6 July 2011

Jamie's 100 days - part two

We celebrated Jamie's 100th day on Monday with the family gathering at Kerry and Sunny's home. The Korean name for this 100th day is baegil. Sunny, who is also a chef, cooked a traditional Korean meal for us and looked as cool as a cucumber after cooking all day, housekeeping and looking after Jamie, who has decided he will only sleep for 20 minute intervals during the day now.

Shane and Sarndra came along too and we sat down to a meal fit for kings and queens. Sunny made (I won't attempt to spell the Korean names because I know I won't get them right) BBQ beef and noodles, tofu parcels with vegetables, kimchee, rice paper rolls with prawns and vegetables, glass noodles and vegetables and a plate of fried zucchini rings coated with egg, little thin and folded omelettes, and little pieces of fish, coated and fried with a sesame leaf. Afterwards we had Sunny's rice cake and some peanut, pistachio, coconut rice balls with red bean that Sarndra and Shane brought along. All delicious! 

I love those traditions that celebrate special family milestones and I wish we had a few more of our own here in Australia.

As most of you know, Sarndra and Shane are expecting their first baby any day now. This is such a wonderful time for our family. Not only do we have the cute and giggling Jamie in all his sweetness, and Sunny and Kerry who are the most excellent and calm parents, we also have another surprise packet waiting in the wings.  Another little boy that we will love and cherish and watch grow, and who will turn his parents into a caring and proud mother and father.

I have to tell you that when I retired, I didn't give grandmothering much thought. Our sons showed no signs of settling down, and then kaboom! two babies close together. I never thought I could love anyone as much as I love my sons, but now their own families are cocooned inside that love as well. I'm delighted Sunny and Kerry are such loving and gentle parents. Every time I see them together, caring for their son, it's like a gift to me. And now, I can hardly wait for a new baby to arrive. His parents are SO prepared for him, and he too will be born into a family who really love him and want the best for him. There is no greater gift a child can have than loving parents who want him to have a good life; nothing else comes close to that.

Happy 100th day, Jamie! We wish you continued love, happiness and many more cheeky smiles.


 This is Kerry lighting the candles on the cake, with Sunny and Jamie.

And Uncle Shane with Jamie.


  1. Happy 100th day to Jamie ;) :)

    What a precious little one. I really enjoyed seeing all of the photos. The first one with Hanno and Jamie was especially sweet. Jamie has this huge smile on his face. It's absolutely contagious ;) :) So happy for everyone :) :)

    Have a lovely week. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  2. Precious pictures of a happy child. May your grand-parenting joys continue and multiply!

  3. Such happy family times to cherish.

    Cape Town
    South Africa

  4. I love this tradition and am so glad Sunny is keeping her heritage as a part of Jammie's life.

  5. There is simply nothing sweeter than seeing your own dear child holding his/her own child tenderly. I'm not a religious person, but that is an experience that makes me believe in something wonderful.

    Barbara M.

  6. You are so blessed. Beautiful family.

    Hmmmm. And beautiful food. Wonder how Sunny would feel about sharing the BBQ beef and noodle recipe??


  7. Awww, what a cute, smiley little fella!! We have 5 now, from ages 11 to 18 months, each one different and fun to be with. Have so much fun with yours!! The meal looked so yummy!!

    Blessings, Elizabeth in NC

  8. What a lucky beautiful child to be born into such a loving family. Your cup certainly is running over Rhonda :)

  9. What a wonderful celebration and that menu sounds delicious!

  10. What a precious time for you all to spend together. WHat a wonderful idea to mark 100 days.

  11. Grandmothering is the best, isn't it Rhonda ? !

    You have a beautiful family !

  12. What a lovely tradition. Happy 100th Day, little Jamie.

    You all look very happy.

  13. That is one cute kid! And the food is making me hungry. Happy 100th day Jamie! Mine is about to celebrate his 1st birthday this week. Not sure where it went...

  14. What a wonderful celebration! And such beautiful photos. He's such a gorgeous wee boy, and he looks so happy and content.
    And the food looks so yummy! I have a Korean cousin-in-law, and she makes us Bul-Go-Gi - which is one of our family favourites now. I love Korean food.
    Looking forward to hearing of the arrival of your next grandson - such happy days for you all.

  15. What a lovely family you have Rhonda! :) I love the idea of this tradition, such a beautiful way to be grateful for every day we have with our children.

  16. Thank you so much for sharing this beautiful day with us Rhonda. Don't both the girls look radiant!

    Cheers, Karen near Gympie.

  17. Happy 100th day to Jamie and congratulations to all.

  18. Aww so cute and precious.

    Happy 100th day Jamie!

    Your family is beautiful.

  19. What a beautiful family you have,such a cute little Baby!!the food looked wonderful! A very Happy day for all of you,lovely photo's!thank you for sharing these special moment's with us Rhonda,xx Carol

  20. What a beautiful tradition Rhonda, how wonderful to have close and loving family to share this with. You are richly blessed :) Your grandson is an adorable baby and soon you will have another one, that is exciting for you all !
    My daughter celebrated a 'half birthday' for her first baby, invited the midwife and close family & friends, that was sweet but I love this 100 day tradition.

  21. What a lovely tradition. I might work out when it's been 100 days since I turned 40 and throw myself a little do. I didn't get to have a party so there's no better excuse!

  22. Sunnyyyyyy!!! Please share the recipes for your beautiful food! :)

  23. He is such a yummy baby! So darling.

    Congratulations on his first 100 days!


  24. Oh my, that baby boy is so cute! I love family celebrations too - there is just such a special feeling about celebrating something that has been a tradition for a long time. Looking forward to my first grandchild too...... thanks for your words of wisdom!

  25. he is just so sweet i love traditions being passed down into a family are the the best gifts that can be given.

  26. Everything looked so beautiful, the food, the smiles, the love!
    Thanks for sharing it, very special indeed.

  27. This is just so, so, so adorable. I'm so happy for you. Grandmothering really does seem as the next best season in life!!

  28. A truly blessed beautiful family :)
    Must be a heartwarming magnificent feeling to have your placecard say "grandma" :)

    Lots of love
    Trinidad & Tobago

  29. What a lovely tradition, to celebrate the first one hundred days.

    Jamie has a beautiful smile now. He is such a fortunate little boy to be growing up in your loving extended family.

  30. It looks like you a had a feast! Family is such a precious gift.

  31. so sweet.

    what a wonderful reminder of how fragile life is and how important family is.

    Thank you for sharing!

  32. How wonderful to experience another culture and not even have to leave home. It must have been fun to taste all the different foods. Jamie is blessed to be able to be a part of two different worlds.

  33. Beautiful! I am so happy to you and all of your family!

  34. What a lovely tradition! Your grandbaby is just adorable, and what a lovely feast Sunny made. It's a shame that we can't smell all the foods on the table-I bet they were wonderfu!

  35. What a lovely celebration! We Aussies don't really have much in the way of family milestones traditions but we do enjoy the variety of traditions from all over the world because of all the different nationalities that have moved here to become Australians and often added their "Australian-ness" to traditions from their original country without losing the meaning.

  36. Oh. My. Word. THOSE CHEEKS!! I would never come up for air if I had those cheeks to kiss. What an adorable little baby!

  37. Who wouldn't want to celebrate such a gorgeous little boy. Happy 100th day Jamie. Jacinta

  38. That looks like so much fun. The food looks delicious and what a cute little boy Jamie is !!!
    Have a great day !!

  39. How sweet that celebration was. I enjoyed this post. Your daughters-in-love are beautiful! That meal looked fantastic. Lori


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