Thank you for your generous and beautiful comments yesterday. We both loved them. I'll be posting our itinerary as soon as it's rea...
Our solar panels at front and the solar hot water system further back. We have had a solar hot water unit for about 30 years. We had ...
I received an email from Madeline last week asking me to write about replacing household linens, crockery and odds and ends like umbrellas,...
Earning money, then spending it, isn't the only way we can obtain the items and services we need in our every day lives. Bartering is t...
Many of you would know we had a broody hen die a couple of weeks ago. She hatched one egg, that chick also died and the remaining five eggs...
We plod along most years planting the same varieties of vegetables that worked for us in previous seasons. We've been growing vegetable...
You often see loofahs being sold in shops; in Australia they're sold at the Chemist. People see them and know they're sponges but...
This is from the Angelica Organic Farm site "The bright white flawless looking Chinese garlic is bleached with chlorine. Most concern...
I hate wasting time. Let me make it clear though, my time wasting doesn't include sitting on the front verandah staring into space, rea...
I did a post on green cleaning recipes in 2007 and over the years since then I've changed some of the things I do with my cleaning and ...
With food prices still very unstable and some fruit out of our price range, we have made a commitment to keep our kitchen garden in full pr...
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