14 October 2008

Swap News

UPDATE: Thank-you so much for the offers to help to make sure no one gets left out. Steph and Christine many many thanks and please e-mail me and I will get you a buddy who has been left out. Our blog family is just amazing!!!
Hello ladies. In order to wind up our swap I would like to ask that Tracy G., Lisa (the tin house), Jo (french knots), Amy, Kim, and Kris (quilted simple ) -to please e-mail me today ( with their names and addresses) and I , with the help of Ann (still at home) --many, many thanks my friend) will be getting out pin cushions and needle books to each of them. If I have left anyone off this list, please, please e-mail me as soon as possible. Their swap buddies will go on my naughty swapper list-sort of like Santa's list) and won't be swapping again. We had one swapper who had a valid excuse (and a wonderfully understanding swap buddy) and we hope and pray she gets to feeling better soon. I have a handful of photos still to be posted (including yours Mandy) and those will be up this week. Would Jo (french knots), who has had a bit of trouble reaching me, please forward a copy of your e-mail to Rhonda also, so that we don't have any that go astray and get lost in Internet land! Thanks and hugs, Sharon


  1. Hi Rhonda
    If you need an extra pin cushion & Needlebook sending out, I will be happy to make another. I found it alot of fun.
    Email me if you want me to, Love Steph x
    (steph dot martyn at btopenworld dot com)

  2. Steph- how kind of you-it looks like there will be 6 who need them, but 2 are already made-please e-mail me (Sharon- cdetroyes at yahoo dot com) if you really want to make anotheroneand thank-you so much for your offer. I love our little community-we stick together and help each other out!!

  3. I have two sheep pincushions that could be out in the mail tomorrow...just let me know if you need me to send them somewhere.


  4. Christine-how sweet! E-mail me and I will get you a buddy to swap with-I am amazed at the generosity of our "blog family"! Hugs Sharon

  5. Christine and Steph, thank you so much for helping out. THIS is what community is all about. You set a wonderful example for all of us.

  6. Sharon - Thank you for the kind offer! I've emailed you and forwarded a previous email to Rhonda too, hope they work:)

  7. Hi Sharon,
    Can you email me privately please?
    Mary rstrick1@suddenlink.net


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