Hello everyone! I'll answer the questions from yesterday's post tomorrow, when I'm not so busy. I'm working Tuesdays and W...
An overview of the garden looking south-east towards the creek and chick coop. The kale in the foreground will soon be gone to make way fo...
Some of the lemons ready for juicing next week. Leaving them sit for a week makes them juicier. I've had a few emails recently asking ...
I'm glad our gate was open yesterday because in walked Bob, the bee keeper. I looked up local beekeepers on the web and Bob was set up ...
I thank inoureyes and Daisymum for the inspiration to write today's post. A couple of days ago Daisymum made a comment, in part she wr...
I thought I should say a bit about our climate here after a few comments and emails yesterday. We live in a wonderful area of Australia - i...
I love our garden. There are certain times of the year when being out there seems to be the only possibility. We are in that time now - wh...
I am sure most of you know that adding organic material, usually in the form of compost, to your soil will give you better crops. It's ...
The new sofa (red) with the old sofa from the bedroom. I didn't finish everything on my list yesterday but I made great headway. I'm...
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