11 August 2010

The most wonderful news

This post will give me more joy to write than anything else I could think of today.  I told you  there are a few exciting things happening here at the moment, well, I am now able to tell you the most exciting one of them.  Our son Kerry and his beautiful partner Sunny are having a baby!  Hanno and I will be grandparents in late March.  I can barely believe my eyes when I read what I have just written.

 This is one of my original stitchery patterns.

This wasn't planned but it's welcomed wholeheartedly by all of us.  Both Kerry and Sunny are hard workers and now that they have a baby to love and care for, they've decided it's time to buy an apartment together.  Sunny is going home to Korea to tell her family and when she comes back again, the search will start to find their first home together.  We are all so excited!  My knitting has taken on a life of its own and when I think of all the projects I could start, my head spins. 

This is one moment in my life when I feel as full as I could be.  I'm full of hope, love, anticipation, joy, generosity and determination.  Now, more than ever, I know that the way we live is preparing for this new life. I hope that when it comes to be my time to die, the world is more like the one I was born into and less like the one I grew up in.  We all owe that to our children and our grandchildren.

I'll stop writing now, I've already gone overboard because only these words matter today: Our son Kerry and his beautiful partner Sunny are having a baby!



  1. How lovely for you! You`re going to be a grandma, or a nannie(as you would be called, here in Britain). You must be terribly excited. Congratulations to your son and his wife. New life is always good news!

  2. Congratulations Rhonda Auntie (can I call you that?) :)

  3. What wonderful news. Congratulations to Kerry & Sunny and you and Hanno. What could be better? I am delighted for you all. Jane xx

  4. Congratulations Rhonda and Hanno!! and of course Kerry ans Sunny.All I can say Rhonda is that you only thought you loved your children,wait till you hold that baby!!!the love of a grandchild is beyond compare I think it is Gods reward for our time and love we give our children,and it is just so all comsuming,when the time comes it seems all we can talk about to our friends,pictures galore are taken for wonderful memories, You are ging to go all gooey as you knit your jackets,booties etc.I can say that after havig 6 grandchildren,the thrill of the news of the impending birth was always just as exciting as the first one,and all are so loved. Rhonda and Hanno welcome to the exclusive grandparents club where you are going to be so loved by a little person and feel so special.Carole

  5. Oh!! Congratulations!!! :D That's so very wonderful news. I'd be yelling it from the rooftops hehe.

  6. Congratulations! Babies are such a joy (and a ton of work). I pray the baby is healthy with ten fingers and ten toes, only one nose and two ears (and all the other proper parts in the right place). :P May the child be a blessing for Kerry, Sunny, Hanno and you (and any others around).

  7. Congratulations!!! I have 5 now and each is as welcome and loved as the others! There is nothing better!!

  8. Congratulations to you and your family!

  9. Congratulations! (To you and to them!)

    That's wonderful news. :)

  10. Rhonda and Hanno, I am so very happy for you!! I have tears in my eyes, glad ones....your words are brimming with such joy and happiness. New grandparents, new parents, new aunt and uncle.....all because of a precious little baby. Enjoy the journey leading to this wonderful event. I can just imagine the baby shower....filled with knitted beauties! Hugs, Heather

  11. Congratulations! What wonderful news! I'll look forward to the fun projects you'll do for your new addition :)
    Your joy is palpable - thanks for sharing!

  12. Oh, Rhonda.....that is the *Best* news of all.
    I am so happy for you and Hanno (and all your family)! It is wonderful to see how what we live is passed on to the next generation a hundred times.
    Our life becomes refreshed with a different perspective with a new Life to love.

  13. Oh, what sweet news! Congratulations to Sunny and Kerry! You are going to be the best Grandmother ever :-)

  14. Congratulations! There is nothing more wonderful than a new baby, except maybe becoming a grandparent! Enjoy every minute, they grow so fast...

