This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explain...
My gmail account was hacked today. I have about 100 emails and messages so far from people who received a bogus email supposedly from my em...
I have written quite a bit in the past about how homemaking and housework are looked down on by some and sometimes seen as a less than acce...
It's strange, isn't it, how we drift through stages in our lives; how we enjoy doing something, then we go off it, and occasionally...
I hate wasting time. Let me make it clear though, my time wasting doesn't include sitting on the front verandah staring into space, rea...
Every year at this time I bring in some of my orchids. Most of the year they sit on a shelf in our bush house being supported to new growth...
There are so many inspirational and motivating posts around - all these innovative ideas and new ways of doing old things. It really helps ...
This is a Friday photo feature that anyone with a blog can join. To take part, post a photo on your own blog, write a short caption explain...
About a month ago I wrote about a photographer coming to our home to take photos for the Women's Weekly . Well yesterday, the edition I...
I did a post on green cleaning recipes in 2007 and over the years since then I've changed some of the things I do with my cleaning and ...
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