30 June 2008

Thanks, links, bits and pieces

Graphic from the Carl Larsen gallery

In addition to the Frugal Food post today I want to add a few more lines.

Thank you to Sharon who spent a lot of time looking for excellent links for all of us. While this is my blog, Sharon helps me with the swaps and as I'm not posting on weekends now, on some Saturdays and Sundays she will post links or update you on the swaps. Sharon is the reason the swaps are continuing. Without her, I'd have stopped the swaps as I don't have the time to organise them. So thank you Sharon, your help here and friendly emails are a great encouragement to me.

The other person who you'll see at times on my blog is Bel. Besides being a million other things, Bel is the wife of Gary and the mother of six children, and she writes occasional guest posts here about living simply with children. Bel also has her own personal blog Belinda Moore and her business blog, Spiral Garden.

I have written before about not knowing why I like certain blogs but when I find one I really like, I know it immediately. There is a certain something in some blogs that I recognise straight away, it may be the style of writing or the unassuming character of the posts, I'm not sure. I do know I like blogs that honestly show a life being lived and the willingness to share the practical aspects of that life. I am not so bothered with the blogs that have a political slant or those that try and right the wrongs of the world but rather those that explain the day to day meanderings of a life moving towards sustainability. I want to see real people doing what they write about, I want to believe that an authentic life is being lived and not just talked about. I found such blog a couple of days ago. It's Clair de Lune by Beulah and if you have some spare time today I encourage you to check it out. It's charming, funny and real.

I also wanted to say hello to Helen in Gympie, Julia in Mackay and Cathy. I read every comment and sometimes write back but more often than not I don't have the time to express my thanks for each and every comment left on my blog. Thank you ladies and gentlemen, yes, there are quite a few men who read here.

I want to say hello to Di who commented a couple of days ago. She has finished work to have a baby. All the best Di, I hope it is a very happy time for you and your family.

And finally, welcome to all the new readers. I send my best wishes to everyone for a wonderful week. Now I'm off to pack some worms into a container. No, not my lunch ;- ) we are starting a worm farm for the permaculture garden that's already producing food where I do my voluntary work.


  1. Hi Rhonda, I just recently finished reading your blog from beginning to end, and thoroughly enjoyed it. I made a batch of your ginger beer, and that has been very refreshing on these hot days we've been having in Oregon, but it doesn't have much fizz. I wonder what I could have done wrong? I did use honey rather than sugar, but it was bubbling nicely in the "ginger beer plant" stage. Doesn't matter, it tastes good, and I'll make another batch and see what happens. Thanks for a very enjoyable read.

  2. Hi Rhonda, I am still here reading everyday, this is the first place I come everyday with my cup of green tea..I have had some health issues lately but am now getting back to normal which means I can get back to the jobs at home. Still knitting though..thank you Rhonda for your daily posts, they do keep me going and help me keep my eye on the ball, much love Julia in Mackay..

  3. Thankyou for the blog links Rhonda, I will check them out. I'm making some laundry powder today for washing using the recipe that I found here. Thankyou :)

  4. Hi,
    First time vistor to your blog.
    I enjoyed reading it.
    Thanks for the frugal recipes and ideas.
    I'll be back soon...:)

  5. Wow, I really appreciate the kind words Rhonda, although I feel totally unworthy of such a description! Thanks again, and thanks for giving such a great example to the rest of us!

  6. Hi Rhonda, my sister and I have found your blog and think it's amazing and can't stop talking about it. We have three kids each and a mortgage so we need all the help we can get. We both have started with some changes thanks to you and will be starting our veggie patches soon. We would like to thankyou so much for your blog and wished we lived closer to you for your workshops. Thank goodness for the internet we can read it from down here in cold Sydney.

    Have a great day

  7. Just want to add my appreciation for all you (and your friends!) do on this blog. I find you all endlessly inspiring and I hope my family and I can do more to simplify our lives soon. :)

  8. I recently started reading your blog, and have been enjoying your inspiring and interesting posts. Thanks for providing such a great resource.

  9. I just found your blog. What a fantastic resource you are providing. It is going to take me a while, but I am looking forward to getting through your rich and wonderful content.


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