24 June 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo so we can all find you. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

Here he is again - Jamie! He is almost three months old now and when he visited yesterday, he was really alert, smiling and looking at everything around him. I had my first solo babysitting gig when Hanno, Kerry and Sunny all went to Maleny for morning tea and a stroll along the main street. Jamie slept for a little while, then woke and had a bottle while I talked to him about knitting and the difference between cotton and wool. We visited the chickens and he watched Hettie as she slept under the elder tree. Later we sat and watch a recorded Time Team and I introduced him to Phil, old Mick and Tony. It was a lovely visit that I'm still thinking about today.

Thank you all for the avalanche of comments yesterday - when I wrote about the lurkers I never expected THAT. I want to write to every one of you but time doesn't allow that, so please know that I really loved reading every single comment and I thank you for taking the time to respond. 



  1. When it is too hot outside, I am faced with my messy recipe collection inside. love,andrea

  2. He sure is a cutie! I love how you dote one him (like any good grandma should).

  3. Hi Rhonda
    Sorry about double posting to your blog yesterday. Bloggers comments department seems to be failing us at the moment. I thought that my comment was lost in space so I wrote again.

    Taupo NZ

  4. We know Rhonda ;o)

    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. Hi Rhonda,

    your grandchild is so precious ;) :) What a sweet baby :) :) I know that little one is going to be loved on by many :) :)

    I would like to participate more regularly in your "On my mind..." posts. The thought occured to me, that I rarely just post one photo...since I usually have a lot on my mind :) :) Do you still accept entries, even if there are multiple ph otos? It is about one subject this time... yardsales :) :)

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  6. He is such a handsome little guy !!! You must be so proud and that sounds like a lovely day you've had !!!
    Have a great weekend.

  7. Dear Rhonda
    It´s been a long time since I wrote a comment although I never miss a day. Thank you for the daily dose of wisdom and down-to-earthness.
    How apt that you featured a Carl Larsson picture yesterday. Tomorrow Saturday, is the Big Day here - Midsummers Eve. All over the country people deck out a Maypole and dance silly dances around it - young and old. Great fun! It´s a magic time that brings us all together when the sun never really sets and no one wants to go to bed. We will be celebrating with our son, our daughter-in-law and our dear little granddaughters. Being a grandmother is the best isn´t it?
    Love from Uppsala/Sweden
    Ramona K

  8. What a truly gorgeous photo of Jamie and to have him all to yourself,how wonderful!Hasn't that 3 months gone quickly.It can't be much longer before the arrival of the next little one.I have 2 bothers and 2 sisters and we had our children around the same times so there was always a cousin close in age . It was wonderful and they became good friends.

  9. Beautiful baby, Rhonda -

    Being a grandmother is the best !

  10. baby boy Jaime sure is cute :) Espy

  11. He is just so gorgeous....I love the way you write about him....very loving post Rhonda....
    On my mind is the doilies I saved from the op-shop yesterday: http://justlikemynanmade.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind_24.html

  12. Today I am thinking about my retirement and planting to prepare.


  13. Oh my goodness, what a beautiful wee boy. As a Nana who see's her grandson so rarely, I can imagine, that overwhelming swelling of your heart when you look down on him..Bless

    My on my mind is far less moving..but should I ever finish it, it will be fulfilling.

  14. I'm so pleased to see you're addressing the most importantpart of that sweet baby's education...introducing him to Mick, Phil and Tony....what else does a small boy need :)


  15. That is a great thing to have on your mind - Memories with your very first Grandchild.

    I have a project on my mind...http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-project-in-works.html

  16. Heather dear, you do whatever you want to do. All rules, particularly mine, are there to be tested.

  17. Jamie is such a beautiful baby Rhonda and what a lovely day you had with him.

    My grandson has been such a big part of our life since he was born.
    He is now 14 but still pops in each night on his way home from school and spends every Saturday with us - we have taken him away on holiday with us every year since he was 6 and had the most wonderful times.

    You have so much to look forward to and, with another little guy on
    way, you are doubly blessed.

    I can't wait to see the pictures of them toddling around your lovely garden. Happy days.

    From one proud grandma to another.

    Val in England.

  18. Lovely little Jamie is getting more gorgeous! What a little treasure.
    I just re-read some of the comments left yesterday, isnt it funny how some people hone in on one thread of your blog and something entirely different will speak to another - fascinating.
    Have a good weekend

  19. What a gorgeous baby Rhonda, grandparenting is wonderful - all the pleasure and not too much of the pain! I love Time Team, and watch it all the time here in the UK. It feels as though we all have friends in common - the wonders of modern technology. Thanks again for all the inspiration!

