I was listening to the radio the other day and tuned in just in time to hear a young woman talk about how bored she was staying at home wit...
Like many Australians, I watched Food Inc. the other night when it aired on TV here. I'd already seen the DVD of it a couple of years a...
One of the reasons we chose to live in this area was that the climate and rainfall would help us grow food in the backyard. Usually we get ...
Our electricity bill came last week. It's something that many of us fear now because, in Australia, and possibly in many other parts of...
It's not often you have a crowd of people turn up to look over your garden but that is what happened here last Sunday. Permaculture Noo...
This post was written over the space of a few days ... Hanno went out this morning and I took the time to work and sit in the garden. It w...
Change is constant in our lives. We're always reacting to the good and the bad in our backyard and while the good results in smiles and...
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