2 April 2009

Radio National interview

I missed listening to the Radio National interview because I got my times wrong. :- O However, Hanno and I have just listened to it online. If you want to listen, it's here.



  1. Oh how exciting, I have just enjoyed listening to your interview Rhonda. It was so lovely to hear your voice and what you had to say.


  2. Good morning Rhonda,

    What a great interview. Really good and so nice to put a voice to that lovely face we see when we open up your site each day. Good questions and very interesting answers. I'm sure you'll get a few extra hits today. Can't wait to read your book. I know it's going to be selling from the US but any chance that you could sell them here in Australia to your supporters here or would we have to buy online from the US?

    Blessings Gail

  3. oh my rhonda! you sound like you've done 1,000 interviews. i don't think you said 'um' once! ;)

    i love when you say "a gentle and flexible way of life." congratulations to you!

  4. It was so great to hear your voice Rhonda and the interview was interesting..thanks for giving us the chance to listen to it. I chuckled when I heard you say that you put on an apron in the morning with your digital in your pocket..best way to get those perfect pics isn't it?

  5. Hello Patricia, Gail and Heather, thank you.

    Gail, we will sell the north Armerican rights first because that's the biggest market. After that we go to UK, Australia and New Zealand - that is a package of the three. After that we might sell to Europe as well. It's exciting. :- )

  6. I am listening to it right now!

  7. oh my lord, you sound so much like your sister!!!

    you are just so inspiring, Rhonda, thankyou xo

    now all I have to do is convince my 19yr old to change her spending habits.

  8. That was great, Rhonda! One of my best friends is visiting Australia this month, and I told her to tune into it, too...I'm not sure if she got the chance to, or not...but I hope so!
    -Melanie in Canada

  9. Great interview! I loved it.

  10. lovely to hear your voice Rhonda!

  11. Hi Rhonda,

    You did so wonderful in your interview! You came across sounding very natural just like you do when I read here on your blog. I loved when you talked about how you put on your apron in the morning with a camera in your pocket! I remember reading that in your blog somewhere before ;)

    You definitely don't come across as a preacher! You're very helpful and informative and encouraging. It was lovely to hear that you’re at your happiest now, when you are teaching us all that you know. I think positivity and happiness are contagious ;) You’re making the world a better place.

    I feel proud of you! You are just as I imagined. Oh I wish I could give you a hug!

    Chantel from Ashfield x

  12. I agree with everyone else, it was lovely to listen to what you had to say, you sound just as nice and friendly as you look, well done on a great interview :)

  13. Just listening to it now - sounding good so far! Go you Rhonda!! will the book be available here in australia?

  14. Hi Rhonda
    just listened, how interesting and lovely to hear your voice! I'm sure you will definitely have even more interest from that interview. I sat and listened to it while I ate my leftovers from last night's dinner, I think that makes me frugal rather than cheap!
    Great work, well done!
    Judy in Adelaide

  15. So great to put a voice to your lovely face
    Very interesting interview


  16. Listening with my husband...

    It's so wonderful to hear the voice behind the blog. You sounded very confident, very natural. Thank you for sharing this with us:)

  17. Hi Rhonda, I having left a comment for a long while but have been popping in from time to time. I just heard your interview, I really enjoyed it and I agree it was nice to hear your voice. Marlo (MUZZY)

  18. Rhonda, it's so awesome to put a voice with the words that so inspire me. Thank you for sharing!


  19. Wow Rhonda, that interview was fantastic. Its so great to hear your voice. You sounded very proffessional, like you had done it a thousand times. Welll done, I would have been a wreck :-)

    Oh and you never preach, you are like a loving caring auntie to all of us xxxxx

  20. Great interview Rhonda! So good to hear you. I loved the bit about not preaching to people.....because you're so right, preaching turns people off. What's lovely here is that you share, with generosity of spirit. Thank you.
    Diana x

  21. What fabulous publicity Rhonda, and a great interview. I want to give you a hug too, just as someone suggested before me! Well done you.