  20. I'm just now catching up on the last few days worth of posts. I just wanted to say that I love your blog and I do normally just lurk. I am so busy with kids and a homestead of my own that commenting isn't something I often take time for. Even so, I feel a connection to you and your way of life through the reading of your blog and am so glad that you continue to write even if some of us lurk way more often than we comment. I have learned so much from you and hope to continue to do so for a long time to come.


  21. Jamie is just so cute :)
    Om my mind today is going back to work: http://we-make-it-work.blogspot.com/

  22. Hi Rhonda,

    Thanks bunches :) :) I"d say I have one thing on my mind, rather than just one photo...it's all about summer yardsales, garage sales etc ;) :) I love friendly visitors...so anyone is welcome to stop by :) :) Here's the link to my blogpost about yardsales. http://heathersblog-o-rama.blogspot.com/2011/06/yard-sale-treasures.html

    Have a lovely weekend. Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  23. How Jamie has grown and changed and he is still super cute.
    On my mind is my knitting. A shawl/scarf and I'm loving it.


  24. What a gorgeous little boy. It is great that you are spending quality time with him and forming such a special bond. Grandparents are so important in the lives of their grandchildren. xxoo

  25. Wow Rhonda, that 3 months flew by! He's certainly cute :).
    On my mind today are some feathered friends who've been visiting lately and brightening the cold winter days -

  26. Rhonda, he is such a gorgeous little man and it is so wonderful that you managed to have some time, just the 2 of you.

    The excitement of sharing food seeds and seedlings is on my mind this week. Only a week to go until Giving Day.

  27. what a beautiful baby!! thank you so much for sharing pics of Jamie, Rhonda.


  28. A solo baby-sitting gig, how cool! I can just imagine little Jamie taking in all you say as you chat away to him - how lucky he is to have a sweet Nana like you. Sunny is lucky too that she can go off for a nice coffee, knowing Jamie is in good hands. My mum and MIL both were there to help me when my girls were small and that family support really makes the difference.

  29. What a lovely nana you are Rhonda. Lucky you and lucky Jamie. You are an inspiration to all in so many ways.
    Have a restful weekend,

  30. Oh my, Today has made me sad and happy. On my mind is my friend Annie and I have to go for a walk now because I can't stop crying. I am so lucky to such wonderful, caring friends.

  31. He has such a beautiful little face and looks just so healthy! Must have been wonderful to babysit him on your own.

  32. A beautiful photo Rhonda! It is hard to believe how time has flown with Jamie being 3 months!!!!
    On my mind today is just some of the ways my life has changed in recent years...

  33. I am one of your "ex-lurkers". You have been an inspiration and encouragement to me over the years. Thank you for sharing your wisdom, knowledge, and the example of your life.

  34. Hi Rhonda, I'm another lurker coming out to say hello. I feel like I've eaten breakfast with you almost every week day morning for the last couple of years.
    Up until two weeks ago I used to read your blog then go off to work, now my baby is almost here and I've given up 'work' to start my life as a stay at home mum and wife.
    I still read your blog over breakfast but then I potter around the house preparing for baby (cooking freezer meals etc). Admittedly being heavily pregnant my days include a couple of naps, and the transition has been a bit bumpy, quite often I get bored with my own company and yearn for the bustle of the office but so far it's going pretty well.
    All your recent posts featuring baby Jamie make me wish my baby would be here already so that hubby and I can start this parenting job for real!

    Kindest of Regards

  35. Hello Rhonda he is adorable. I can tell you love being a Grandmother. B

    On My Mind is Procrastination and doing something about it. The Purge.


  36. So very cute. I can't wait to mee my neice and nephew next week. hence preparing for a holiday is on my mind. http://lifeatarbordalefarm.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-is-preparing-for-holiday.html

  37. On My Mind is something that Warms My Heart...http://blessingtheelements-mi.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-warmth-of-earth.html
    Rhonda, such as the cuteness in your post..

  38. Awww, what a cutie and good to know he's getting a few lessons on crafting from his grandma - start 'em young!

    Rhonda, I've joined in "on my mind" this week


  39. What a gorgeous photo, so cute, you must be a very proud grandmother Rhonda!

    On my mind - our colt selling

  40. Hi Rhonda. Gosh 3 months already? He's such a big bouncy baby! Just gorgeous!

    On my mind today are Lemon Buttercream Cupcakes I made yesterday. I use a no fuss, no egg, easy recipe for most of my cakes and this is such a good recipe for being quick, easy and adjustable for any flavour combination. Have a great weekend!


    Anne xx

  41. I commented before but didn't have my post up but I do now looking at the resilience of the food web http://purplepearorganics.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind_24.html

  42. On my mind is trusting God for a healing miracle for Craig, a 12 yr old boy with several brain tumours here in Cape Town. I know his mom.

