Let's continue on the theme of career Homemakers today because there is work to be done.  We need to form a strategy.  The common pro...
Thank you so much for your good wishes for Kerry, Sunny and the baby.  We, and they, appreciate everyone of them.  It's been a while si...
I had a wonderful weekend pottering around doing this and that, and I even had a sleep in my chair, wrapped in a blanket, after watching Doc...
This is a continuation of yesterday post on living within a "simple life" framework.  The areas we're focusing on today are: b...
Please be warned that this is a dark and reflective post.  If you're feeling a bit sad yourself, you might want to skip this one. Life...
I have been thinking a lot about my life recently, particularly about why I am happy to live as I do while to others it seems like hardsh...
Thank you all for your kind messages of support.  We will all miss Bernadette very much. ``````````````````````````````````````````````...
Back in the day, before the invention of supermarkets, most of our food was unpackaged and much of it was fresh.  I remember a time when the...
Living this simple life is quite different to how I imagined it would be.  When we first changed our spending habits, stopped buying stuf...
I think we're are gaining ground.  There has been a shift away from the purchased conveniences of modern living, women and men are begi...
In with a lot of other emails I had one from Ceri through the week.  I asked her if it was okay to answer in a post because I think this is ...
I like to think of myself as a modern pioneer.  There have always been mountains to climb and challenges to test me and even though many ...
Change is in the air. I can feel it in my bones. Housekeeping, the acts of budgeting, food production, home cooking, cleaning, and caring...
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