20 October 2008

Seth and Polly

I can't tell you how good it feels to me to be home again doing "normal" things. I thought that going away for a couple of nights would be sort of semi-exciting, how wrong I was. When I was out, I was in the middle of a large and extremely busy city; when I was "home" I was in a hotel, cut off from nature with air-conditioning, thick walls and a little glass door that lead out to a very un-natural pebble courtyard. I couldn't hear anything when I was in the room, it was just me and the TV. I took a book to read but I went to sleep when I tried to read it. In the end I watched the "live" cricket beaming in from India. What a strange world we live in.

When I got home we had to deal with the problem of Seth's incessant crowing at 3 o'clock in the morning. The neighbours do not like it, neither does Hanno. Eep! I knew we'd have a problem giving him away, so many roosters are given away and end up in the soup pot, and I didn't want that for him. So I put a free advert on the farm stock online site for a pair of Sussex chooks and low and behold, we had people ringing up and emailing hoping to be given them. In the end, he and one of his silver Sussex ladies - Polly , went to a farm about ten minutes away. He would have been miserable without her and I hope they live a happy life there. The woman who took them wants to breed light Sussex. She came over with her husband who is a bee keeper. A lovely couple and I'm sure they'll look after Seth and Polly.

Seth - caught in the act.

I was hoping to have time yesterday to cook up these beetroot pulled from the garden a couple of days ago, but they're still uncooked. Hanno and I spent yesterday afternoon at the Centre where I hosted a Sunday lunch for the volunteers, committee and a couple of people from the local relocalisation group, who we auspice. It was a lovely lunch, we all brought food to share, and we sat - about 25 of us - under the shade of some very old conifer trees at the Centre. When we came home again, the people arrived to pick up Seth and Polly, so not much else was done. I had a long sleep last night, almost 11 hours, but I'm still a bit weary this morning. I'm going to work but I think I'll be a bit slow today.

I miss being at home, doing those things that usually make up my day. It might seem boring to some but I was bored in the middle of the city and wishing I was home again baking bread and eating real food. There was a time in my life when nothing could have kept me out of the city and all the excitement of it. Now it just exhausts me, now I have found a better place and I am fulfilled by pottering around my home. I think I'll settle back in fully by writing about knitting tomorrow. Thinking about that today will settle my mind and distance me from where I've been.

On the left is a flowering cactus that is growing on our front verandah and in the bush house. I'm not sure of the name of it, I grew it from cuttings I got from my DIL, but it flowers like this every Spring and hangs down from its container in long strands of pink. It's a real beauty.

I hope you're all well and happy and working steadily on your small steps to a simpler life. Oh, and I have to tell you, I really missed this blog and all of you while I was away.


  1. What is a "local relocalisation group?" What does it mean to "auspice?"

  2. I'm glad you're back too, Rhonda! Seth is one lucky rooster - and such a handsome guy. Do you think you'll still be able to hear him crowing?

    I wonder if you have what is called in the States a Christmas Cactus (so named because it can bloom in the dark of winter IF you do all sorts of clever hiding in the closet kind of things with it)? There's probably a lot of different varieties - the one that is often given as a gift here is from Brazil. I can never get them to bloom again but my mother-in-law was the Christmas Cactus Queen.

  3. Hello Beth. A relocalisation group is a group of people working towards making their community sustainable, in every sense. It's an international movement. They focus on food, health, transport, wellbeing and a few other things. Auspicing means that we take a small group under our wing and help them establish themselves. We cover them for insurance, they use our bank accounts (but not our money), we help them apply for grants etc. When the group grows to a sufficient size and feels they can go it alone, the become a stand alone organisation.

    Hi Suzan, yes, I do know of Christmas Cactus, we call them zygo cactus here. These are larger than the Zygos but I'm sure they come from he rainforest somewhere, possibly Brazil. And I hope we can't hear Seth from here, but it IS possible, believe me.

  4. I know waht you mena rhonda we went away to Toowoomba last weekend for a friends 40th birthday - I couldn't wait to get back home and just settle in again. I have no idea what I will be like when we go away for three weeks later in the year. This year wiht giving up all of my charity work adn just being at home with my family I have become deeply attached to my little piece of the world.

    The cactus is GORGEOUS. Wish I had known you were looking to get rid of Seth adn Polly we would gladly have had them.


  5. I'm relating so much to that feeling of wanting to be home. I stayed at home with my daughter in her younger years, most of them without a vehicle, and I kept children in my home for almost a decade. I remember the feeling of exilaration when I could get out and do other things. Now it's the opposite...I don't mind straying here and there for days trips with my sweet husband, but I truly want to be back home, just "being us." I've also slowed down on projects that take me farther from home, and prefer the many I can do just right here. Sharing it with others just doubles the pleasure, but at the end of the day, I love those moments reflecting on a day well spent, watching the birds play in the garden, taking things slower than most folks would prefer :)

  6. We missed you too Rhonda, glad to have you home again.
    LV Steph xx

  7. I laughed at the crowing. We got Rory Rooster 8 years ago - we had trouble with a neighbour complaining about any noise - even the sound of a ball being kicked - no other noise but the ball hitting the shoe. So we got Rory rooster & within a week the for sale sign was up. Yea for Rory.

