8 January 2008

Tea cosy swap

My life has been far from simple this past month as I've had so little time to relax and think about my world. Life continued at its fast pace when I started back at the Centre yesterday after a break of two weeks. Truth is I only had a few days off as I was up there cleaning and organising while the place was closed. I'm now going to work three days a week as we don't have enough volunteers to cover the days we are open. I'm interviewing a potential volunteer this morning so hopefully she'll be suitable and will want to join our small and friendly group. I am trying to keep the blog going but I might have to post at a different time. I'll see how I go.

So who would like to do another swap? I thought it would be a good idea if we did something that would suit knitters, sewers, felters and crocheters. Enter .... the tea cosy. Your cosy should be for an average size tea pot - 4 - 6 cups, unless you make arrangements with your swap partner to make a smaller or larger one.

We will gather names until Friday, and post the list of swap partners on Saturday. The deadline for the swap is Friday February 8. Please make sure you’re free to work on your tea cosy before you commit because late parcels will hold up the next swap. Everyone is welcome to join in as long as you can post on or before February 8.

This is important: To join in just add your name and email to the comments box. Please type your email address in this format: rhondahetzel at gmail dot com. That will give your swap partner the ability to email you for your postal address and will make the swap MUCH easier for us to organise. If you do not wish to include your email address in the comments box, please email it to me.

This is our
fourth swap and they're always a lot of fun. If you've not been involved before now, it is a good way to develop your skills and get to know your swap partner. : - )

links to give you ideas:
Fabric tea cosy pattern and instructions here and here
Knitted tea cosy here and here.
Crocheted tea cosy here.
Vintage knitted tea cosy here.


  1. Thanks for hosting another great swap, Rhonda! I came inside to take a break from washing windows. We are having the most wonderful weather it must be 65 or warmer.

    Please sign me up for the swap. My email address is

    libertystarfarm at yahoo dot com

    I am willing to ship international if you need me to.

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Hi Rhonda,
    I think I am ready to take the swap "plunge"! Please add me to the tea cozy group. My email address is:
    rstrick1 at suddenlink dot net
    Mary Strickland

  3. This is going to be a lot of fun!
    y e-mail address is : cdetroyes at yahoo dot com As usual I will be there to help with the swap!!

  4. Hi Rhonda
    I participated in the apron swap with my daughter. She received her apron and I did not. I emailed my swap partner twice to inquire as I worried something happened.

    To date I have heard nothing back. I finally have the photos of the aprons my daughter and I made and the one she received.

    Maybe you could email me and let me know if you heard something. penofjen(at)yahoo(dot)com.

    thank you so much

  5. Hi Rhonda,
    Thanks for hosting another swap, they are so much fun.
    foxfamily at westnet dot com do au
    I am also willing to post international

  6. what happened? I sent in my request to be part of the tea cozy swap and it disappeared. So, Iamnoimnt at Yahoo dot com wants to join in. Thanks Karen G

  7. I would love to be in this swap -
    skc240 at aol dot com. thanks!

  8. I'm ready for a swap, it is fun. Please keep my in Australia.
    jarm at iprimus dot com dot au

  9. Hi Rhonda, I am a big fan of your blog and check in everyday to see what you have written. I am venturing on the the path of simple living and converting our backyard into a edible garden.
    I would love to be part of the swap. My email address is
    lpe66783 at bigpond dot net dot au
    and I am willing to ship international

  10. Hi Rhonda,
    I would like to join in.
    my email is inmystudio at sbcglobal dot net.
    I ship US

  11. Hi Rhonda
    Sign me up. Ready willing and able.
    My email address is

    jennifer dot tanovic at three dot com dot au


  12. That sounds like fun. Count me in. My email is: quiltingpenguin at mariacherry dot com


  13. Please sign me up again!
    I'll ship USA please.


    mamaknj @ msn dot com

  14. I would love to do another swap. I have never made a tea cozy, but I'm game for anything. Sign me up.
    My e-mail is dkhamby at msn dot com

  15. Hello ladies, it's great to see so many sign up for this swap. I think it will be a lot of fun.

    Jennifer (penofjen) Sharon will be in touch with you about you not receiving your swap. She will sort it out for you. We thought we'd finalised everyone so I apologise that we missed you.

  16. I would love to take part in this swap.
    My email is
    sboddington at optusnet(dot)com(dot)au

  17. Hi Rhonda,
    I am a newbie to Blogging and would love to join in with the swap.

    My email is:
    liz allen at westnet dot com dot au

    Happy to post overseas too.

    Love reading your blog its very inspirational & informative. Please don't stop I would miss reading them.

    Kind regards from Liz

  18. Hi Rhonda,
    I have been meaning to knit a tea cosy so this is a perfect opportunity.
    I'd love to be in this swap.
    Email is Athomestill at gmail dot com.
    Ann in Melbourne.

