Paula has asked me to do a post on rags, which, of course, I'm happy to do. This is her request: "I would LOVE if you would do a po...
I'm really pleased to let you all know that Kerry is fine. He has a few bruises and sore bits, but he's fine. Hanno and Shane have g...
At 11.30 last night we got the phone call no parent wants to get. It was Kerry. "Mum, I rolled the car." Kerry is out west at the ...
There is mending to be done today. When I stripped the bed yesterday, I noticed a tiny rip just under Hanno's pillow. The cotton sheet i...
There's no doubt about it. Almost everyone has money problems at some time in their life. We all use the stuff, it is a requirement of m...
There is something about January that always sends me a bit nutty. It's kind of a non-month for me. I can't quite organise myself, I...
I couldn't get back to post this yesterday but I want to update on our three gifts challenges. I know there are a lot of you doing this,...
Drum Roll ..... PEBBLEDASH Congratulations Diana. Please email your postal address and I'll get the book in the post as soon as I can.
Don't you just love blogs! Here we all are in various parts of the world, being inspired and changed by people we don't know but fee...
From this (above), to this (below) in a few short weeks. The picture above was the garden at Christmas time, below was last week. We were gr...
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