We've just finished our first decade of living in a more simple and mindful way and have come through that time much more self reliant ...
We just got another electricity bill and so I would like to talk about solar panels again. When we moved here 15 years ago, we had a solar ...
Today I'm commenting on Cat's recent comment. She asked me to talk about "green guilt". Add your thoughts on this as...
There have been many claims about how our future will be shaped by the end of cheap fuel and increasing prices that will result from that. ...
The last part of my home review this week is the vegetable garden. The garden is one of four elements that we deal with to put food on ...
There is no doubt that living as we do and trying to stay on budget presents us with many decisions. Do we buy organic? Do we buy local? Do...
According to the Wikipedia, value adding refers to "extra" feature(s) of an item of interest (product, service, person etc.) that...
It's not just in the kitchen that we can all cook from scratch - we can do it outside too by making our own organic liquid fertilisers....
We had a wonderful mixture of resting, planning and working over the weekend. We're getting ready for our new season vegetable garden a...
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