1 January 2008

Happy new year!

I have a feeling this will be a very good year. I went to bed at the normal time last night and when I woke at midnight, to the sound of fireworks someone was letting off in their yard, I also heard rain. It's been raining for a few days now so the ground is saturated, the tanks full and the washing is drying under cover on the back verandah.

Yesterday we met this little visitor. He's a common house gecko. We often hear geckos calling with their distinctive clicking sounds but we rarely see them. This fellow is a baby and will no doubt learn to hide in daylight hours but it was lovely to see him out walking upside-down on our lounge room ceiling.

I got quite a bit done yesterday. I wanted to go into the new year with everything squared away so that nothing would hold me back this year. It's symbolic more than anything, I suppose, but it does make me feel like I'm organised if I can do what I say I'm going to do. I didn't quite finish off the bedroom, I just have to take a few things to my sewing room today. When I do that, I'll dust and vacuum the carpet and it will be done.

Feeding time

We took advantage of the rainfall yesterday and cleaned out the aquaponics tank. Hanno let a lot of the water run out, cleaned the pump and we filled the tank again with harvested rainwater. The fish - silver perch - are growing really well now and we have several that are around 10 inches long. If you click on the photos above they will enlarge.

And here is one of the grow tanks. We have parsley, tomatoes and silverbeet in it.

I also worked on the ebook yesterday and hope to have that finished next week. It is bigger than I expected it to be so I've had to divide it in two so it will be easy to email. I've included a bread making and soap tutorial, with photos, as well as information about budgeting, green cleaning recipes, recipes for drinks and a lot of posts on simple living. Much of what's in it is in the blog but this format is more like a book that you can either read on your computer or print out and read at your leasure.

Today I'll be ironing, knitting, baking bread, tidying my sewing room and, hopefully, working on the ebook. I want to get everything in order before I go back to work next week so I can look forward to a year full of challenges knowing that my home is as I want it to be. My home is not a show house, it gets messy at times, but it's organised and clean most of the time. I guess it's like most homes in that it reflects our lives - sometimes spick and span, sometimes a bit of a mess, butalways welcoming and comfortable for us, our family and friends.

I wish you all the best for 2008. May it be a good one for all of us.

Here is something to look at when you have a spare 20 minutes. The story of stuff. a reader sent it to me a couple of days ago and I've just watched it now. It's very interesting. Thanks Cindy!


  1. To Dear Rhonda Jean and Hanno may this year be peaceful and happy.
    Love and wishes
    Rhonda Gay and Simon

  2. Hi Rhonda Jean,
    What A Lovely Post!
    We're in winter here, so nice to see your Beautiful pics. Thanks for all you share!
    I hope you and yours has a WOnderful 2008.
    Blessins', Lib

  3. Just a quick question, what do you use the fish for, eating or do they serve some ecological purpose?

  4. Rhonda,
    May I lift you up for a moment?

    I would like to say that I thank you for your blog to be what it really is - simple & frugal living.

    I truly am grateful that when I come here, I am not bombarded with ads, nor do I have difficulty reading a post because every other word is a link (so someone can make money off my clicking). Is this what blogging is mostly about now to some?

    On top of my other goals, I am doing some blog decluttering as well - I am only going to read what is truly uplifting and helpful. If it's not, then out it goes. My time is a precious a commodity too.

    So I thank you very much and hope you will never change your original intent here. May God bless you & yours and I wish you and Hanno a spectacular 2008!

  5. Hi Rhonda,

    Just dropping by to wish you and your family a joyous 2008 :-) All the very best!

    Cheers, Julie

  6. I've been a lurker for awhile and I just wanted to say I love your blog. I read it almost everyday.
    I love the simplicity of it. It's very easy to read and jam packed full of extremely useful info. (referring to a previous entry) I too wish you could come into my home and help me get started! I'll get there, it will take time, but your blog has helped alot. I can't wait to read the ebook!
    Happy New Year!

  7. WWishing you and Hanno (and your sons) all the very best for 2008 :)

  8. Hi Rhonda Jean
    I've also always just been a lurker but wanted to wish you and Hanno (and family) a very prosperous New Year! I also read your blog almost every day. It's part of my morning wake up routine and it always centers and calms me and just makes me feel good! All except your post on making homemade vinegar which still gives me nightmares. :D


  9. Someone just sent us an email with a link to the story of stuff. Haven't taken the time to go there as yet and not sure that I will, but stuff overwhelms, and think the "less is more" mantra good to keep in mind...

    Love your photos today! Thanks! Must be something where geckos roam indoors instead of a mouse or a rat.

  10. Happy New Year Rhonda and Hanno! May you have a productive and blessed year!

  11. Happy New Year, Rhonda Jean! Great way to start out 2008!

  12. Dear Rhonda jean; I wish you and your family a year full of...

    a bountiful harvest
    and a great deal of love

    Feliz Ano Nuevo,
    Maria from Pennsylvania


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