  15. I knew that the wonderful news was the moment I read the title of your blog. Babies are always wonderful news!

  16. Congratulations! Y'all will be wonderful grandparents!

    Mary Ellen

  17. I'm so excited for you! I've heard the second time around with grand-babies is by far the best. You get to do the knitting, the doting, the cookie baking, and then you get to give them back! There are fewer worries, since you have been through it with your own kiddos, and so much less stress.


  18. Congratulation to all of you. That is wonderful news. Thank you for sharing it with us. Emily in So. Texas


  20. I just knew somehow when I saw your heading there might be a baby coming! It is always alright to go a bit overboard when there's a baby esp the first.
    Horray! A baby! Best wishes to you and your family.

  21. Wow, what fantastic news! Believe me, you are just about to embark on one of the best journeys of your life! Becoming a grandparent has been such a joy to me (I have two granddaughters and one grandson - so far!) and I still get emotional when I remember my sons and their wives telling me they were pregnant! I know you'll enjoy every moment, and that the lucky baby will have the most perfect grandparents!

  22. What exciting news! Hoping that everything goes well for Sunny during her pregnancy.

    We had an "unexpected" granddaughter almost two years ago and she has been such a joy. The door to the future begins to open a little wider...

  23. your overwhelming joy is evident and infectious.

    congratulations to you all.

  24. Being a grandma is the best gig ever. You will love it!

  25. I don't know if I've ever commented, but I've been reading your blog for quite sometime and just had to pipe up and say Congratulations! What fantastic news. Enjoy this time of expectancy and preparation :o)

  26. What wonderful news, Rhonda!! I am overjoyed for all of you! Grandchildren are such a gift - blessings on you all.

  27. Congratulations !!!!!!!!! that is wonderful news. They will be one spoiled grandchild.

  28. You are in for the joy of your life. Grandchildren are wonderful! My goal with mine is to make memories that will last them long after I am gone. Congratulations to all of you!

  29. Such exciting news!! Congratulations, Grandma!!

  30. Congratulations, Mema! :-) That's Southern-speak for grandmother (pronounced MEE-ma). Oh, I am so happy for all of you. You will be the most excellent Mema!


  31. Congratulations!!!!! You can't beat the joys of being a grandparent.

  32. Congratulations!

    That's great

    *big smile on face*

  33. Such a lucky babe :) Congratulations, and may health and happiness follow all of you all of your days!

  34. CONGARULATIONS from Michigan!
    Your officially a G'ma ~ Grandma~Grammy~NaNa (as I'm called by our lovely 6 GRANDS)!
    Enjoy the ride it's WONDERFUL!

  35. Congratulations Rhonda! What wonderful news. Sonya

  36. Congrats Grandma! from Dallas, Texas!

    What a super lucky baby to have you as a Grandma!

  37. congratulations!

    the child is blessed to have you for a grandma!


  38. How beautiful! Congratulations to your son and Sunny! And to Grandpa Hanno.

    Love and blessings!

  39. Wonderful!! My husband and I just made my parents grandparents not long ago and they find so much joy in it. I know you will too!

  40. Congratulations Rhonda and hanno. You have so much love to share as we all know from reading your blog everyday, you will make wonderful grandparents. Love and prayers for a healthy pregnancy and birth to come!!

  41. What wonderful news! I am so very happy for all of you. I'm "Granny" to 6, ranging in age from 8 yrs. to 2 weeks. The first (a surprise babe)and last are my boys and the others girls (obviously)! I've knitted baskets of booties, sweaters, hats and blankets, all with love knitted into every stitch! And what a lucky grand baby to have you and Hanno as grandparents! There is so much of a practical nature that you can teach this little one! I can't wait to follow the progress through the months ahead!! Blessings on Kerry and Sunny and all who love them.

  42. Oh, Rhonda, what joy for all of you! For your son and his partner but also for you and Hanno! I love being a grandmother and my fourth grandchild will arrive in early October. There is something so satisfying about becoming a grandparent. And so joyful!!!!

