14 June 2008

Good morning

It's a cool morning here and I'm just about to go into the garden to pot up some herbs. After that I'll be working on my book submission. : - ). Killi, there is no way it could be published by July. Sorry.

I want to thank the readers who rated my blog on Blogged. I really appreciate you taking the time to do that. Thank you for your generous and kind words.

Finally, this week has been a big one on my blog. It was mentioned on a number of forums around the world and as a result there was quite a big influx of new readers. Welcome to all the newcomers, I hope you find what you're looking for here.

I might be back later with some photos. :- )


  1. Rhonda, congrats on deciding to publish a book.

    Just a thought: you might want to copyright all your past posts and photos and also update it to include 2008. I noticed that in your sidebar you only have 2007 specified. Since you'll be publishing some of your blog content you probably should make the copyright statement all inclusive.

    Best wishes with your book!


  2. The great ratings and new readership are very well deserved. You were a great inspiration to me years ago online and I am thrilled to have found you again. I look forward to dropping by here daily and also working my way through the archives.

  3. Rhonda,
    Wanted to wish you a blessed day.
    I always enjoy reading your blog.
    Blessings to you,

  4. I've written a review and it says it won't be visible until I've verified my account, but I have no idea how to do that. Help!

  5. Good luck with your book project! When it is published it will bless people all over the world with knowledge and encouragement for a simpler life! Blessings!

    Kristina in Nebraska

  6. So glad you are going ahead with it Rhonda. It is a measly 15 degrees in the Illawarra, I hope the sub-tropics are a little warmer.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Rhonda,

    I have put the recipe for Elderflower Cordial on my blog.

    Its a very refereshing drink, and does not cost much to make, stores reasonably well in the fridge, will store in the freezer in plastic bottles that have been sterilized first.

  9. I didn't think for a moment that you'd get it done by July :) but I could dream! I'm glad that you're going for it ~ my bookmarks are full of your posts


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