This photo was taken yesterday afternoon as Gracie was posing on the verandah. Happy birthday to our dear Gracie who is one year old...
Sundays feel different here, I guess they always have, but the reality of it is that Sunday is just another day. There are no weekends when...
Potatoes are a very popular vegetable in Australia. Those of us of European descent who cook our traditional family food often use potatoe...
Good food doesn't have to be expensive or fancy. Given half a chance, I would gladly live on stew, soup, sandwiches, a few Italian dish...
We have so many visitors here that sometimes it feels like we're camping in the middle of Central Station. I'm a solitary soul and ...
We had this for lunch yesterday and it was delicious.  Just to set the scene for you, outside was wet, windy and cold and this meal was an ...
Over the past couple of posts and their comments we've shared how we organise our finances by tracking spending, saving what we can and...
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