There is no doubt about it, the cost of living continues to rise and unless we take stock of what we can do in our own lives, we'll be ...
I'd like to clarify some things after reading a couple of yesterday's comments. I am sure my long term readers already know this an...
I received an email from a young married woman in her late 20s the other day. She is trying to decide whether to give up a career in teach...
Another email has me writing today about homemaking. It's popular topic here, mainly because it is valued, but also, I believe, becaus...
I read a very interesting article in the New York Times last week -  Susan Jacoby's   Real  Life Among the Old Old .   It confirmed a th...
I had two emails recently from women who are new to all this and they're hesitating to dive in because one is not a good cook and the o...
I crept out of bed early with the sound of rain still falling, put the kettle on for a cup of tea while I let Alice out, then in again, mad...
I often write here about building up our stockpiles, creating gardens full of fresh vegetables and making, rather than buying, many of the r...
There are changes happening all over the world now that I think will benefit us all in the long term. Many of us are thinking more about ho...
I continue to receive emails asking how to cut down on spending and if there is one good way to do it. Well, no, there isn't, it's...
I'm not sure about other countries but in Australia now, if you're in paid work, you'll pay into a compulsory superannuation/r...
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