15 February 2008

Two great blogs + a great late addition

I just have to tell you about my two favourite blogs - SouleMama and Path to Freedom. I've been reading Path to Freedom since forever and still marvel at their ability to produce a consistent supply of fruit and vegetables from their 1/5 acre suburban garden. If you're an aspiring gardener, or wanting some inspiration for your new season garden, look no further than here and here. I was pleased to discover today that Little Jenny Wren and my blog have both been listed on Path to Freedom website as fellow travellers.

If you're a home spirit with a love of family, knitting and sewing, you can't go past SouleMama. What a wonderful writer Amanda is. It's a joy to read about her life with her family. I discovered the blog only a couple of months ago and read it every chance I get. I'm currently reading through her substantial archives. Please check her out if you haven't already. You won't be disappointed.

I just remembered this very special post so I'm adding it too. I haven't had time to read the rest of Kim's blog but I will, when time is there for it. My most favourite blogs are those that are written well and therefore I might have to add Kim's blog because I do like the way she writes - and the exposure that comes with that.

1 comment

  1. Rhonda Jean- Thank you for posting a link to my blog. I am so happy that other people like to read it. I am never sure (until someone comments) if they are "Out There" or not! hahaha! I love this new way to share and celebrate life more than anything! well,except quilting and cooking and gardening and...


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