  19. Rhonda,

    Never tried my hand at a tea cozy but there's a first time for everything!
    my email is: maggsdel at hotmail dot com
    Willing to ship overseas (I'm in Canada)

  20. Hi Rhonda
    I would love to join in this swap not too good at knitting but I will give it a go. My email address is

    morrison 6012 at xtra dot co dot nz
    many thanks

  21. Hi, I just came across you and am sooo in for the tea-cozy swap. I love those things! And I have been looking for a swap to do and always find them after the fact. sigh...my email is seasons4joy2001@yahoo.com thanks and will look forward to hearing from you.

  22. Hi Rhonda,
    Count me in as well, might start using my teapot again instead of the tea bags! I am also willing to help Sharon with this swap.
    My email is ma_pabarneyat hotmaildotcom
    Lorraine (aka Chookasmum)

  23. Hello Rhonda,
    Could I join in too please?
    amcleonard at yahoo dot com

  24. Okay, every time you announce a swap, I hesitate and don't join in. Then I wish I had. I can't believe I'm actually going to do this without finding out IF I can actually knit a teacosy. aaaaahhhhhhh!!! But I would really like to try. You might like to match me up with someone VERY understanding. :-)

    So, my email is lightening at lighteningonline dot com

    Thanks Rhonda Jean :-)

    P.S. Thanks for posting some patterns as I'll need to use one of those.... :-)

  25. It'll be great to participate.

    march_turquesa at hotmail dot com

    Have a nice day

  26. Yay. I was hoping your next swap might be something I'd feel up to doing. Please add me to the list.

    Jean dot maples at yahoo dot co dot uk

    I just sent my sister (who's living in Sydney at the moment) a link to your blog yesterday - dying to see if she signs up too! We were only talking about making tea cosys over the Christmas. Thanks for hosting another swap.

  27. Oh dear, I'm having a bad morning and mixing up email addresses -

    The correct one is jean underscore maples at yahoo dot co dot uk


  28. I would like to give this swap a try.

    cheapohmom at yahoo dot com

    Amy -USA

  29. This sounds great, I really enjoyed the apron swap! My email is grepef at hotmail dot com. I am in the US and it was fun to have a partner from another country, I would like that if possible. :-)


  30. Thanks for doing another swap Rhonda. Count me in. My email is margaretc39 at aol dot com. I am in the USA but would not mind swapping with another country. Thanks


  31. Hello ladies! This is shaping into a wonderful swap.

    Lorraine, thanks for your kind offer. I'd love you to help Sharon with this. I'll leave it up to you two to make contact. :- )

    Ladies, just a reminder, the tea cosies don't have to be knitted. You can knit, sew, felt or crochet, whatever you feel comfy with.

  32. The apron swap was so much fun and I have no doubt this one will be too!
    My email address is: renaissancequiltingcompany at yahoo dot com

    Christie Rivera

  33. Hi Rhonda, As always I am enjoying your advice and suggestions. I would love to be part of the tea cozy swap. Please sign me up. My email is: gmajf3 at yahoo dot com


  34. Rhonda, one other thing: if possible I would like to swap within the United States. Judy

  35. How nice Rhonda, another SWAP. I have never made a tea cosy.....but I would love to sign up.
    By the way ...I have not forgotten you....something will be coming your way soon.
    My email address :
    iamschildkamp at xs4all dot com
    Hugs from Holland,

  36. This will be my first swamp - am excited. Please add me to the list. :)
    liane underscore bastien at shaw dot ca
    If possible would prefer to share within North America. THanks

  37. Can I still sign up?
    lisabob at quixnet dot net
    (I'm in Canada)

  38. I would like to join in please.

    annlynaghbland at tiscali dot co dot uk

    Best wishes

    Ann (UK)

  39. Hello Rhonda,

    I hope you can continue your blog. It is a peaceful moment in my day. You did set me back a bit with the giant pythons however.

    Thanks and best of luck,

  40. I'd love to join the swap! My email address is reformedfarmerswife at christianagrarian dot com .

  41. Please sign me up for this swap too. My email address is ecotrace at yahoo dot co dot uk. I'm in the Uk but don't mind which country I'm paired with.

    Best wishes


  42. I want to be in on this .
    my email is;
    catemerald at yahoo dot com dot au

  43. Thank you for this opportunity Rhonda. I would love to do another swap. Have not made a tea cosy since I was a child! My email address is

    rc at skymesh dot net dot au

    And my very best wishes for 2008 to you and your family


  44. I'd love to sign up but I will be away from home (the UK) from 3 to 13 Feb so wouldn't be able to post until after that. If that would be ok then sign me up!
    I'll have plenty of time to knit it whilst I'm away!

  45. Actually I will commit to getting it done before I go on 3rd Feb. So please count me in! (see previous comment)

  46. Hi! I just found your website for the first time and am sad....a tea cozy swap! but I missed it, so maybe if there is someone who finds that they can't do the swap, maybe I can do it for them ??!!!

    Anyway, I'm at

    (an aside...where are these cozies mostly being shipped to?)


  47. Christine-I have just sent you an e-mail. Don't worry, we will get you in the tea cosy swap.

  48. I was away leading on a camp all last week. Any chance of joining late? if not I'll just have to wait, but tea cosies sound like so much fun :)

  49. Hannah- I have sent you an e-mail about the swap if you still want to join let me know.


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