Maya, I didn't answer your question because I just found your post in the spam folder. It sounds like the chooks aren't getting ano...
We just got another electricity bill and so I would like to talk about solar panels again. When we moved here 15 years ago, we had a solar ...
My name is Fiona and I lay blue eggs. Our  Araucana , Fiona, starting laying her delicate pale blue eggs two days ago. She's been...
Just a short post today because I'm a bit busy, but I do have a few things to update you on.  Most readers would know that Sharon w...
It's not just in the kitchen that we can all cook from scratch - we can do it outside too by making our own organic liquid fertilisers....
Backyard chickens will remain in good health if you give them a variety of good food but it's also worthwhile to see if you can reduce ...
Many of you would know we had a broody hen die a couple of weeks ago. She hatched one egg, that chick also died and the remaining five eggs...
There are a few changes going on in our chicken coop. We’re preparing a nursery. As I wrote on Friday, Nicky kindly sent us six fertile egg...
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