23 June 2008

Monitoring comments

I have to monitor the comments again. Some creep is leaving innocent comments with links to pornographic sites. I know that many of you let your children read my blog and I would hate a child, or any of my dear readers, to be exposed to that. It's more work to check each link before posting it, and it will delay the comments appearing, but it has to be done. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

PS, if you are looking through old posts and find any such comments, please let me know.


  1. I'm so sorry you are having that trouble Rhonda. Your blog is great and you don't deserve the intrusion or the inconvenience xx

  2. I had to start monitering comments too. I had some disturbing things links that cause viruses, etc.

    I enjoy your blog!

  3. Rhonda, I hope there was nothing wrong with the stitchery link I left with my comment yesterday, because I see my comment is not there. It was a real website with stitchery patterns and I just did a cut and paste. Please let me know if there was a problem.

  4. I'm very sorry this is happening to your blog Rhonda, its so unfair that one or two people can wreak havoc on the lovely community we have within our blogs.

    Your weekend sounds so lovely and peaceful, thank you for sharing.

  5. Kristi dear, your comment is there love. Don't worry, it was nothing you left. They were left in old posts.

  6. How awful! I hope it stops and you can not worry about your blog. But it is nice your taking the time to protect your readers:-)

  7. I just can not understand why anyone would do that sort of thing. It just upsets me to think of you being put to so much trouble monitering comments and having to worry about your blog. I love reading your blog.


  8. Thank you for the extra effort to insure us of a quality place to be and read. I DO appreciate it!

  9. Some people. Moniter away girlfriend. It keeps the creeps away from your great blog!

  10. Rats to the creeps. They sneak in everywhere.

  11. I'm sorry you're having to deal with that. It's sad that you have to take up so much extra time because of a few misguided souls.

  12. I am so sorry you're having to do this, but so very grateful to you as well!!!

    I love your blog, love your simplistic approach & just don't understand those that feel the need to mar such beautiful things!!


I welcome readers' comments. However, this blog never publishes business links or advertisements. If you're operating a business and want to leave your link here, I will delete your comment .

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