  43. Congratulations Rhonda and Hanno. Such wonderful news. And of course congratulations to Kerry and Sunny.
    love Jenny

  44. Thats wonderful news...Really happy for you

  45. I knew it! I'm so pleased for you, bless, you've now got a reason to do even MORE sewing. Well done Nan-nan!

  46. Congratulations to you all!

    Lovely heart-warming post, thank-you for sharing:)

    Could be an auspicious Saint Patrick's or dreamy / sensitive Piscean baby?!!!:)


  47. Congratulations!

    I became a grandmother for the first time in June. It is so amazing to hold your child's child.

    Can't wait to see what you knit up!

  48. How wonderful! Congratulations to you all! xxx

  49. congratulations!!!! You will make wonderful grandparents

  50. This is so wonderful! you will see a whole new stage of life called grandparent-hood. It is indescribable the way a grandbaby makes you feel. Not to mention how priorities in life once again re-align themselves!


  51. I knew it! I knew it!!! When I first read about it yesterday I immediately thought, "I bet Rhonda is gonna be a Grandma & she's gonna knit some baby things." Congrats!!! :-)

    It's such a blessing for a child to have grandparents who are happy to be grandparents. My mother broke off contact with me due to my pregnancy.

    Your grandchild will be blessed. Awwww. I'm so happy for you!

    P.S. Also best wishes to the parents in case they follow the blog. :-)

  52. Congratulations to you all. What a lucky child this will be to be born into a family as lovely as yours x

  53. Fantastic news, congrats to all!! The baby will be surrounded by lots of love

  54. Thank you all for sharing our joy. Cadi, I'm so sorry your mother did that. {{Hugs}} and yes, they do read the blog, the whole family does.

  55. Congratulations. That's terrific news; one that will add an unbelievably fulfilling dimension to yours and your family's lives.

  56. Congratulations! How lovley for you to be starting a new journey as a grandmother. Oh and your right about all the lovley children's projects you will be able to start on :)

  57. Congratulations to you all - such wonderful news! A new addition to a family already filled with love and nurturing spirit - what a blessed baby he/she is. :)

  58. Congratulations,to you all, this is always the best news ever .How very exciting,a whole new world!This baby is very lucky to be born into such a lovely family .God bless you all.

  59. How wonderful for you! Congrats!

  60. Congratulations!!! How exciting. all the very best to you all. March will come very qwuickly :)

  61. Wonderful news Rhonda!
    Rather than stacks of dishcloths
    I expect we will see photographs of baskets of booties and beanies sometime soon!

  62. Congratulations soon-to-be Granny! That's wonderful news for you and your family! My mother kept the nappies she used for we five kids for years and finally when the first grandchild was on the way, there they were on the line to get dew-bleached. She was so excited! As a teenager, I was adept at putting a cloth nappy on a baby before I even saw a disposable one.

    Have heaps of fun!

  63. Congratulations! How exciting for your family.

  64. Congratulations To you all. What a joy, a blessed new life. How wonderful congratulations to Kerry and Sunny. What wonderful grandparents Hanno and yourself will be. I can imagine all the good times visiting and exploring at your house. Plus all the delicious home made goodies. Absolutely wonderful news.

  65. Congratulations, they are so lucky to have you as their parents and now to be grandparents of their little one. :-) When I learned I was pregnant with my first child my Mom started a scrapbook documenting appt. bunch of pictures, her feelings excitement etc. I still treasure it today. :-)
    Many Blessings,

  66. Congratulations! That is fabulous! Enjoy:-)

  67. Congratulations!! I'm so happy for all of you!!

  68. Congratulations to you and your family. My husband and I are fortunate to be grandparents, it's the most wonderful time in our life and it will be for you and Hanno as well.

    I wish you all well.


  69. I had guessed right then....That one of your Sons was to be a Daddy!
    How wonderful Rhonda,It is a whole new element in loving My Mum tells me.
    I too am also having a Baby in early (11th) of march! Mine too was a big surprise!!!

  70. Congratulations to you and Hanno!!! How exciting for you and Kenny and Sunny! You will enjoy the days and months to come with new enthusiasm. It is wonderful to be a grandparent.


