do-they-do-this-cries.html

    If you have any ideas on how I can stop what is happening, I would be very grateful!

  35. I have a lot on my mind, but I was prompted by Rhondas post how low can you go

  36. Do you need two banana trees for cross pollination to have fruit? Could you tell us how much room do you need for the tree in height and width? I just found out we can grow them in our area of the U.S. Our yard if not as big as yours though. I am inspired so much by your blog and the many cementers you have. There is always something new to try in this life and it is so exciting to take the next step! :) Sarah

  37. Sarah, we grow Cavendish and Lady Fingers here. They don't need another banana nearby. Having said that though, when you plant your solo plant, it usually develops suckers fairly quickly and therefore you usually have a few very quickly. Good luck.

  38. How lucky you are to live in a climate where you can grow banana's!

    On my mind:

  39. You are blessed to be growing those beauties!
    Bananas cost a king's ranson down here in NSW!!
    Hi Rhonda, I'm joining you today at http://barrowofblessings.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind-wood-stove.html
    Thank you for hosting this meme and being such a great inspiration to us!

  40. I don't have a blog but just wanted to say your homemade soap was on my mind (and hands) today. It arrived two days ago. It feels and looks lovely.
    Thank you

  41. BANANAS! I am just a little (ok, more than a little) jealous! On my mind this week is last week's tree turned into firewood...


  42. Ahh Rhonda - bananas - how great it would be to be able to grow bananas! Jackie French can do it, but she has built an entire micro-climate and has a space where the frost doesn't penetrate. Anyway, my On My Mind is all about the madness of shipping vegetable seeds all over the world instead of sourcing them locally. Grab it here http://canberragreenie.blogspot.com/
    Have a wonderful Friday - talk to ya soon Greenie x

  43. We are lucky here in the UK. Bananas are available all year round at a reasonable price. I buy a large bunch of Fair Trade bananas at Sainsburys for £1.15.
    On my mind today is time, and its swift passing.

  44. Like many in the USA it is hot here and the summer garden is at its peak.


  45. My parents live in the tropics, so I get my share of fresh bananas when I go home - yummmm!

    But this is what's on my mind this weekend:



  46. Bananas, my husband loves them and I am sure would like to grow them. Cooking is actually on my mind. Even though we are sweltering here in Northern VA USA.

  47. That seems great to me, bananas in the garden!
    On my mind today are books... and especially bookcrossing

  48. That's a huge flower! I've never seen a banana tree before.

    I am trying my hand at making vinegar again.

  49. Hi Rhonda, new banana fruit, that is great, eventhough it's still winter.
    More fruit sounds great, you can do so much with berries.
    Have a great weekend.
    Hugs from The Netherlands.

  50. Lovely to see your bananas growing. My husband and I lived in vary far south in Florida, USA and the climate was very good for growing all kinds of fruit. In our yard alone we had bananas, mango, star fruit, and key lime. You could literally break a limb of a tree and stick it in the ground and it would grow. Loved that tropical climate! We now live in North Carolina and are trying to figure out how to grow things in sandy soil. A challenge for sure!
    Cheers, Amy

  51. Oh my mind - homemade soaked whole wheat bread! Yum. Why is it that food is always what's on my mind? http://theelliotthomestead.blogspot.com/2011/07/soaked-whole-wheat-bread.html

  52. This my first time to add what's "on my mind" I enjoy your blog, i live in California, seeing how other parts of the world are different and yet exactly the same is great

  53. I saw banana blossoms for the first time when I went to Hawaii in May- I couldn't believe how huge and beautiful they are! Like something from another planet.

    I'm joining in with On My Mind (at last), go to http://batchworthlane.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind.html to see what is on my mind today.


  54. Hi Rhonda,

    Oh the tree looks lovely.
    Cooking from scratch was on my mind today, even though I haven't the heart to turn on the stove because it is so hot here in Northern VA, USA.


  55. Can't grow bananas here in the UK, but I've managed peppers, chillis, pointy peppers and millions of tomato plants..all from free seeds and without a greenhouse! My daughter has two blueberry plants which are doing really well and she grows strawberries, too. She leaves these for the garden birds, as they're nesting here in the hedging and feeding their young.

    My Mum has a rubber plant that was barely inches tall when she bought it a couple of years ago and now it's 10 feet tall and won't stop growing, even though she's nipped the top growth out. Any ideas how to stop it?

    I am thinking today that in the past I never, ever thought that I would have kids..and here I am now...a granny! I am so lucky. Lovely kids and lovely grandchildren. Yay! Sort of makes up for the pooped bladder. lol My pelvic floor muscles have gone south. If anyone sees them, please send them back home:o) x

  56. I have never seen a banana flower before, since we don't have any banana trees here in North Carolina. Thanks for sharing. I have my goats and donkey on my mind today, as I usually do. http://www.happyhollowfarm.com/

  57. Minnie, unfortunately nipping the top out of the rubber tree will only cause it to branch out more. Is it in the ground? If so, it will cause real damage and has the potential to crack foundations. I'd take a cutting and regrow it in a pot and cut down the one in the garden, if that's where it is.

  58. Hi Rhonda & Co - mixed weather in the UK at the mo - quite showery, which means the plants (and weeds!) are shooting up. My mind is on my new rescued battery hens who are settling down nicely to free range life, and my newly-landscaped garden (new pond got filled today). I haven't had time to update my blog but you can catch up with progress so far on http://teddywaresandflutterbies.blogspot.com It's great to catch up with like-minded people down under and over the pond, but I would love to compare notes with other would-be simple lifers in the UK. Love to all - back to plant planning for now! xx

  59. That is a huge looking flower! I've never seen a banana tree before.

    My next attempt at vinegar making is on my mind today...maybe this time it will work.

  60. Whoops, forgot to add my link...

  61. Rhonda, I always find your blog so beautiful & inspiring. I'm excited to participate in this week's post. I'm currently in the middle of a household purge & am sharing the fruits of my labor.



  62. I long to grow bananas and citrus here, but it is difficult in the Pacific Northwest. Here is a rare urban visitor at our backyard farm: http://polloloco-pdx.blogspot.com/2011/07/urban-wildlife.html


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