15 August 2010

Sharon is recovering

It's been over a month now with Sharon first admitted to acute intensive care, then long term intensive care, much of it spent intubated with a  machine breathing for her, but now she is recovering.  She is spending some time out of bed and has written me a couple of emails.  She was really touched by the outpouring of love and good wishes here and I'm sure that helped her recovery a tiny bit.

We have to make sure she is completely well before she can even think of returning here, but I knew you'd all want to know that she is getting better every day and her family is smiling again.


  1. Thanks so much for the update, she has come far in her healing, with far to go. Good Luck Sharon, more kind thoughts your way.

  2. So good to hear that Sharons health is improving :)

  3. what wonderful news for Sharyn and her family. Thanks Rhonda for the update.

  4. That is wonderful news.

  5. Hi Rhonda...thanks for the update on Sharon. I'm glad to hear she's slowly on the mend!!! I'm praying for a full recovery...sending lots of love and hugs her way from Oregon. Hugs and love to you too, Heather :) :)

  6. Hi Sharon, I'm so glad to hear the good news that your health is improving. I know it gets hot in your part of the world but that sure was a dramatic way to avoid the heat of summer. ;-) Take care and look after yourself.

  7. Oh that is so wonderful. I know how much you must love her. She is a real gift to you. Good to hear of her healing

  8. Wonderful new Rhonda and our shouldrers will feel a little lighter as I imagine you have been very worried about your dear friend.Carole xx

  9. It's good to hear that Sharon is doing better! I will continue to send prayers up for her speedy recovery.

  10. So very happy to hear this! Isn't the power of prayer amazing? Many blessings,

  11. I am so, so, happy to hear this good news..........I wish someone could send us her snailmail address off the blog so we could send her get well cards.

  12. I'm so happy you let us know. Prayers do wonder.


  13. Such good news! Thanks for the update!

  14. Thank is so good to hear, Rhonda. :-)

  15. I was wondering how she was doing,thanks for update!That IS great news! Darlene


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