I haven't shown you around our vegetable garden for a long time, so here we are today, walking through it. One of my tasks yesterday was...
We had a good weekend nicely portioned up between productive work, reading, knitting and our family. On Saturday morning I read through some...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us...
True to her promise that there would be a parcel in the mail for me, Jo's special delivery to Rhonda Hetzel (author) arrived. She made t...
I had a busy morning yesterday and ran out of time to post here. I spent the day at the neighbourhood centre, presented a Frugal Home worksh...
We had a busy week here last week, which ended with a blogging workshop at the neighbourhood centre on Saturday morning. It was very satisfy...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. It opens the door to us sharing our lives through these photos and gives us...
Today is Sorry Day in Australia. This day is an opportunity to show respect to our fellow indigenous Australians and to move closer towards ...
I am an early bird. I love working in the morning. I write my blog as soon as I get up because I can then get on with the things that will b...
I've had a few emails recently asking for recipes for quick meals. I made this impossible quiche a few days ago. The prep time took five...
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