25 June 2011

Weekend reading

I have been enjoying Spitalfields Life for some time now. It's about life, now and in the past, in London's East End. It's an interesting and enlightening read. There is a list on the right side of the page with an index of subjects. I think "Culinery Life" is my favourite.

I wish the West ladies at Homestead Blessings would post more often, but it is what it is and what is there is wonderful. It is good reading and there are beautiful people and beautiful photos.

This is the good life in Tasmania - Killiecrankie Farm. There is lots of craft, outings and ideas floating around here. Definately worth a visit or two.

Thank you for your visits this week and for opening the doors to your lives. I will be wandering around visiting as many as I can. I hope you have a beautiful weekend.


  1. I thought for a second that you were talking about books!

  2. Hi Rhonda,

    I love reading your blog each day. It gives me inspiration and motivation to accomplish what I need to do every day! Thankyou for sharing the blogsites that you have been reading. Hope I get a chance to visit them too.


  3. Thank you for reminding me about Spitalfields Life - I'd visited a while ago.

    I was really taken with this post on there

    Such amazing photography capturing the essence and atmosphere of The Tower.

  4. Hi Rhonda Jean, thank you for the reading tips. I will visit the links tomorrow. It's a bit late now and time for bed ; )
    Have a great weekend.

  5. I love the West Ladies and I too wish they would post more often!

    I will have to check out the other's that you listed.


  6. I am quite a new reader - really enjoying your simple life too! We moved earlier this year to begin a simpler life with our children.... I too thought you were mentioning books!

    Rach @


  7. I thought you were talking about books at first, too! I enjoy it when you put up links to sites and blogs you've found enjoyable, thank you.

  8. HI Rhonda ;) :)

    First, let me say THANK YOU for visiting my blog the other day :) :) I was really delighted to have a visit from you. It's extra special, knowing you are so busy with your new grandchild and other things ;) ): ):

    I also follow the West ladies blog, Homestead Blessings. In fact, I follow the website and on their Facebook page. Yes, I wish they would post more often. They are delightful, too. There's another blog I follow called "Aspiring Homemaker". It's a similar type of blog. T he young lady who writes it doesn't post often, but when she does, it's fabulous...Great recipes, photos, lots of do it yourself at home stuff, too :) :)

    Have a lovely weekend :) :) I'm off to knit some things :) :)

    p.s. I found this magzine in my local Barnes & Noble bookstore here in Oregon called "Mollie Makes" It's a British craft magazine and absolutely adorable. I'm not sure if it's available in Australia...if you can find it, browse the pages. The patterns are fun, especially if you love the crafty lifestyle :) :)

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  9. I thought books too but blogs are good. I need a bit of inspiration today so might get it from a bit of seeing what others do.


  10. I was so overwhelmed with the wonderful comments on my blog yesterday, I got teary all over again. Thanks you Rhonda and everyone else for your beautiful comments. Today I am going to be super positive and get myself super organised. You know how most of us have boxes of recipes or patterns that are in a terrible mess. Well, I've got all these scraps of paper, and doodles and sticky notes every where with all my login details and passwords to all the webby things I have to register with to be part of anything, that I'm going to put it all into a spreadsheet. If it's any good, I will share because it might help others like me who can sometimes get a bit overwhelmed with even the simplest tasks.
    Have a restful weekend

  11. Hi Rhonda - You featured my kitchen on your blog awhile back - I just wanted to say thanks and Hi, and I think you're doing a wonderful job of enlightening us all and making us aware. It's really great for the young ones coming up behind us to have all this great information at their fingertips. Can't wait to get a copy of your book when it comes out. We've recently gotten moved to our farm (after 3 years of waiting) and I've already been implementing some more frugal ways and plan on more and more as we settle in and the kids are gone now. Thanks for your fabulous blog - Have a great week!

  12. Thanks for the links, I bookmarked all of them.

  13. Thank you Rhonda, I just spent some wonderful time reading Homestead Blessings.

    Had to share this with you, I once worked with a lady who you remind me of, very similar facial features. Just the other day I saw her and for the life of me I couldn't remember her name, I had to stop myself from calling her Rhonda! It was a couple of days before I remembered her name was Linda. Could have been very embarrassing, I chose the easy way out and didn't say anything during our brief conversation.

  14. I'm enjoying the pictures on Homestead Blessings. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Well, your post the other day about lurkers made me feel guilty, even though it still took a few days to get me to write a post. I so love your blog and your forum. I am not one to speak up very much, but you have been an inspiration to me for over a year. I was forced to quit working because of a massive anxiety episode, I've been able to be at peace about my lost career since I found your blog. Thank you. Carmen

  16. Rhonda,

    I have commented once or twice before. I'm not that technically savy, so don't comment too often.

    Two things I wish to say. I have watched two of the West Ladies' DVDs that were borrowed from a friend. Did not know they had a website. Thanks for that.

    The other thing is that I was born in Perth Australia and moved to America with my family when I was five and have lived here ever since. I have gone back only three times in my life at age 10, 17 and 36. I would like to visit with my husband and children some day. In the mean time I enjoy you blog not only for the simple life you show, but also for the glimpse into Australian life.
    Thank you so much.

    Have been reading your blog for a couple of years now.

  17. We recently visited the Dennis Severs' house in Spitalfields. It is a good place to go,if you visit London, to get a real idea of what like was like there ...


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