  43. Oh Rhonda your Grand baby is a beauty :)

    On my mind today is Power Bills, Green Power and Windmills

    Once again thank you for all your hard work and congrats on the archiving of your blog what a worthwhile recognition.

    Thank you for allowing me to link http://alemonandaspoon.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-power-bills-green-power-and.html

    warm wishes


  44. You need to knit him a stripey jumper like Mick's :)

  45. WHat a cutie!

    Our dog Monty's surgery is on my mind today.


  46. He's just perfect. Gorgeous. Makes me feel all broody again. Enjoy that beautiful baby boy, Rhonda.

  47. Hi, Rhonda. I am a lurker, also. I read your blog and Homesteading Today every day. Thank you for the posts about your life and everyday activities. We are many miles apart but we live very similar lives.
    Valerie in SC/USA

  48. Hi Rhonda

    I have lots on my mind at the moment....but predominantly that I want to start a new knitting project with the handspun pure hand dyed wool I bought last winter.


  49. Jamie is beautiful! What a blessed little boy he is for having you for a grandmother....his wife will be one lucky woman. :)

    Love your blog and I learn so much that I wasn't raised to know or do. It has affected our family in wonderful ways, both financially and in adding to the peace and comfort I strive to bring to our home.

    I may not post often but I'm out here! :) Blessings to you!

  50. I am perhaps running behind, but since I've yet to play along with all you fun people for the whole month of June (I just checked my blog archive!) I thought: better late than not at all. I've missed it.

    So, on my mind is the loveliest snow pea blossoms in my garden. http://bld-in-mt.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mindsnow-pea-blossoms.html

  51. Cute healthy baby!! What a gift!!
    From one grandma to another...
    Elizabeth in NC

  52. Jamie is a lovely baby. I love that you're teaching him important things like the difference between cotton and wool, and how to keep chooks (as you say there, we call them our girls here). What do you think you'll have the grands call you & Hanno?

  53. How lucky he is to have such a nice grandma. He will learn so much for you and remember it all his life. Enjoy him! Lana www.lifeatwildberrycottage.com

  54. What a beautiful baby! He has such beautiful eyes. I wonder if they are grey or blue.


  55. I have been reading for a while now and usually have trouble posting comments. Your blog has inspired me to be more frugal and treasure the blessings of a paid off mortgage. We are truly trying to live a more simple life, but, sometimes life gets in the way.

    Keep up what your are doing you are an inspiration to a lot of people.


  56. Self admitted lurker here, LOL! Love your blog and all the wisdom you share. I religiously follow your blog and look forward to it daily. And thank you for the laundry detergent recipe you posted a while back. It has saved us alot!! Your grandson is precious!

  57. Today, my 6 day old veggie garden is on my mind. http://ibicycle.blogspot.com/2011/06/magic-bean-stalk_24.html

  58. Today, my new garden is on my mind

  59. Jamie's so cute!
    On my mind, among other things: A thrifted blouse very pleasant to wear and plans for recreating it:

  60. Such a sweet, beautiful baby. Oh how I miss having a little one around. I long for the day when I'll be a grandma:) In the meantime I have blueberries on my mind. http://watchingovertheheartandhome.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-beautiful-blueberries.html

  61. Such a cute little boy. I have a little girl the same age.

  62. He is such a precious little darling! Such a sweet face...

    I'm not sure if I can contribute regularly to an "On my mind" post, however I have one there today on being more mindful.


  63. Hi Rhonda! I haven't visited you for a while and I guess I have been in the dark a bit...but here I am and I've done a good little catch up. I know what you mean about how many visitors compared to how many comments...it's good to know what readers are interested in when you get a comment. Jamie is just gorgeous, you must really notice how quickly he is growing when you see him each visit. Thanks for visiting over my way recently and sorry I haven't replied to your comment.

  64. Oh my goodness, Jamie is absolutely ADORABLE! I'd love to get my lips on those sweet buttery cheeks... He is such a handsome contented looking lad and you must be SO proud! :)

    I don't have Grandchildren yet, but your posts have me thinking about what I can do to look forward to and plan for the next stage in my life - Being A Grandma! With 5 children, I'm betting that we just may end up with a passel of Grandkids and that suits me to the ground - kids are so fun and they really teach us the importance of meaningful things - time together.


  65. Hi, Rhonda! I have typed many responses to your postings and for some reason they do not show up!! Here I go, trying it again. I LOVE your blog and have learned so much from reading it! I share your joy at being a Grandmother, too! I am about your age and I get great happiness and satisfaction from being at home.

    Mary--Nebraska, USA


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