  22. Lovely to hear you! You sounded relaxed, kind, genuine and humble, just as you come over on the blog. What you said about not wanting to come over as preaching; well, you don't. One thing I remember you wrote was about making bread; that it doesn't matter whether you do it by hand or by a breadmaker. I was reading your blog and considering a breadmaker because I am too weak to knead bread for ten minutes by hand
    (I gave it a try and managed three minutes!) If you had sneered at breadmakers and said it wasn't really making bread properly, I would probably have been discouraged; not that you are the oracle, but what we read does influence us. Your kind manner encouraged me to go ahead and now we eat delicious, fresh, homemade bread every day. Onion, cheese and herb, or bara brith, anyone?

  23. Beautifully done! Your message is one of hope, and one we all need to understand. Embracing a more intentional way of life does indeed bring a level of joy that enriches one's daily existence. To do hard jobs well, to do jobs ourselves, to choose to care about what and how we live....it is a gift in itself to experience the journey. Thank you for sharing your story with all of us, simply coming to your site is always a gift to me!

  24. Lovely to hear your voice!
    Well done!

  25. I enjoyed listening to the interview; it's great to finally know what your voice sounds like, Rhonda!

    By the way, today I made the banana walnut cake following the recipe you linked to. I did make a few changes - omitted the milk and used vegetable oil instead of butter, because I didn't want any dairy in it. Also, I didn't have walnuts on hand, so I used raisins and dried apricots instead. I hope it turned out well - we'll sample it when my husband comes home.

  26. Hello Rhonda

    I listened to the radio interview which was great. So nice to hear your voice! You sounded pretty much how I imagined... down to earth!

    Cheers - Joolz

  27. Hello Rhonda! I just listened to your radio interview, how nice to put a voice to a face :)
    The interview was very well done, in my opinion. You were friendly and knowledgeable and interesting to listen to ~ good job!

  28. Rhonda

    Your interview was wonderful. I really enjoyed hearing your voice! You do sound as lovely and natural in person as you always are on the blog! My DD9 heard the interview and exclaimed "oh! the lady from that blog...Oh she has the BEST blog ever hasn't she Mum!!" Your beautiful wisdom is trickling down to the younger generation Rhonda! Well done. Can't wait for the book to be released

    Kind regards

  29. I have to agree with everyone else, that hearing your voice was very nice - in the cyber world even with pictures, we crave a little more.

    Very good interview!

  30. So fun to listen! Thanks for sharing. :)


  31. Wonderful interview, I truly enjoyed hearing your voice and your message.You are making a difference.

  32. How lovely to hear your voice! I am so glad you shared the link - I thoroughly enjoyed listening.

  33. Rhonda Jean I'm in Canada so can't wait for your book to come out. You are an inspiration to me everyday. Thank you for being here for us ladies!

  34. Well done, Rhonda! I enjoyed hearing your voice and look forward to your book!

  35. How great to put a voice to your face, especially since I feel you have been talking directly to me ever since I first discovered your blog. Great answers, and no, you DO NOT sound preachy!

  36. That was a fantastic interview Rhonda - it was great to hear your voice!

  37. Good Morning Rhonda,
    I just listened to your interview, it was great, lovely to hear your voice. I can't wait to read your book.

    Have a great day.

    Tracie xx

  38. rhonda, i could not believe your lilting, beautiful voice! you sound like a 20-year-old girl! i loved the whole interview. ... especially the part about the digital camera in your apron pocket ; ) what can i say, you are a star! lol

  39. Rhona,

    Your interview was excellent!

    I have enjoyed reading your blog for the past few months. Your daily blogs are obviously an inspiration to many people...including me! THANK YOU
    for sharing your life with us!

    Recent retirement has given me the opportunity to spend more time with family, gardening, cooking, and hobbies...etc. I have lived my life as a somewhat frugal person...shopping at second hand stores(thrift shops)for most clothing needs and tag sales(garage sales) for household and other items has now been taken a step further! Gardening has given me and my family a great deal of enjoyment and yummy fresh produce! The internet has connected me with many knowledgeable people and introduced me to permaculture.
    When I found your blog it felt like I gained a new friend!

    Thank you,
    Enjoy your day...


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