  71. Dear Rhonda it's such lovely news, my very best wishes to Kerry and Sunny and all of you.

  72. Congratulations!!!! That is going to be one lucky little baby with Grandparents like you and Hanno.

    Blessings from the middle of the U.S.

  73. Congratulations from one oma to another. ( will you be called that?) How exciting for you all.

  74. Congratulations to you both. I can only pray that one day when my son is older I will be blessed to be able to make a similar announcement. I can't wait for that day~!

    Love n hugs


  75. Congratulations to you and the proud parents to be. A baby is the most exciting news a family can have and it will be cherished and loved by all. Start knitting those booties.

  76. How wonderful and exciting! My daughter gave birth to my first grandchild, a girl, in January, and she has become the joy of my life. I just completed a cross-stitch birth record for her room. You'll find no end to the projects you'll enjoy for this new little life!

  77. What a wonderful surprise! I kind of expected it, you said something on a post the other day that made me wonder if a new addition to the family was on the way. I'm very happy for all of you.

  78. Congrats to all of you!!!!!!

  79. Oh wow, congratulations to you all! How exciting! This baby will be so blessed to have you and Hanno as grandparents - imagine visiting Nanna Rhonda's, knowing there will be biscuits in the barrel and cake in the tin or a warm loaf of bread to smother in butter not to mention loads of cuddles, I'm sure.

    Bless you and yours,

    Cheers - Joolz

  80. What wonderful news! Congratulations to you and your family.

  81. Congrats Rhonda. I think this is your first?...it is such a special time for all...my son also whispered to me that he and his wife are expecting their first child, but as she is only 2 1/2 weeks she does not want to tell anyone yet...he could not wait to tell me though as it is something he has wanted since they married almost 5 years ago...Enjoy the journey..Oh!! and the knitting..sweet day :)

  82. Oh, congratulations, Rhonda! I became a grandmother for the first time a little over a year ago, plus we have two more grandchildren coming in the next few months, and I know exactly how you feel. The joy of being a grandparent has been so wonderful for my husband and myself. We love every minute with our precious little girl and I know you will also enjoy your time with your new grandchild. Again, congratulations!!

  83. What a wonderful blessing :-) SO happy for you all!

  84. Yeah!! How wonderful!! Many blessings to your family.....all of them!!

  85. Ah,Rhonda, see I had a feeling that was your secret news...
    How exciting for you...I know how wonderful it was to watch my mum when I told her of all three of my pregnancies...and how much joy she had telling friends and family...it really is such a special time...
    Blessed times ahead....Suzanne...

  86. Congratulations to you all on the addition to your family. I hope the pregnancy goes well and you'll all be hugging the new little one in a few short months.

  87. ooh oooh oooh now that is just wonderful news...

    so you gonna be Granny & pop or grandma & grandad???

    Lote of love
    leanne Nz

  88. Congratulations to you all. Oh the joy! Bless.

  89. Congratulations!

  90. Congratulations ! I am so happy for you both, and I know from my own grandchildren how much happiness it will bring into your lives.

  91. WHEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! I knew it. ;)
    Congratulations to Kerry & Sunny and you and Hanno!
    I hope that Sunny has smooth sailing the whole way through. :)
    Chris/Info Momma

  92. wonderful news, how exciting it must be for all of you.
    congratulations and thanks for sharing your news over our morning cuppa.

    cheers kate

  93. CONGRATULATIONS!! to everyone...

    Rhonda and Hanno this truly is fantastic and exciting news.

    Grandparents hey? A whole new world just starting for you both....

    I am lucky enough to have one grandson, now 6, it certainly changes your life for the better.

    Best wishes to all,


  94. congratulations rhonda!! words cannot begin to express how happy i am for you and your family!! blessings and love to everyone. xo m.

  95. Congratulations to you all - what an exciting time for you and your family!

    nic xxx

  96. Oh, Rhonda! This new made me feel so happy....Congratulations from Brazil to you,Hanno and Kerry & Sunny.
    God bless that baby!

