17 June 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo so we can all find you. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

I will be making soap today. I hope to do a couple of batches of bar soap and start a batch of liquid soap. If all goes to plan, I may just clean the laundry up while I'm in there.  Fingers crossed.



  1. Making soap still is a 'once when I have time'-thing for me. Or better, a 'once when I get my boyfriend so far that I can use it'-thing ;-)

    The showers of rain have been on my mind today... http://jantineschimmel.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-regen.html

  2. I have a surplus of radishes and tried something new ~ that's on my mind today...


  3. I want to make some soap soon; we have grown weary of the cost and the chemicals in the store bought bars. Om my mind is greens... http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-greens.html

  4. Hi Rhonda, I'm so in awe of you!I aspire to make my own soap too one day. For the time being we try to buy handmade organic soaps from markets when we can and the most natural alternatives when we can't.
    One my mind today is this fabulous new vegetable? we were given, I'm just not sure what to do with it?

  5. I hope you have a lovely day making your soap. I will be busy today prepping for our big boys party tomorrow, he is on my mind today...

  6. Hi there, I don't think I linked this properly. I'm new to blogging! Today, on my mind, is a missed opportunity at the hairdresser. I was embarassed when telling her I use bi-carb, not shampoo! I should have tried to sell her on the benefits instead.

  7. I want to try to make soap soon!

    I am joining you today - http://mrsrabe.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html


  8. Hope all goes well with the soap making and laundry cleanup. On my mind is babies!!http://purplepearorganics.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind_17.htm

  9. I need to make some more soap too...I got rendered beef fat out of the freezer yesterday to do just that...so I guess I will be making some soap over the weekend too.
    On my mind today is my Mum's health

  10. Hi Rhonda,
    I have one of the same soap moulds as yours but was wondering where you got the round flower one?
    I make your soap all the time and would never go back to supermarket soap. I love to give soap as gifts as well.
    Have a great day.


  11. My decluttering journey is gathering some momentum at the moment and that has brought about some wonderful memories that are on my mind...


  12. One day I will make my own soap but till then I am happy buying it from others who make their own.
    Have a great day.
    Catching up with family is on my mind. http://lifeatarbordalefarm.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-is-catching-up-with-family.html

  13. On my mind today is my trip to the used book store and my lovely lunch out with my sweetheart. I still am dreaming of making soap one of these days!



  14. I have your soap posts bookmarked so I can do it one day soon, they look so lovely, and satisfying to make.

    On my mind, some 'indoor' hydrangeas :)


  15. I love your soap recipe and use it all the time, on my hair and face. Works great. I have shared it and your site with several friends.
    Will be trying liquid laundry soap soon, need to get more jugs to store it in.
    Have a great day behind your gate at home.

  16. I have yet to try making my own soap but i love my home made washing liquid (your's).
    On my mind a little trip away..

  17. On my mind is etiquette

  18. On My Mind is salty air, crisp breezes, blue water, and white sand! Come for a walk with me...

  19. On my mind today is Flower Pot Cosies, flower pots deserve to be pretty and warm too.

    Oh and soap making is something I wish I could do. Enjoy your day - keep warm


  20. Maybe someday I'll have the wherewithall to try soapmaking.

    Someone here had a link to some salt soap bars they make; I thought that looked really intriguing! Here's what's on my mind:



  21. On my mind today is my pregnancy with triplets. (Because what else would be on my mind right now???)


  22. I dream of one day being brave enough to venture into soap making, right now, the idea of it rather daunts me!

    Our cool summer, and cooking in reference to that, have been on my mind.


  23. On my mind today was how absolutely gorgeous the sunshine was, and how I could possibly get out in it...which led to a very small, but very satisfying, challenge for me. http://smallchangechallenge.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html

  24. Rhonda are those moulds silicone cake tins? I never considered them for soap.

    I'm still thinking about my new oven. :)


  25. Have a wonderful day today Rhonda and all the best with soap making and laundry cleaning.

    Today I was reminded that I have sanctuaries beyond my home and that I am happy.


    Have a good weekend everyone!

  26. I have still not ventured into soap making...someday..however today...
    On My Mind: new shoes

  27. I used to make soap a long time ago, I think that its a wonderful useful skill to have .. when I can I am going to make soap again.

    On my mind is replacing old items due to the inevitable of the item no longer be able go the distance.


    thanks for your blog and thanks for allowing me to link



  28. I did my "on my mind" post and forgot to put it on here, so here it is


  29. My laundry is the worst room in the house Rhonda!It could really do with a tidy up and de-clutter but that will have to wait because on my mind is another challenge!It involves lots of knitting which to me is bliss!!! lol

  30. Sounds like a lovely way to spend a day.

    On my mind...weekend eating:


  31. I love making soap now that I know how and I would never go back to buying soap again.

    But on my mind this week is this:


    Have a great weekend!

  32. Hi Rhonda,
    Coincidentally last week my mind was on soap as well. I found a local company that makes soaps and also sells the necessary supplies for making it. Placing that one on my list of new things to try :)
    This sunday, Father's day, the girls and I are taking my husband as well as a few friends to a permaculture farm that we have been meaning to visit for a while now. We will get a tour and purchase a few plants from the nursery. A fruitful celebration indeed!
    Blessings to Hanno and your boys.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend,
    Trinidad & Tobago

  33. Hi Rhonda, hope you have a great day soapmaking. On my mind today is air drying my clothes while it's raining outside.

  34. My mind is on Summer Bliss!


  35. I'm looking forward to having a look around everyone's blogs. It's a lovely wat to spend a Friday evening :o)

    On my mind today is 'bygone eras'

  36. Rhonda, I am enjoying a new food today! I appreciate you inviting us all over to share!

  37. Rhonda, I can't wait to see the finished product. Homemade soap is so much nicer than store bought. I was given some as a gift recently and it was certainly the nicest soap I have used in a long time.

    No "On My Mind' post this week as I wasn't really able to get it down to just one thing. i will certainly play-along next week.

  38. One of my daughters sent me this wonderful link:


    about a man who recycles hotel soap that would just be thrown away into landfills and gets it to children in third world countries where sanitation is a serious issue.

  39. I like your new molds! I don't think I've ever seen those before.

    My husband and is new job 1/2 way across the country is on my mind.


  40. Hi Rhonda,
    I have always loved your blog, and read it the entire time I was in New Zealand, and now that I'm home and setting up housekeeping once again, your blog is usually my first stop for advice! Thanks again for writing such wisdom, and being here to support the rest of us striving for a simple life.


  41. as I'm reevaluating the stuff that's going down the drain AND in our pores, making my own soap is looking more and more attractive. thanks for this post.



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