11 January 2008

A gentle day at home

I caught up with my chores yesterday and had a free and easy day just going back and forth through the house tidying up as I went. I cherish the time I have to work at home, so as I do this and that I am thankful for the ability to work as I do.

It was a rainy day here yesterday so I hung washing under the cover of the back verandah. It took all day to dry, whereas if it's on the clothes line it's generally dry in a couple of hours. It's always a joy to see cotton sheets and aprons blowing gently in the breeze. I swept and washed the floors, baked bread, checked the vinegar, wrote some letters and sorted the vegetable seeds. It was a morning spent at a gentle pace with the sound of the rain falling on the roof. Bliss.

A few days ago I came across an old towel that was past its time, so after lunch I cut it up for rags. I keep moving my rag collection and it never seems to be in the right place so I decided to make a rag bag to hang in the laundry. I just made a large version of a peg bag with a flap at the front. The terry cloths are now hanging in the bag and I'm quite pleased with the result.

Late in the day Hanno went to pick up the mail and I was delighted to find a parcel from Dot waiting there. She sent me "Choosing Eden" to read and has kindly suggested I give the book away on my blog. So when I finish reading, I'll carry out Dot's wishes and give it to one of the regular readers here. Thank you for your generosity, Dot.

After a dinner of leftovers and fruit, I tidied up my sewing room, talked to Hanno for a while then retired to bed with Dot's book. Rain was still falling on the roof so another easygoing day at home ended perfectly - reading and falling quietly into sleep.


  1. You blog is just wonderful, Rhonda! I've learned so much from you. Thanks for all your wonderful tips and recipes for cleaning!

  2. Now That's a yummy day! I could feel my blood pressure dropping just reading the post :)

  3. Hi Rhonda,
    How lovely it must be to have all that rain. Was just over 42c (108f) here yesterday, I so wish it would rain! I like the idea of your rag bag, I too have been moving mine around the house to various spots and now you have made me think more creatively for a soulution. I know I'll come up with some kind of bag and also find a suitable spot to hang it. Thanks for the great idea :)

  4. We have quite a large collection of rags here -- so I have a rag barrell! Goal is to use them up over the years on the many projects we have to do in fixing up our cottage...

    But I do like your clever solution for getting them up & out of the way. This would be a good thing to do for rags to be set aside for cleaning purposes. (ie. one for bathroom, one for kitchen, one for general purpose -- just to keep them all separate). Hmmm... I see another project coming on -- think I'll procrastinate until the time is right.

    BTW, thanks for your comments on my blog today! Haven't as yet replied there, but will do!

  5. Hi RHonda Jean,
    Sounds like you had a lovely day and read:o)

  6. Rhonda,

    It sounds like you had a wonderful peaceful day. I like seeing how much you can get done in such a short time. You never waste a second.



  7. I am going on day 9 of 17 days, just as you have described as I am on vacation, from work. Time to do what I want and time to do absolutely nothing if I choose. A time to reclaim my life.

  8. I love the fabric you chose for your rag bag.... I think peg bags are the most useful of bags. I have three in my laundry that I use for storing lingere bags and other laundry items, so handy to just be able to reach in and pull out one of whatever you need!!
    The description of your day was so peaceful, a little different to days around here :))
    Jen xx

  9. Hi Rhonda Jean :) What a lovely, cozy-sounding day! So glad that it was such a good one. Love, Q

  10. There's been quite a few comments on the Simple savings website about that book. It sounds like an interesting read.

    I'm on holidays at the moment, so my days are pretty much as ypu've described. Just slipping gently by....

  11. loving the rag bag. glad you had a peaceful day!

  12. Your excellent rag bag has inspired me to make a replacement for my very sad looking peg bag. Thankyou Rhonda.

  13. My mum used to have a rag bag like this, but hers had a full length vertical opening rather than the horizontal one with the flap over the top. Very easy to get cloths in and out of it. I think you could probably adapt one of those plastic bag bag patterns for this purpose as well - like a long sausage with gathered openings at the top and bottom - so you can shove 'em in the top and pull 'em out the bottom.

  14. Rhonda, do you sew seams on your rags - it's seems funny typing that but I made my baby wipes from some of our old towels and I ended up overlocking the edges to prevent fraying...just wondering if you bother to make the rags last longer?

  15. like that little rag holder..so cute. stopping by to say"hi there" I haven't been visiting around like I should. so catching up a bit now. hope you have a lovely weekend.

  16. Hi Rhonda! :) I would LOVE if you would do a post on rags. And a pattern for the adorable rag bag you made. What are rags (please don't laugh)? What do you use them for? How many do you need? Are they the same as kitchen towels (I use these as fabric "paper" towels)? Thanks for your blog. I am learning so much.


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