I missed listening to the Radio National interview because I got my times wrong. :- O However, Hanno and I have just listened to it onlin...
I have received quite a few emails lately asking about what I call the hierarchy of food. The questions ask how important is it to eat orga...
Pebbledash picked it up, I am turning 61, not 62! Thanks Diana. Meryl, one of the volunteers I work with picked it up too. When I mention...
Some of you might remember that I did an interview with Radio National recently. That program will be broadcast tomorrow, Thursday, at 8.30...
We had a major problem in our kitchen in 2007. Our dishwasher hose started leaking water and before we knew what was happening, the floati...
I spent a lovely weekend here with Hanno. Not much happened, there were a few phone calls and little else. Hanno worked on the garden, cle...
When I turned off my computer yesterday, the counter was on 999,934. This morning it had clicked over to 1,001,100. I can't quite beli...
We had a feeling there would not be many potatoes in that last lot we planted. Hanno dug them up yesterday and we only had about two kilos ...
After receiving a dozen emails in the past day or two about starting a simple life, and having many new readers join us over the month, I th...
It's Wednesday morning and once again I'm looking forward to being at home after two days out at work. My work days are getting bus...
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