  97. So, so pleased for you and your family, Rhonda! My best wishes are with you as you embark upon this most special time and wish you an enormous amount of happy memories to come. Congratulations!!!! :)

  98. Woo hoo :) Congrats to everyone.

  99. Congratulations! Wonderful news. A new one to love.

  100. Happy news! You will be a wonderful Grandmother. Teaching them to walk softly on the earth.

  101. Congratulations to Kerry and Sunny. Fantastic news for both you and Hanno!

  102. Your happiness and excitement are just bursting off of my screen!. What wonderful news is this!?
    Congratulations dear Rhonda. I am very happy for all of you.

  103. What utter happiness spills from your words Rhonda. I am SO pleased and delighted for you and Hanno and Kerry and Sunny. I can just imagine you hugging yourself with glee! A baby really is the most blessed news Congratulations to Sunny and Kerry.

  104. HUGE congratulations Rhonda. I can see smoke coming from your knitting needles even from here in the UK. :-)

    I am very happy for you all.
    Love and hugs

  105. Whoo hoo! Congrats to you, Hanno, and the parents-to-be! Exciting times ahead!!

  106. Rhonda, being the loving family you are, congratulations to all of you, it's lovely news. Maggie

  107. Congratulations to Kerry and Sunny! How wonderful that you and Hanno are going to soon experience the wonderful joys of being grandparents!!! I am so excited for all of you!

  108. Congratulations to all of you. Rhonda you are going to give that child everything and more! You can now even buy that super soft baby knitting yarn that feels like a cloud!

  109. What a great and exciting news!! Congratulations Rhonda and family!

    And how nice to see that Sunny and I will almost "walk" together in pregnancy ;o)

  110. I had a feeling that was your news you were waiting to share. Congratulations to you all. This next journey you will be taking is filled with joy and wonder. The love you will have for the little one and all to follow is so powerful and amazing it will take your breath away. Can't wait to see your knitting projects!
    Karen from CT

  111. Congratulations to you all!! That's lovely news. I'm positive you're going to be a wonderful grandma. I can't wait to be one too(although there's no sign yet) and, like you, already have lots of plans mulling over in my head.
    Teresa x

  112. Congratulations. Having babies was the most wonderful experience of my life and my children are the best thing that ever happened to me. Wish them my best. Babies are such blessings.

  113. First of all, I just love your blog. I already do some of the things you mention, but there is always more to learn.

    Second, Congratulations! I just became a grandma myself, and it is wonderful! I don't knit, but I do sew, and my grandaughter will be very well dressed! Can't wait to see all the wonderful things you will make for the baby.

  114. Wonderful news Rhonda. A baby is a gift from God. Blessings to you all.

  115. Wonderful news! A new phase of life begins - exciting.

  116. Congratulations! That is wonderful news!

  117. Such wonderful news! How exciting for you and your family. I look forward to more pregnancy and baby related posts!

  118. Congratulations! That is the most lovely news

  119. That is such wonderful news! I'm so happy and excited for you, congratulations!

  120. Many congratulations to you all... what wonderful news.

    I will look forward to seeing all your 'baby' projects.

  121. I wondered if that was the news you were bursting to tell us.


  122. Congrats! to all.... there is nothing like a new baby to love!!!

  123. Congratulations to you and your family. What beautiful and exciting news.

  124. Congratulations! I can't wait to see what you knit up for the grandbaby!

  125. Congratulations, Rhonda, Hanno, Kerry & Sunny! What a lovely, lovely moment in your lives. Have fun baby knitting, Rhonda - once you start, it's hard to stop!


  126. Congratulation to Sunny, Kerry, Hanno and you!! A baby! What a good news!!

  127. Such wondeful news for Sunny and Kerry, and their wonderful Mums and Dads.

    I hope Sunny has a happy and safe journey home to her Folks in Korea, to tell and share the wonderful news.

