10 June 2011

On my mind ...

This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us all a new way to discover each other, and maybe form new friendships. Your photo should show something at home that you're thinking about TODAY. If you're in another country you should join in when you read this, even if it's still Thursday.

To take part, all you have to do is post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explaining it, and link it back to here. Please write a new post, don't link to an older one. When your photo is published, come back and add a comment below, with a link to your blog photo so we can all find you. Please visit all the blogs that appeal to you and leave a comment. Slow down, take the time to cruise around and enjoy your cyber visits.

See this cupboard - it looks innocent enough but it hides a secret behind those bottom doors. It contains my tablecloths and it hasn't been cleaned out for about three years.  Eek!  Over the weekend, I'm tidying up this and my tea towel/jug cover/ napkins/ tea cosy drawer.  I'll be posting about it next week so if you want to join in, do so, take before and after photos and you can post links to your photos.  I wonder whose will be the worst.  I think know the answer to that already. 



  1. What a great idea. I have a china cupboard that I store the linens in the top, and canning jars in the bottom as it has closed doors. Hmm, I think I will be in the running on messy. But I am up to the challenge!

    I love the simple elegance of the photo by the way!


  2. No way, Rhonda, that I am posting a before/after linen stash! I might be mortified.

    Here's what's on my mind--corn planting:

  3. I'm sure your cupboard contents can't be that bad. The burning question for me is about the one lonely looking blue and white cup hanging amongst all the other matching china. Does it serve a special purpose, does it have a special history, is it your favourite? I'm dying to know!

  4. Forgot---However, I do have to tell you...from looking at the many lovely photos of your home, last week I set a small basket on our dining room table which now holds our cloth napkins. So handy, and why didn't I ever think of that before? --Kay

  5. Ahhhh!!!! too late for me I did that last weekend lol

  6. Karen Lizzie, there are actually two blue and white cups and saucers there. Hanno brought them back as a gift for me when he went to Germany about 15 years ago.

  7. First off.... Kay R-Z you CRACK ME UP!!!
    And Rhonda my sister-in-law shares your taste in dishes - she has that set too. Good luck with your cleaning up and organizing. On my mind is... http://lifeforus.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-i-better-get-cracking.html and my earlier post from today was about some great finds at the Old Mill Antique Mall.

  8. Oh My...I already posted On My Mind...and it hasn't a thing to do with cleaning a cupboard...it has to do with a lovely dish that will be displayed above my cabinet top...

  9. blessings, that's fine. This is if anyone wants to join me next week.

  10. Apple cake is on my mind. http://www.girlswearbluetoo.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html

    I only have two table cloths Rhonda, good luck with this task.

  11. I love the elegance of your china cupboard....your style shows your grace...I'm sure underneath can't be all that bad....

    This is on my mind is the state of my veranda

  12. HI Rhonda,

    Oh, I was just thinking about the lovely, beautiful day in Southern Oregon. I had to post five photos...but I kept my words few this time ;) :) My dad had an angiogram last Tuesday. It's a routine procedure...Thankfully, he's good..no stent or surgery needed. We went shopping today. It was such a beautiful day today :) :) We are thankful for those small gifts ;) :) Here's the link to my post http://heathersblog-o-rama.blogspot.com/2011/06/beautiful-june-day.html

    Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :) :) :)

  13. I've got a busy day planned.


  14. Good luck with your cleaning, although I'm sure they won't be too bad :-). I will not be cleaning this weekend, but this is what's on my mind:


    Claud :-)

  15. I have one of those types of cupboards - which needs the same attention.. however today on my mind, sort of along the same lines, only different *scratches head at that sentence*
    Why is it, that this always gets left behind.

  16. You might regret that challenge Rhonda, altho I'm not sure I could stand the shame of posting a photo of the schmozzle that is our linen cupboard!

    On my mind - bunting!

  17. Good luck! I did mine during a Forum challenge, maybe it's time for another?

    I'm thinking about my new oven being installed today. :)


  18. I'm sure most people know you mean 'jug cover', Rhonda, not 'jog cover'. I've stopped using tablecloths except for on a rare occasion. The ones I have are on a shelf in my linen cupboard and just stay there most of the time. Suppose they could be washed, dried, ironed and put back there. :)

    I'm glad I don't have a blog, because then I'd be "forced" to show a before/after cupboard of another kind eg my bedroom cupboard and, like Kay R-Z, I'd be be mortified and you all would be horrified....but I guess it'd make me clean it up! LOL

  19. Good luck with that, Rhonda. We did a BIG decluttering of our storeroom last weekend.
    Cleaning is also on my mind, but cleaning of hair.
    Have a fruitful weekend.

  20. LoL - a happy chore I would think as you get to handle all your linens and maybe think back onsome happy memories. :-)

    Rhonda, what is your China pattern - it looks lovely in the photo butI don't recognise it.

