I got some good news from Penguin yesterday. Down to Earth is being reprinted again. :- ) I've received many emails from people who ha...
I have been slowly getting back into my rhythm and routines and doing a lot more in the house. It's more like the first six or seven ye...
Most of you know there was a time when I didn't like being at home. I went to work, out shopping, socialising with friends and if there...
Hanno did the grocery shopping yesterday; he does it almost every week because I don't like going to the shops. I was preparing lunch w...
The older I get, the more often I'm reminded of my own mortality. Hanno has very painful gout again. It came up out of the blue and has...
I think many of you would agree when I say that there are things on the internet that we don't want our kids or grandkids to see. I...
When the GFC started in 2008 I remember writing that although many people would lose jobs and there would be a lot of heartache, it might a...
I think a lot of people let the idea of perfection get in the way of living. When you expect perfection you raise the bar so high, most of ...
“I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness. That is clear. Whether one believes in religion or not, whether one b...
More than anything else, I am a mother and a worker. Shane and Kerry were 20ish, about to leave home to build their own lives, and although...
So far we've gone through listing our values and working out what our priorities are, claiming our home and some of the financial matte...
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