    Our fist time at letting the hens raise Rory's off spring brought much tears - all of them were roosters not one hen. Thankfully we had a friend who lived on a farm who took them all. But very sad.

    We are having another go at our own off spring - but I am hoping for hens only! Too hard to enjoy them growing to find they are roosters.

    We will only ever have one rooster at a time.

    I love hearing Rory crow in the mornings - but then I am an early bird!

    Glad Seth & Polly have gone to like minded folk. - So are you going to get any bees??? GRIN

    Love Leanne

  8. Rhonda,
    I just love that you love your home so much...I feel the same way.
    Blessings to you this week.

  9. Rhonda, that is just the most beautiful cactus! If your daughter has any idea of the name, could you post it please? I live quite near you on the coast, so if it is a locally available one, I would love to get one.

    Glad to see you back. I have been reading the Green Frugal site also, but this one is still my favourite ;)


  10. we missed you much, too. i feel that way (the way you did in the city) when i go into the big supermarket (where i pretty much just buy organic beans, diced tomatoes, and toilet paper and oats). or when i'm driving around beautiful country and all of a sudden it turns to subdivisions and huge box stores. in the middle of what used to be fields. ugh.

  11. I missed you too Rhonda and am glad you are back. I'm having 3 days away this week myself, but mine will be camping with my daughters class and I can't wait. I went last year when my son was in the same class and found it the most restful and emotionally recharging experience, I came home phsically exhausted but so full of life and the beauty of it that i can't wait to go again this year. I'm so lucky that my children have this wonderful teacher in their lives.

    cheers Kate

  12. Same here Rhonda!

    I'm amking real lemonade today, inspired by your blog, and also putting a link of your blog on my latest post so that others can also enjoy be inspired by this blog!!

  13. I'm glad you were able to find a home for Seth. Plucking a chicken after chasing its headless body around the backyard doean't sound like a lot of fun.
    (Particularly for Seth!)

  14. Hi rhonda glad your safely back home.Your post today made me so very thankful that my neighbors don't object to me keeping my rooster Rodney. He does start crowing about 4am & he does not bother me as I have listened to roosters since I was a babe, so I do not even hear him. My neighbors hear him but say it's their little bit of country.Thank goodness

  15. Nice to see you back! I just wanted to add that although a city does have disadvantages, what you do inside the house can still be the same no matter where you live. I can still bake bread and do my simple things in the home. :-) Of course we don't have a yard/garden, if you're used to that it's very much missed, I understand.


  16. It's funny, I would rather stay home than go on vacation. I am such a homebody. I used to love to go away and stay in a fancy hotel, but for some reason as I got older, I prefer to just muddle around the house when I get a few days off.

  17. I don't even like to be away from my home for a few hours! I guess it's a good thing that my job is like home too, so I don't mind going there!

  18. I can completely relate to living in a hotel. I traveled around the State of Michigan for work for 4 1/2 years. Anywhere from 3 nights to 2 weeks at a time. Sometimes only at home for one night. Even now it's going on 5 years since I traveled for work and I still have some habits that I can't seem to break and don't want to that I learned when I was on the road. I do laundry on Sundays and thoroughly enjoy folding it. One of the few things I do where I completely check my brain out and don't want to be disturbed.
    Since my knitting is getting better now, thanks to you Rhonda Jean, I can check my brain out for wee moments when I knit.

  19. Hi Rhonda. I was just wondering what site you listed Seth for give away, as we have a Rhode Island Red rooster that we are having trouble finding a new home for.

    I'd also be really interested in hearing how you cook up your beetroot, as I have some that needs something done with it too.

  20. Hello! My sister, Lacy (of Razor Family Farms) sent me your way as I'm also in Oz and have begun our path to veggie growing and backyard chook fun.

    I'm so glad your rooster found such a nice home, and have really enjoyed what I've read on your blog.

    Oh, and don't you find the current Cricket players miserably whingey? My hubby is local and has all but given up on the sport!

  21. Hi Rhonda Jean
    I've been following your blog for awhile and found it to be a fountain of infomation. I was wondering if you'd be able to help me with something? A couple of months ago my mother gave me a shirt she'd bought, it's never been worn but when I got it out of the drawer today I notice a rather large grease mark on it. I think some of my moisturising lotion seeped into it in the suitcase. Do you know how I can get the stain out? I'm kind of desperate because I was hoping to wear it out to dinner on Friday night and it's the only good shirt that fits me at the moment. I think the word I'm looking for is HELP! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


  22. Hi Rhonda
    Just checking in to see if you are ok. Its not like to you not post everyday. I'm fine with it, if you're busy, but I just wanted to be sure you were all well.
    Lv Steph xx

  23. I love being home more than anywhere else! I know in this fast paced society, a lot of people can't comprehend that but for those that do...it's a beautiful thing! Welcome home.

  24. I agree completely with your 1st paragraph! Somehow all these things that are meant to make us more "advanced" in my opinion are taking us backwards!

    Oh so glad a new home was found, where hopefully there is no one to awake at 3 am :)


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