The global economic crisis is effecting my family personally. My son Shane and his soon-to-be wife, Sarndra, both left their jobs six weeks...
Mmmmm , that flower was delicious! Flowers aren't just for the flower garden, there are quite a few flowers that can be eaten and when ...
Hanno and I had a day out yesterday. We had a couple of errands to run so we decided to make a day of it, have lunch out and enjoy the day....
* No one would apply for our jobs. We work long hours, have no days off, we have to balance our budgets no matter what the circumstanc...
I slept in this morning, on the morning when I have no thought of what to write, but here goes. Let's talk about one of my favourit...
While there are many elements in a simple life, one of the important and helpful parts of ours, is that Hanno and I have both taught ourselv...
I hope you had a lovely weekend. We are a home of four adults again. Shane and Sarndra asked if they can stay here till they get jobs and ...
I have been updating the Co-op blog today and while doing it, removed a lot of the formatting on this blog. Grrrrr. I had just added new ...
I just want to repost the swap reminder Sharon wrote last week. So for those of you in the swap, here is it: Rose and I (Sharon) would like...
There really is no reason for me to know what day it is, or the time of day for that matter, nevertheless, I do usually know the day. I did...
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