    Maybe another wedding soon, or whatever, all is happyness,

    Dear Rhonda, sincere thanks for sharing your own life's wondefulness with so many of us, sending sincere care and many special huggles to you,

    Michelle in Wellington, NZ, and Zebbycat, xxx and purrrrumbles

  128. Congratulations! Just imagine all the cute little goodies you can knit!
    It is wonderful that your family has so much to teach the coming little one. He or she will thank you for it.
    Congrats to everyone!
    The Girl in the Pink Dress
    PS DH and I bought a new computer, and I was finally able to listen to your interview on ABC. It was so neat to actually hear your voice!

  129. Congratulations! What great news!

  130. Dear Rhonda
    That's such great news for you, and I think it probably answers those searching questions you had a while ago just after your dear friends had died.
    Congratulations to you all and happy knitting.

  131. I'm also sending my Congratulations!
    Wishes all that your new grandbaby is health and happy.

  132. Congrats! Babies are the most fun to knit for! I have 3 :) Still on my to-do list is EZ's BSJ.

    I glanced around your site since I am a relatively new reader and I couldn't tell if you were on Ravelry or not.

    Ravlery.com is an online database of patterns that you can search through and see finished projects people have made for each pattern or changes they have made to it if they noted that. My username is iCandi if you want to friend me on there. :D

    I know you'll have tons of fun knitting for that baby!

  133. well I just read back a few pages under the knitting tag and found that you linked Ravelry ;) oh well lol.

  134. Congratulations, Rhonda! What a true blessing!

  135. I KNEW IT! (Your clue yesterday- what else could it be! :) So many good wishes to you and Hanno and Sunny and Kerry! A baby is a blessing like no other, and I'm sure a child couldn't wish for nicer grandparents! All my best,

  136. Yippee! Congratulations Rhonda. What absolutely delightful news!

    AM of the Bread

  137. Oh My! How wonderful. Congratulations to Kerry and Sunny, and to you and Hanno also.

  138. heeheee, comment 148! I reckon the universe is also pretty excited about this little baby.

    Congratulations Rhonda. I know how happy this news makes you and what a FANTASTIC nona you are going to be and what a lovely support you will be for your son and his partner.

    love duckiexxxx

  139. Congratulations! Babies are wonderful, aren't they? :)

  140. What lovely news to put a smile on your face after your recent journey of tears. Life is beautiful. Congratulations dear Rhonda!! And congrats to the daddy and mummy too. God bless you all.

  141. Great news for your whole family, Congrats to you all.
    Can not wait til I have grandchildren!

  142. How exciting for you and your family! It is such wonderful grand time expecting a bundle of joy, and making plans for the big arrival, and of course when the baby gets here the grandparents are just besides themselves with such pride and complete adoration for the new little one.
    You and Hanno will be such wonderful grandparents.

    Take care!

  143. What wonderful news, many congratulations to you all. xxx

  144. Just wonderful.

    Blessings Gail

  145. You'll be a fantastic grandmother! Congratulations Rhonda - sending best wishes your way :-)

  146. Congratulations to all of you! What exciting news!

    Love the stitchery pattern, Rhonda...so cute!

  147. That is lovely news! May the pregnancy and delivery be easy and safe.

    And please pass on information to Sunny about the Australian Breastfeeding Association -- they run preparation courses for expectant parents. There is no more natural, healthy (or cheap!!) thing you can do for your baby than breastfeed as long as you can. I'm still breastfeeding my 5yo at bedtime, and the elder one BF till nearly 5.

  148. Congratulations Rhonda & Hanno...Ahh...a WONDERFUL chapter in your life is about to unfold!!!

    Best wishes to Kerry & Sunny...what an exciting time for them!!!

    Best Wishes, too, to the new Uncle and Auntie!

    What an exciting time for your family!!!

  149. This is fantastic news, Rhonda. Congratulations. I am sure sure you will be a wonderful granny or nana or gran or oma or whatever you decide to be.


  150. What wonderful news! Many congratulations!


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