30 October 2008

Ascot scarf pattern

I don't consider myself a good knitter. I think my talent lies in picking projects that I'm capable of doing. :- ) That said, most knitting is plain or purl, or various combinations of it. My mother taught me to knit but I didn't see the value of it until I understood more about its meditative qualities and could slow down enough to appreciate and be changed by it.

If you're new to knitting, it's quite easy to become more proficient. You do that by knitting dishcloths - think of each one as a little sampler, but your sampler has the additional benefit of being usable as well. Sharon and other knitters have posted a lot of learn to knit sites so all you need to have is some time, a pair of needles and yarn. Once you've mastered cast on and cast off, plain and purl stitches, go back to your knitting site and have a look at the knitting abbreviations. All knitting patterns use these. On your next dishcloth, practise some of the next steps like K2tog (knit two together) or YO (yarn over), mixing them in with your plain and purl stitches and see how your pattern develops.

I am not proficient enough yet to worry about tension. I just knit until it fits. ;- )

This Ascot scarf is a simple pattern of plain, purl, K2tog and YO and it goes like this.

Cast on 34 stitches.

Knit 8 rows.
Knit 1, YO, K2tog and repeat until the end of the row.
Purl one row.

And repeat those three sets of instructions until the scarf is the size you want.

Finish with knit 8 rows and cast off.

You'll need to find some form of fixing the scarf on the neck. I chose two press studs that are hidden under two of these crocheted flowers. I set the press studs at an angle to allow the scarf to fit in around the neck but open up a little towards the shoulders. If you click on the photo above, you'll see the press studs on the right hand side. You could also use buttons or a pin/brooch.

This grey scarf measures 6 inches by 18 inches and took about 1½ balls of pure wool. I used size 6 needles. The scarf is a variation of this scarf which would be a great project if you have some silky yarn.


  1. Lovely job. Knitting is very relaxing and a wonderful stress relief isn't it?



  2. Beautiful! I especially like the flower buttons. Coincidentally, I finished one of these yesterday, in crochet, but I never knew they were called ascots. Learn something new every day.

    Barb from GA, USA

  3. Hi, I found your blog through Stewarts veggie garden.I have enjoyed reading some older posts, even back to last Christmas.The luffas were a revelation!I have seen them for sale but never knew they were a veg. That is why I love reading blogs, I have learned so much about everyday lives in other countries.
    Adding you to my blog list if you don't mind.
    Best wishes

  4. Very nice. I like how yours isn't curling on the edges. Everytime I make a scarf it does that. I'm not sure why either.

  5. I stumbled on your website over the weekend while looking for natural hair treatment recipes - and have become completely hooked! Found the site on Friday and made soap for the first time on Saturday, ate Tuna Loaf (sans tomatoes) for dinner on Sunday and worked hard on Monday and Tuesday to try and stockpile a month's worth of meals into my freezer... sounds a little sad, I know, but the site has struck a chord (as did the Nurturing Traditions discussions - I am a mother of five and prepare most foods from scratch, allow no (or as few as I can manage) preservatives or additives into our diets (my children call them "naughty numbers") and am constantly trying to learn about using food to boost immune function etc). What prompted me to jump in (my debut comment anywhere - I have never joined a discussion before) are the lovely knitting patterns I am finding. I am a terrible knitter, but find it relaxing and addictive at the same time. Mostly I knit square patches which I will one day pull together into a blanket - it is purely for relaxation purposes. I would have never thought to knit a dishcloth or a bathmat, but plan to give it a go. I don't know how to read a knitting pattern - but the bathmat is such an awesome idea that I will use my "patch" method with the knit two balls at a time idea and try to come up with one that way. My 11 year old has become equally addicted and is forever working on scarves, and today I bought my four and a half year old the needles he has been asking me for for months (they are very cute 6mm and have little giraffes on the end). He usually sits on my lap and puts his hands on mine as a knit, but I had no idea how much attention he had paid to the process until I discovered that I only had to guide him through two stitches before he took off on his own. Two rows of ten stitches, and then "Enough for today. I think I'll do more tomorrow." My children find a new way to amaze me every day. Don't know exactly why I felt compelled to add this here, but thank you for taking the time to share your life experiences - I find the way you live breathtaking.

    Lea (Scott's wife with not enough computer skill to work out how to post under my own name...)

  6. I love knitting and make lots of dishcloths through the year to give away at Christmas. I've made scarves, shawls, and socks but am like you and pick patterns that are relaxing instead of "work."

    You do a lovely job!


  7. Rhonda,

    I Love it! I wish I could knit. I just can't get the hang of it. I can crochet and I love it! I enjoy just sitting quiet working with my hands. I also like that I can do it while watching T.V or listening to one of my girls read.

    I have had a little time to make a few scarves I just can't decide if I should them on Esty or just give them away as gifts.

    How many gifts are you making for Christmas this year Rhonda?

    Love to you,



    P.s I just LOVE your new blog!!

  8. I like your "knitt-itude". Especially about washcloths as samplers.

    Right now, I simply make swatch after swatch of different stitches (from the 365 days of stitches book) and then unravel them. It would make totally more sense if I created something useful from these efforts. Thanks! :)

  9. I'm so happy you gave the pattern. I'll be making one for me and one for my mom. No hanging bulk... I like that!

  10. This is just lovely! Thank you for sharing once again! I was thinking of you this morning as I was grating soap for liquid soap. I hope my "new" wool will be soft enough for this pattern - I have just bundled it up to get processed for spinning. I will spin you some if it's soft enough as a thank you for your blog!

  11. That's a great idea to think of each dishcloth as a sampler! I'm going to try that!


  12. Knitting is great, really meditative. I used to do dishclothes too! now i like making jumpers and scarves and gloves...

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