8 July 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo so we can all find you. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

I can't think of much else - my shop. I've been working away trying to get everything finished and as soon as it is, I'll open it for you to have a look. I'm not sure I'll open today, there is still a lot to do. Oh, and someone emailed asking me to open the shop at a certain time so she would be here and that made me realise I should add a few things throughout the day, not all at once. So that's what I'll be doing, not that I have a lot of things to sell. :- ) But what I do have in this first flush of madness, I hope you like.



  1. I can't wait for the shop to open. I'm sure it will be fantastic!

    But here is what's on my mind

    Claud :-)

  2. My two older pets who require grooming are at the shop today and I'm always happy to pay local people who love their work.

  3. Glad to participate! (This is my first time :)).

    I posted about the Sabbath/weekend and how I intend to celebrate it at home with my beloved husband. You can find the post here:

    This Good Life

  4. Looking forward to shopping! :)

  5. I am very much looking forward to visiting your shop.

    I posted about unexpected feelings of love

  6. A shop! I will be popping by.

    Here is what is on my mind.


  7. Looking forward to seeing your shop! I think there's going to be a queue!!

    Here's what's on my mind


  8. I really look forward to seeing all your lovely storegoods, Rhonda!

    Here is what's on my mind today:

    --Kay in WA State, USA

  9. Hi Rhonda. Looks like you've been very busy. Best of luck when the shop opens. I'm sure it will be a huge success.

    I've bribed the kids with a trip to a Victoria Point park at Thompson's Beach in return for a hand tidying up. Wish me luck. Have a great weekend.


  10. Hi Rhonda, Good luck with the shop! I look forward to having a look.

    On my mind is a dilema over deciding on solar power for the long term. So confusing!


  11. I'm excited about your shop too! What fun this will be for you, Rhonda!!

    This is what's on my mind: http://slowlivingessentials.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind.html

  12. I'm sitting out this week while I recover from the cat/dog mix up that I got between on Monday evening. But want to wish you well with your shop and I will be visiting blogs that are participating this week.

  13. I am sure we will Rhonda. I read a quote yesterday from Amanda at Soulemama: "Do the best that you can where you are, and be kind" by Scott Nearing. I thought you might like this at the moment and remember to be kind to yourself as well. xxoo

  14. I'm joining in today too.


    We are waiting for the holidays to begin. Today is the last day of Term Two! Hooray!

  15. I just love Etsy shops - and I'm sure yours is going to be very successful. I also love madeit.com.au if you haven't found the Australian Etsy equivalent???

    On my mind today is convenience. I discovered a new appliance - a soup maker. Yep... http://myplaceforspace.blogspot.com/

  16. Rhonda, you are amazing at what you can do in all categories! love,andrea

  17. How nice to have a shop with a low carbon footprint. :)

    I'm thinking about the warmer weather -- already. http://greeningtherose.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind_08.html

  18. I am so excited for your shop! I bet it will be just lovely!!! :)

  19. Ooowwh! I forgot to put my link! On my mind is solar. http://greenhavengoodlife.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind-on-grid-or-off-grid.html I'm slowly learning how to blog. Sorry!

  20. Good luck with the opening i know it will do well :)
    http://we-make-it- work.blogspot.com/

  21. What beautiful materials, can't wait to the see the shop, Rhonda.

    Here is what on my mind....http://thelittleblackcowblog.blogspot.com


  22. Hi Rhonda,

    I'm confident the items in your shop will do well :) :) From what I've seen on your blog so far, everything is cute, useful etc ;) :)

    On my mind today is crocheting a flag table mat. The mats aren't big enough for a dinner plate, unless it's from the 1940s :) :) (smaller plates back then) :) :) It's a lot of fun :) :)

    Have a lovely weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  23. What a lovely assortment, and how exciting to think you are so close to starting your new venture. Best wishes on a smooth start!


  24. Today, a neighbor I just met is on my mind. http://ibicycle.blogspot.com/2011/07/meeting-grandma-sutton.html

  25. Good luck with the shop, very keen to see it. Can you believe I have an empty head today, couldn't even get inspiration from a walk with my dogs. So my empty head just has garden weeds in it as I did a turn of the garden and walked away in disgust and returned to the warmth of my couch and blanket.

  26. A very busy but rewarding day for you today Rhonda...I'm still planning my shop...Hope all goes well for you....
    On my mind today:

  27. No links to my blog today but there's a few interesting looking links I'll have a look at over the weekend and I'll be visiting your shop on Monday to have a look. Do we 'screen' shop now instead of 'window' shop if we are looking to note where to buy something nice in the future??
    Have a lovely weekend.

  28. Good luck with your shop! Here is my offering: http://hearmumroar.com/2011/07/naturally-clean-on-my-mind/

  29. I am thinking of my garden today. It is a love/hate relationship. Come see why.



  30. On my mind today is a cute gift from my boss


  31. Good luck with your new shop, I'm just starting to shop on line it is a whole new ball game for me - I'm starting with groceries. Here is whats on my mind today:
    backtobasics: fridays photo. http://lorrainesday.blogspot.com

  32. In memory of a wonderful person.

  33. I'm excited to have a look-see at the shop!
    I'm equally excited to share my frugal farm table build.
    On my mind today: http://blessingtheelements-mi.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind-farm-table.html

  34. Good luck with shop Rhonda here is my link for todays On my mind:

  35. look forward to seeing your shop
    on my mind is a recent yarn purchase.

  36. We are all looking forward to your shop opening for business Rhonda! A very exciting venture for you.
    On my mind today are 'bits and pieces' as I write about some projects I'm embarking on for charities.

  37. Just found your blog, and really enjoying reading it. Thanks

  38. Home sweet home is on my mind today http://purplepearorganics.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind.html

  39. Hi Rhonda,
    this is my first visit.
    i posted about a new chrocheting project.
    greetings from germany,

  40. http://urbanhomesteadinholland.blogspot.com/2011/07/on-my-mind.html

    On my mind in Holland.

  41. Bread Baking is on my mind ...


  42. I'm looking forward to the shop opening, too. It will be much better to browse and know that what I buy will actually come to me!

    I participated in the latest swap but didn't ever receive my package. Even my "angel" didn't send me one after I alerted The Boss that I didn't get one and she said I'd be assigned to an angel whilst originally assigned "Buddy" was put on the naughty list for not reciprocating! good heavens. I have all the luck.

    Bummed - n - burned

    Yes, I AM looking forward to your shop, Rhonda Jean :o) It's going to be a beautiful thing. Best of Luck with it!!

  43. Anonymous, please send me an email to rhondahetzel@ gmail.com with your details. We had some problems with this swap with people not delivering on promises. I'll see you receive what you should have received.

  44. Here is my contribution to "on my mind"


    Can't wait to check out your shop! I'm sure it's going to be Disney World for some of us girls! :)

  45. So exciting for you! Look forward to a browsing "the aisles"!

  46. I don't have a blog, but on my mind is home-made breakfast stuff. I made:

    And am now thinking what else can I make? :)
    Nice idea to have everyone describe their blog btw!


I welcome readers' comments. However, this blog never publishes business links or advertisements. If you're operating a business and want to leave your link here, I will delete your comment .

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