22 April 2009

Swap Reminder

Rose and I (Sharon) would like to remind all the ladies who are in the dishtowel and hot pad swap that the deadline is Saturday, April 25. I know that Saturdays are busy family days and that some of you may not get to the Post Office until early in the next week. That usually happens and so do not worry about it. Just let your swap buddy know that you are posting a bit late. I have heard already from some of you who have posted and some of you who will be a few days late and I would like to thank you for letting us know; when you touch base with either Rose or myself it really helps us to keep up-to-date with the swappers! I hope everyone has enjoyed this swap and would love to hear from you with ideas for our next swap.


  1. Have sent my parcel off to England by airmail, Sharon. Unfortunately could not get Flickr to work for me so put the photos of my parcel onto my blog...Great Grandmas Days...

  2. mine has been sent and received.
    Wil put some pics up on my blog.

  3. I should have mine off this week unless something stops me. So far so good. I am excited since I am just a beginner and learning. Ths has been great experience for me. Thanks for hosting this swap.

  4. I want to stop by and say Happy Earth Day!


  5. Oh looks like I'm late. I'll be summer/winter swap depend what side of the equator you live.

    Coffee is on.

  6. While mine is almost finished, it will be posted late...but hopefully will be worth the wait ;o)

    Susan in NY

  7. I have taken photos of my goodies. They will be mailed out by Saturday!

  8. I sent mine out in March. I haven't recieved mine yet. I know she is working on it.

  9. I wanted to leave you a post, it doesn't have anything to do with this particular post, but I have been following your blog and have enjoyed it so much, we are trying to live a simpler life, we get eggs and beef home grown, have a garden that provides our vegetables, live in Wisconsin,USA so don't have fresh in the winter, but can and freeze. Have just started making my own cleaners. To day I made your dog food and our dog loves it, can you give me an idea as to how much you feed your dogs each day? Want to make the biscuits later today. I really enjoy all that you share, I am a stay at home wife, mother, grandma we live in a very small town (have a hay field out back of us) Thanks for sharing with us!
    Joyfully, Molly

  10. I loved the swap! Pics of mine and Hilde's swap are here...


  11. My parcel has been sent off to USA already. Sorry, I couldn't get any photos onto my blog...
    Have a nice day everybody :-)
    Claudia from Germany

  12. Mine is on its way to the USA. This has been such fun.

    Thankyou ladies.

    Blessings Gail

  13. I'm hoping to have mine in the post tomorrow......... if I can find my sewing machine lol This moving certainly threw a spanner in the works, but I only have the binding on my hotpads to go and I'm done.

  14. Mine was put in the post this past Monday. It was fun!

  15. Thanks for the reminder, mine was sent yesterday to Nannette. We have had such a great time talking back and forth. I have a new friend and learned a new sewing skill with this project. I will post pictures on my blog once I know Nannette has received her package. I don't want to spoil the surprize. But there have been several hints/picures on my blog since the swap started. She will recognize them once she sees her gifts.

    Thanks again, this was so much fun.


  16. I have mine almost finished..but the flu has gotten the best of my sweet baby. I will have it in the mail by Wed. of next week!! This has been a great time!

  17. Mines all finished and will be in the post today (Saturday). I really enjoy swapping and will be signing up for the next one. Thank you for the time you put in organising them. It is alot of work but I for one appreciate it.


  18. I'm just a couple of days behind with mine, but just have the potholders to finish off this evening then I can get it all packaged up and posted off. My swap buddy, Sharon, and I have exchanged addresses, so hopefully I'll post on Monday. Very exciting!

  19. I see Pippa posted too, and she's my partner! (Lucky me, may I add.) I sent mine to her in the UK from California on last Wednesday. Can you clarify...would you like a picture, or do you prefer we post pictures to our own blog? Thanks! It was so fun to participate. :]

  20. I'm a litle late with mine, but my swap partner knows...hi Karyn, I have just a little more hand sewing to do, and should be in the mail tomorrow.

    Thanks to Sharon and Rose for keeping us happy and busy organising these swaps. I know from experience what hard work they are, so bouquets to you both :)

    Ideas for future swaps are a tea-cosy swap, and an "inspiration" or "blessings" swap...something along the lines of Rhonda's lovely embroidered wall hanging with pictures and words. Wouldn't necessarily have to be a wall hanging, swappers could make something of their choosing to embroider with their favourite words/pictures that represent a simple, happy home and life.



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