It can be a struggle adjusting to a simpler life. Some people think that the way I live is THE way and that is just not true. I live as I d...
Over the past few days our time has been spent in a steady, slow stream of work here in our home. Meals have been cooked, cleaning done, dr...
Amy left this comment a few days ago: Can you do a post or point me to resources about how to love hard work? I'm finding that being a...
We all work in different ways in our homes.  Some of us have babies, children or elders to care for, some produce fresh food in the bac...
Homemaking attracts people from all walks of life, with differing wants, needs, philosophies and ambitions. I have a degree, a moderate...
It's been comforting to get back to my regular household routines after a few years of intensive writing. Once established, rhythms and...
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