    Thank you for your inspiring blog,

    Janet in Canada

  21. Janet, it's Petit Fleur by Villeroy and Boch

  22. On my mind is online friends/buddies

  23. Oh Rhonda, I just love your Villeroy & Boch "Petite Fleur". Ever since I found your blog I have admired it and have begun collecting bits and pieces. I am hoping to eventually have a full dinner set but slowly slowly for me I'm afraid. I am totally in love with it. I also love reading your blog. It's the first thing I do when I sit down each morning with a cuppa.

  24. Hi Rhonda. I reckon my linen press housing all my tablecloths would beat yours, hands down! LOL I'm looking forward to the challenge next week.

    I'm feeling 'spaced out' today after what's been a hectic week with a sick 4 yr old boy and school projects on planets. We're visiting the Brisbane Planetarium this weekend, just to top it off!


    Have a good weekend!

    Anne @ Domesblissity

  25. Good luck with the clean out Keeping warm is on my mind http://lifeatarbordalefarm.blogspot.com/2011/06/keeping-warm-is-on-my-mind.html

  26. I like that in all that uniformity of the pattern there is one little blue and white tea cup hiding. A special momento or a favourite? That's what adds character to a setting. :o) I'll think on your challenge, there are many drawers/cupboards that could be tackled!

  27. Rhonda I really enjoy your blog. I was hoping you could post your cheesecake recipe again. Thankyou Lindel

  28. Lovely cupboard and china. I won't join you in the clean up next week but I'll be interested to see what items are there as you often have things that remind me of my departed Nan's household items. I do mean that in a nice way!
    Today I have a nice surprise on my mind

  29. Hi I have a cupboard somewhat like that. We are expecting rain this weekend- you may have just prompted me to give that cupboard a sort out. you can see what's on my mind over at my blog purplepearorganics.blogspot.com/2011/06on-my-mind_10.html

  30. Hi Rhonda, It has been really nice to see your recent posts about becoming grand parents. My mother is much like you and takes the chance of occasional babysitting to enjoy spending time with my boys. My in-laws have never once looked after my children, although they do have a good relationship with them. Not everybody takes the opportunity like you do. I loved your post about how you want to love your DIL's. Often MIL's can be very critical as is mine. I wish they could come to my home and enjoy being there and being a part of our family rather than criticising every tiny thing.
    I dont know how many will be joining you newt week it seems that no one wants to show there mess :D

    I have an on my mind post:http://bananarunkin.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html

  31. Another thing on my mind, is becoming a MRS! Hope you don't mind me posting for both my blogs Rhonda!


  32. Hi Rhonda and friends,
    i really love reading your blog/friends, every friday -On my mind. i just loving it and hopefully i'll update my blog as well when i'm more free in July like you all..TK

  33. Wow 3 yrs thats a very long time, you'll be fine Rhonda and knowing how industrious you are, you will have that cupboard sorted out in a very organised manner.:)

    On my mind today is Fort Bragg Northern California a small coastal town next to Mendocino, which was my daytrip excursion favorite! http://alemonandaspoon.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-today.html

    thanks for allowing me to link

    Cee from alemonandaspoon.blogspot.com

  34. Sounds like fun Rhonda! Cant wait to see the before and after's.

    One of my 2 darling sister's is on my mind.


    Xx Sarndra

  35. I've been thinking about my morning walk and how it has become the best part of the day!

  36. I have just done this with my cupboards that store stuff like this because we have changed our floor boards and next week is the carpet.

    On my mind is how much I have to do!!! http://myplaceforspace.blogspot.com/2011/06/so-much-to-do.html

  37. HiRhonda, my second post. I really like your cupboard.


  38. I hope to join you in this endeavor! For now my mind is on my garden. I'm wanting to get on with summer but its too hot and dry for June in these parts!


  39. Good luck and good for you taking it on!

    On my mind this week is getting back to home cooked meals. http://greengracious.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind-cooking.html

  40. OH i have a closet upstairs that is hiding some boxes i probably should of unpacked months ago... and several other bags of winter clothing that should be stored properly

  41. ahhhhhh...
    Instantly brings to mind the nostalgic smell of bay leaves. Here we put these in linen closets and wardrobes to keep away the moths.

    Have a great weekend!
    Trinidad & Tobago

  42. I actually am supposed to be doing this very same thing when I return home in a few days since my mother abhors cleaning out her linen pantry!

    This week, Charlotte Mason has been on my mind... http://willowcliffestudios.blogspot.com/2011/06/on-my-mind.html


  43. Sorry I'm a day late!! By coincidence I'm doing a major decluttering (again!!) in our home so I might take up the challenge!!! lol
    On my mind is the number of people who find themselves in dire straits and the sudden cold weather here isn't helping...


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