Bread and butter cucumbers. Another week put to bed and now the weekend looms. I hope you take enough time over the next few days to r...
Hanno at the produce store. He's pointing out a little chicken tractor. The plan was to go out for lunch at the surf club and to ...
It's been quiet here lately. Sunny and Jamie are over in Korea visiting Sunny's family. It's a wonderful opportunity for Jamie ...
I want to let all my readers know that apart from occasionally linking to my sponsors, I never link to commercial sites. Never. I got an em...
I want to share a link to an interesting program that networks local growers and local food eaters together based on proximity. It's c...
We have friends visiting at the moment and have the joy of little feet in the house again. I hope you have joy in your life today as well. ...
I want to move our dependence further away from the shops and closer to food we grow ourselves or find locally. I am hoping to grow enough ...
I have been slowly getting back into my rhythm and routines and doing a lot more in the house. It's more like the first six or seven ye...
We have seven chickens left. The last of our old girls died late last year and now, even though we miss those old characters, we've sta...
The kids have gone back to school, the weather is cooling a little and time is marching on.  I finished the final reading of my book...
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