24 August 2010

This is where I work

Today we're travelling to South Africa to visit Wendy who is living simply on her urban homestead, homeschooling her four children.

We are a South Africa homeschooling family of 6 (mom, dad, 2 girls, 2 boys, 3 dogs, 5 chickens, 1 goldfish - oops that's more than 6!) living in Cape Town, South Africa. Nestled between the Two Oceans (Indian and Atlantic) and beautiful Table Mountain where we work from home, homeschool, home church and enjoy a simple life in this urban centre. I have sent this photo with my front door open as "Where I Work" encompasses our whole home and garden.

In 2008 we started on our urban homestead journey by exchanging rose bushes and lawn for growing vegetables. This second photo is of our first veggie garden. Two other sections were soon converted to grow more vegetable which means in summer and autumn we only eat vegetables from our garden. This simple step in growing our own food has spawned new interest in a simple lifestyle and other homesteading skills, like canning and preserving, cooking from scratch, sewing and knitting, keeping urban chickens and a move to a more organic lifestyle.

Wendy's blog is here.

Please note: I'm not taking any more submissions for this where I work series.



  1. Hi Wendy, This certainly looks delightful. I will pop over and have a look at your blog, I'm sur it will be of interest to many of the '' down to earth '' followers.
    Thank you for sharing your lovely vege garden.

    Blessings Gail

  2. Hi Wendy, what a great looking garden. I just popped over to your blog via Rhonda's link and will be back regularly. Cheers.

  3. Your garden is beautiful! I especially like the growing wall. Are they flowers or vegetables growing up the lattice?
    It will be fun to read your blog.

  4. Thank you all for "visiting" my garden.

    Carolyne, I have granadilla vines growing up the lattice. They are onyl producing a little fruit, but we hope for more as time goes on.

  5. Wow... it is indeed very beautiful.

    Thanks for sharing Wendy.

  6. Wow Wendy, your place looks beautiful! I like to put pins on our globe to show me where there are other homesteads in the world. It's nice to know there are others out there.
    Concerning your post on water Rhonda, we sort of have the same thing here. Our township is trying to install a new system that of course, will make us all pay for it. We are hoping it won't pass because the bills and taxes will sky rocket. I hope you are able to cut down yours!
    The Girl in the Pink Dress

  7. Your home & garden look beautiful, Wendy. I'm just off to take a look at your blog. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Hi Wendy,
    Your garden looks wonderful, so green and productive.
    Thanks for sharing :)

  9. HI Wendy...This is really interesting to read of other people around the world who are practicing urban homesteading :) :) I've noticed quite a few of my friends are starting to do this now too ) :) :) Oh, many of my friends also homeschool their children. That's a true calling!!! Thanks for sharing part of your life with us...

    Rhonda...this was a great series. I can't wait to see what you come with next!!! Love and hugs from Oregon, Heather :)

  10. Lovely Wendy. I used to live in Stellenbosch (as an Aussie) and Cape Town is such a beautiful city.

    I love how you took the photo with the front door open; a nice touch.


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